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研究生(外文):Chin-Chieh Chao
論文名稱(外文):Estimation of Nano Mechanical Properties and Interfacial Energy of Copper Thin Film with Tip-Grit AFM Scratch Method
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chang A. Chen
口試委員(外文):Shun-Tong ChenRen-Qing HuangWei-En FuThin-Lin HorngYao-Yang TsaiMing-Yi Tasi
外文關鍵詞:Tip-grit AFMScratchMRRNanohardnessYoung's modulusInterfacial energy
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本研究目的為探討二氧化矽顆粒於化學機械研磨/平坦化(CMP)製程中的加工機制。研究方法是將直徑為800奈米的二氧化矽顆粒黏著於探針尖端,形成顆粒式探針(tip-grit),與運用封閉式回饋控制系統原子力顯微鏡(AFM),將銅薄膜上分別於三種環境中進行刮削。研究三種不同刮削環境之顆粒式AFM探針比刮削能。其次,根據赫茲模式(Hertzian model)與崔斯卡準則(Tresca criterion)所發展出的探針力模式(tip force model),配合刮削溝槽的幾何形狀,進而估算銅薄膜的奈米硬度與楊氏係數等機械性質。最後,透過能量守恆定律與力學分析兩種方法,估算出顆粒式探針與銅薄膜之間的介面能量、介面力與殘留誤差值。實驗結果顯示,在氫氧化鉀基研磨液中與相同等效下壓力條件下,顆粒式AFM探針刮削的材料移除率比化學機械研磨/平坦化的材料移除率較為高,而在氫氧化鉀基研磨液中之顆粒式AFM探針比刮削能是三者刮削環境中最低。銅薄膜的奈米硬度與楊式係數在大氣環境中分別為1.52 GPa與126.04 GPa;在去離子水環境中分別為1.62 GPa與160.56 GPa;在氫氧化鉀基研磨液環境中分別為0.89 GPa與62.72 GPa。以能量守恆定律所估算出介面能量與介面力的數值大於以力學分析所估算出的數值,且以力學分析所估算出的殘留誤差值約為以能量守恆定律所估算出的數值兩倍。未來研究將聚焦在CMP製程,探究研磨粒力與銅鈍化膜之間的交互作用,可促進半導體工業的競爭力與發展。
This study has developed a model to estimate the material removal mechanism of SiO2 abrasive grit in Cu-CMP process by a dimension of 800 nm SiO2 grit of tip-grit atomic force microscope (TGAFM). The specific scratch energy has been evaluated in various environments and tip force model has been developed based on the Hertzian model and Tresca criterion for stress-strain relationship from the geometries of scratch groove to evaluate about nanohardness and Young's modulus of copper thin film. Moreover, the interfacial energy has estimated with two methodologies of law of conservation of energy and mechanical analysis. Experimental results show that the material removal rate (MRR) of TGAFM in KOH-based slurry environment is larger than those of Cu-CMP under the equivalent down pressure, and the specific TGAFM scratch energy in KOH-based slurry environment is smaller than other two environments. Thus, the nanohardness and the Young's modulus of passivation layers are obtained as 1.52 GPa and 126.04 GPa in the air environment, 1.62 GPa and 160.56 GPa in the DI-water environment, and 0.89 GPa and 62.72 GPa in the KOH-based environment, respectively. Finally, the interfacial energy and the interfacial force of the law of conservation of energy can be obtained and compared with model analysis. Results of this study can be further explored to the interfacial characteristics and material removal mechanism on the passivation layer of copper film in CMP process development for semiconductor industry.
Acknowledgement I
摘要 II
English Abstract III
Contents IV
List of Figure VI
List of Table X
Nomenclature XII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research objective and methodology 6
1.3 Research framework 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Material removal rate (MRR) of CMP process 10
2.2 Tip-grit atomic force microscopy (TGAFM) 14
2.2.1 Cantilever beam 15
2.2.2 Fabrication of TG 16
2.2.3 TG force model 18
2.2.4 TGAFM force analysis method 22
2.3 Single-particle contact mechanics 25
2.3.1 Onset of yielding and the lower-bound load 25
2.3.2 Fully plastic contact and the upper-bound load 26
2.4 Scratch hardness and ploughing hardness 28
2.5 Mechanical properties of copper thin film 31
Chapter 3 TGAFM Experiments 33
3.1 Experimental set-up 33
3.1.1 Configuration of Experiments 33
3.1.2 Wafer of copper thin film 33
3.1.3 Atomic force microscope (AFM) scratch experiment 34
3.1.4 Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) experiment [51] 36
3.2 Properties of reactive copper film 37
3.2.1 Specific tip-grit AFM scratch energy and material removal rate 37
3.2.2 Estimation of nanohardness and Young's modulus of copper thin film 39
3.2.3 Estimation of interfacial characteristic between TG and copper thin film 45
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 51
4.1 Force analysis on TGAFM 51
4.2 Chemical products of copper thin film in liquid 52
4.3 Tip-grit surface analysis 53
4.4 Scratch groove analysis 58
4.5 Specific TGAFM scratch energy analysis 62
4.6 Material removal rate 69
4.7 Nanohardness and Young's modulus of copper passivation film 74
4.8 Comparison of nano hardness with scratch hardness in various environments 90
4.9 Estimation of volume and mass of the Tip-grit 94
4.10 Interfacial characteristic and residual error of Cu thin film 95
4.11 Summary of experimental results 99
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 100
5.1 Conclusions 100
5.2 Recommendations 101
References 102
Appendix I Homogenous matrix of TGAFM force 108
Appendix II Specification of AFM 110
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