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研究生(外文):Hsu-Chieh Liu
論文名稱:添加 SiC 對鎂釔鋅合金之機械性質及腐蝕行為的影響
論文名稱(外文):Effect of SiC on mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Mg-Y-Zn alloy
指導教授(外文):Chun Chiu
口試委員(外文):Chaur-Jeng WangShih-Hsun Chen
外文關鍵詞:MgYZnSiCMg-based metal matrix compositeMechanical propertiesCorrosion resistance
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本研究在MgYZn合金(Mg97Y2Zn1)內分別添加5 wt%及10 wt%的碳化矽(SiC)粉末使用兩階段鑄造方法製備鎂基複合材料,探討其顯微結構、機械性質及腐蝕行為。
研究結果顯示MgYZn合金在添加SiC粉末顆粒後之相組成為α-Mg、Mg12YZn (LPSO相)及SiC。在硬度測試方面添加SiC粉末顆粒之MgYZn合金硬度皆會比無添加時來的高,而在進行機械拉伸試驗時, MgYZn合金其降伏強度和抗拉強度分別為46 MPa及170 MPa,在各別添加5 wt%、10 wt% SiC之鎂基複合材料,兩者機械強度明顯提升,分別為97 MPa、223 MPa以及91 MPa、238 MPa。藉由估算SiC含量,發現兩種鎂基複合材料之實際SiC含量差異不大,皆在3.5 wt%,故推測已達到目前鑄造方法所能添加SiC含量上限。
In this study, Mg-based metal matrix composites (MMC) were prepared by two-step casting of Mg97Y2Zn1 alloy with 5 and 10wt% of SiC particles. Microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of the prepared samples were investigated.
The composites contain α-Mg, Mg12YZn (LPSO) and SiC phase. By adding SiC particles, the MgYZn alloy’s hardness was increased; for tension test, yield strength and ultimate strength of MgYZn alloy were 46 MPa and 170 MPa, respectively. By adding 5 wt% of SiC particles, yield strength and ultimate strength were 97 MPa and 223 MPa; as for adding 10 wt% of SiC particles, yielding strength and ultimate strength were 91 MPa and 238 MPa. Mechanical strength was also enhanced after adding SiC particles. By estimating the amount of SiC, the actual amount of SiC in the two MMC was not very different, which is around 3.5 wt%. It was speculated that the limit of SiC which could be added into the Mg alloy by two-step casting has been reached.
The results obtained from immersion tests showed that the corrosion of MgYZn alloy with 5 or 10 wt% of SiC were more severe than that of MgYZn alloy. Pitting corrosion between SiC particles and Mg matrix led to decline corrosion resistance. The corrosion rate of Mg-based metal matrix composites is higher than Mg97Y2Zn1 alloy.
摘要........................... I
Abstract....................... II
目錄........................... III
圖目錄......................... VII
表目錄......................... X
第一章 緒論.................... 1
第二章 文獻回顧................ 3
2.1鎂的性質.................... 3
2.2鎂的強化方式................ 3
2.3鎂合金特性.................. 4
2.3.1鎂合金符號標示............ 5
2.3.2合金元素對鎂的影響........ 6 鋁(Al)元素............. 7 鋅(Zn)元素............. 7 錳(Mn)元素............. 7 鈣(Ca)元素............. 8 稀土(RE)元素........... 8
2.3.3 MgYZn合金................ 9
2.3.4 長週期疊層相............. 10
2.4 鎂基複合材料介紹與性質..... 11
2.4.1 鎂基複合材料添加物....... 12
2.4.2 鎂基複合材料強化機制..... 13 晶粒細化............... 13 散佈強化............... 14 熱膨脹因素............. 15
2.5 鎂基複合材料製程方式....... 15
2.5.1 機械力方式............... 16
2.5.2 非機械力方式............. 17
2.6 鎂合金與鎂基複合材料(MMC)腐蝕...... 18
2.7 鎂合金熱處理................19
第三章 實驗方法................ 21
3.1 實驗材料................... 22
3.2 熔煉設備與步驟............. 22
3.2.1鑄造用熔爐................ 22
3.2.2 手動澆鑄設備............. 23
3.2.3 鎂基複合材料的製備....... 26
3.3 機械性質測試............... 28
3.3.1 拉伸測試................. 28
3.3.2 拉伸試片設計............. 29
3.3.3 硬度試驗................. 31
3.4 腐蝕浸泡試驗............... 32
3.5 分析儀器................... 33
3.5.1 光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscope). 33
3.5.2 電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy)....... 34
3.5.3 X-射線繞射分析........... 35
第四章 結果與討論.............. 37
4.1 顯微結構觀察與XRD繞射分析.. 37
4.1.1 MgYZn合金與鎂基複合材料(MMC)顯微結構..... 37
4.1.2 SiC顆粒於MMC顯微結構..... 43
4.1.3 MgYZn合金與鎂基複合材料(MMC) XRD繞射分析. 46
4.2 MMC複合材影像分析.......... 47
4.2.1 SiC顆粒於鎂基複合材料中實際含量估算...... 47
4.2.2 MgYZn與MMC複合材LPSO相含量計算........... 48
4.3 機械性質測試............... 50
4.3.1 硬度試驗................. 50
4.3.2 拉伸試驗................. 51降伏強度(Yield Strength) ................52抗拉強度(Ultimate tensile strength)..... 53伸長率(Elongation)...... 54
4.4破斷面及拉伸面顯微觀察...... 56
4.5 浸泡試驗................... 59
4.5.1 浸泡試片觀察與腐蝕產物分析....... 59
4.5.2 腐蝕機制探討............. 62 MgYZn合金.............. 62 添加SiC 顆粒之MMC...... 66 添加SiC 顆粒之MMC 其剖面圖..... 70
第五章 結論.................... 73
參考文獻....................... 75
附錄 MgYZn與MMC浸泡後表面影像及分析.... 81

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