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研究生(外文):Rong-Shen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Portable Automatic Drilling System: A Prototype
指導教授(外文):Chi-Ying Lin
口試委員(外文):Shiuh-Jer HuangYong-Lin Kuo
外文關鍵詞:automatic drillingseries elastic actuatorswitching control strategyperformance index
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Drilling is the most popular metal cutting process in manufacturing industry (e.g., printed circuit board or aircraft assembly). However, it is difficult to achieve high quality drilling and mass production at the same time if relying on manual drilling. Therefore, the development of drill automation technology has become more and more crucial in recent years. This study presents the design and implementation of an automatic drilling system based on the concept of series elastic actuator (SEA). One advantage of using SEA for the current system design is the exemption from installing high cost force sensors for force control implementation. The force based control system has been transformed to a position based control system by adding the elastic components to the driven actuator and the environmental load. A magnetic adhesion module is included into our drilling system so that this system can handle workpiece drilling at different positions or inclined angles. There are two principal issues that should be considered during drilling process. The first one is to avoid the impact force generated at the moment the drill bit makes contact with the workpiece surface. The second one is the requirement of maintaining constant thrust force during the drilling process. To effectively address the issues mentioned above, this research presents a position/force switching control strategy to improve the drilling surface quality and drilling efficiency. Finally, the machined quality of the holes drilled by using different control strategies and drilling conditions are evaluated by measuring the surface roughness of the holes. Based on this drilling performance index, proper drilling conditions of the system can be found and the experiments justify the feasibility of the prototype of our proposed automatic drilling system.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 論文回顧與研究動機 3
1.3 本文架構與架構 12
第二章 系統設計與設備架構 14
2.1系統作動流程與設計 14
2.2系統設計細節 18
2.2.1鑽削參數測定實驗與分析 18
2.2.2位移機構設計 23
2.2.3串聯式彈簧機構設計 26
2.2.4鑽削模組設計 30
2.2.5吸附模組設計 33
2.3電路系統設備 34
2.3.1個人電腦 34
2.3.2 Arduino Mega 2560 控制板 34
2.3.3 L298N直流馬達控制模組 35
2.3.4 HCTL-2032解碼電路 37
2.3.5電源供應器 38
第三章 控制器設計與切換策略 39
3.1雙質量系統模型 40
3.2力量控制 44
3.3位置控制 50
3.4順應位置控制 55
第四章 鑽孔加工面品質評量指標 62
4.1品質影響因素 62
4.2加工面粗糙度量測與表示法 64
4.2.1表面粗糙度量測方式選擇 64
4.2.2表面粗糙度量測 66
4.2.3表面粗糙度表示法 67
4.3品質評量指標 69
第五章 實驗結果與討論 72
5.1實驗規劃 72
5.2實驗結果 73
5.2.1全程使用位置控制器 74
5.2.2全程使用力量控制器 78
5.2.3已知環境下的切換策略 81
5.2.4未知環境下的切換策略 85
5.3鑽孔品質量測與分析 90
第六章 結論與未來目標 98
6.1結論 98
6.2未來研究目標 99
參考文獻 101
附錄 106
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