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研究生(外文):Wei-Ting Yeh
論文名稱:A508與Inconel 52M鎢極氣體保護電弧銲與電漿轉移電弧覆銲後之微觀結構與腐蝕特性
論文名稱(外文):Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Plasma Transferred Arc Overlay and Plasma Transferred Arc Overlay Weld between A508 and Inconel 52M
指導教授(外文):Chaur-Jeng Wang
口試委員(外文):Wei-Chun ChengChin-Pao Cheng
中文關鍵詞:鎢極氣體保護電弧銲電漿轉移電弧銲鎳基 52MA508微觀結構動電位極化
外文關鍵詞:GTAWPTAWInconel 52MA508MicrostructureDynamic potential
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本研究以A508為底材,覆銲層為Inconel 52M,藉由GTAW及PTAW兩種不同之銲接工法,由Half Weld-bead之銲接方式,在A508表面,覆銲不同層數及不同道次之Inconel 52M覆銲層,探討不同銲接工法及不同銲接參數,對於底材及覆銲層之顯微結構影響。並於3.5 wt.% 鹽水環境中進行動電位試驗,測驗A508底材及52M覆銲層不同區域之常溫抗蝕能力。
In this study, cladding layer of Inconel 52M was deposited on A508 substrate material. Several layers and passes of Inconel 52M were welded on the surface of A508 by Half Weld-bead method using two welding processes namely GTAW and PTAW. Different welding methods and different welding parameters were found to have some effects on the microstructure of both the substrate material (A508) and the cladding layer (Inconel 52M). Dynamic potential test was carried out using 3.5 wt.% NaCl to check corrosion resistance on the cladding layer of Inconel 52M in comparison to the substrate material A508.
The experimental results for both welding methods of GTAW and PTAW shows that, the heat affected zone (HAZ) on the substrate material is maximum in depth during the first layer cladding. With the subsequent cladding layers, HAZ on the substrate material due to thermal impact become less and less as the number of layers increases. On the other hand, it was observed that the next pass affect the grain refinement of the previous pass. Chromium segregation at the surface boundary of each pass has negative impact on both the microstructure and strength of the entire cladding. Dynamic potential test shows better corrosion resistance on the weld bead layer of Inconel 52M compared to the heat affected zone and the substrate material A508. Comparison of single layer to three layers, welding shows contents of Cr and Ni increases with the number of layers. Thus less in single layer but more in three layers due to rise of Ni and Cr in each layer deposits as the remelt takes place. Increased number of layers also shows increased corrosion resistance.
第一章 前言.................1
第二章 文獻回顧.............3
2.1 電弧銲接................3
2.2 鎢極氣體保護電弧銲......4
2.2.1 GATW銲接參數特性......5
2.2.2 GTAW銲接之優缺點......6
2.3 電漿轉移電弧銲..........7
2.4 覆銲工法................9
2.5 銲接理論...............11
2.5.1 組成過冷及凝固模式...11
2.5.2 銲接裂縫.............15
2.6 異質銲接...............18
2.7 電化學腐蝕.............20
2.7.1 混合電位原理.........21
2.7.2 極化曲線.............21
第三章 實驗方法.............23
3.1 實驗流程...............23
3.2 材料組成及試片製備.....24
3.3 鎢極氣體保護電弧銲.....26
3.4 電漿轉移電弧銲.........27
3.5 覆銲層之規劃與命名.....28
3.6 液滲檢測...............30
3.7 電化學試驗.............31
3.8 微硬度試驗.............32
3.9 微觀分析方法與設備.....32
第四章 實驗結果與討論.......34
4.1 單道次銲接.............34
4.1.1 銲接結果.............34 入熱量及稀釋率.....34 銲接顯微組織.......35 微硬度.............36 銲道析出物.........37
4.1.2 銲接參數之影響.......38 稀釋率.............38 微觀組織...........39 微硬度.............40
4.2 單層多道次覆銲.........54
4.2.1 覆銲結果.............54 稀釋率.............54 微觀組織...........55 微硬度.............56
4.2.2 銲接參數之影響.......56 稀釋率.............56 微觀組織...........57 微硬度.............58
4.3 叁層多道次覆銲.........65
4.3.1 覆銲結果.............65 稀釋率.............65 微觀組織...........65 微硬度.............67 介面與裂縫.........68 析出物.............69
4.3.2 銲接參數之影響.......70 稀釋率.............70 微觀組織...........71 微硬度.............72 銲接裂縫...........73
4.4 PTAW及GTAW之特性差異...85
4.4.1 入熱量及稀釋率.......85
4.4.2 微觀組織.............85
4.4.3 微硬度...............86
4.5 電化學特性.............89
第五章 結論................93
附錄A.1 PTAW銲接參數......100
附錄A.2 GTAW銲接參數......105
附錄B 液滲檢查結果........107
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