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研究生(外文):Yu-Cheng Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Graphene Oxide Hybrid Slurry in Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide Wafer
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chang Chen
口試委員(外文):Pei-Lum TsoChi-Ming YangShien-Kuang LiuShih-Hsun Chen
外文關鍵詞:4H SiC substrateGraphene oxideHybrid slurryCMP
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單晶碳化矽晶圓(SiC)為一高崩潰電壓及低阻抗的材料,因此在高功率元件市場上有較大之需求,然而因單晶碳化矽晶圓之高硬度、高抗化學性等性質,使其在製造過程有加工時間繁長及成本高等問題。本研究主要針對單晶4H碳化矽晶圓之化學機械拋光(Chemical Mechanical Polishing, CMP),並以降低其製程時間為目標進行研究。本研究建構一加入氧化石墨烯之複合式拋光液化學機械拋光(Hybrid-Slurry Chemical Mechanical Polishing, HSCMP),此方法為在碳化矽之拋光液中加入適量之氧化石墨烯,增加拋光液中之OH鍵及COOH鍵,使其與碳化矽晶圓表面之鈍化層生成反應加速,達到提高製程效率的目標。研究方法先進行複合式拋光液之調配,再由橢圓偏光儀、奈米壓痕試驗機及XPS來驗證其反應之生成,發現加入氧化石墨烯之複合式拋光液,其SiO2鍵結及厚度均較普通拋光液來得厚約30 nm(92.37 %),硬度可降低至19.08 GPa(25.36 %)。應用於兩吋碳化矽晶圓之拋光製程中,其移除率(222 nm/hr)相較於普通CMP(246 nm/hr)雖為較低之結果,但在表面粗糙度方面則有較佳之表現,以Sa < 1 nm、Ra < 0.1 nm為製程終止之條件下,HSCMP相較於CMP可達到減少30~50%之製程時間,可有效地降低碳化矽晶圓加工時間冗長之問題。
Monocrystalline Silicon Carbide (SiC) substrate has high breakdown voltage and low resistivity electrical properties, which means a great potential for applying in high power devices. However, manufacturing process of SiC wafer take very long processing time and high cost due to its ultrahigh hardness and excellent chemical stability. This study aims to improve the process time in Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) of 4H SiC wafer and maintain related wafer quality. A Hybrid-Slurry Chemical Mechanical Polishing (HSCMP) has been developed with an appropriate amount of Graphene Oxide (GO) in the slurry, to activate more OH and COOH bonding. That can react with SiC wafer to generate more passivation layer on SiC wafer surface. Research method includes the preparation of hybrid slurry, and then the formation of the reaction has been confirmed by Ellipsometer, Nano Indentation and XPS. It has been found that the substrates dipping in the hybrid slurry has more SiO2 bond and reaction layer thickness of SiC wafer surface about 30 nm or increasing 92.37% than that in original slurry. The hardness also reduces to 19.08 GPa or decresing 25.36%. In CMP process of two-inch SiC wafer, the material removal rate (MRR) is lower than that of conventional CMP, but the surface roughness has better performance on Sa < 1 nm and Ra < 0.1 nm. The HSCMP can be verified to reduce the process time of 30 ~ 50% relative to CMP effectively. Results of this study can be further applied on developing new slurry for smoothing SiC wafer.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XV
符號表 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的與方法 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 碳化矽晶圓材料特性相關文獻 6
2.2 碳化矽晶圓材料移除製程及拋光液相關文獻 11
2.2.1 碳化矽晶圓材料移除製程 11
2.2.2 碳化矽晶圓之拋光液 22
2.3 石墨烯/氧化石墨烯相關文獻 31
2.3.1 性質介紹 31
2.3.2 製作方式 32
2.3.3 應用 33
2.4 文獻回顧總結 36
第三章 複合式拋光液CMP製程介紹 38
3.1 複合式拋光液(Hybrid slurry) 38
3.2 HSCMP平坦化製程模型分析 41
3.3 單晶4H碳化矽晶圓材料移除機制 43
3.4 反應層之硬度分析理論 49
第四章 實驗設備與規劃 53
4.1 實驗設備 53
4.2 實驗耗材 55
4.2.1 研光盤 55
4.2.2 拋光墊 56
4.2.3 研光液 57
4.2.4 拋光液 59
4.2.5 單晶4H碳化矽晶圓 63
4.2.6 氧化石墨烯粉末 64
4.2.7 化學溶液 65
4.3 實驗量測設備 67
4.4 實驗規劃 68
4.4.1 複合式拋光液與碳化矽晶圓影響分析(實驗A) 69
4.4.2 濃度及溫度變化對碳化矽之影響(實驗B) 70
4.4.3 兩吋碳化矽晶圓HSCMP製程分析(實驗C) 71
第五章 實驗結果與討論 72
5.1 複合式拋光液與碳化矽晶圓影響分析(實驗A) 73
5.1.1 不同成分之複合式拋光液調配 73
5.1.2 碳化矽晶圓浸泡結果 75
5.1.3 浸泡後之表面分析 79
5.1.4 小結 83
5.2 氧化石墨烯濃度及溫度變化對碳化矽之影響(實驗B) 84
5.2.1 不同濃度之氧化石墨烯 84
5.2.2 不同溫度之複合式拋光液 97
5.2.3 小結 98
5.3 兩吋碳化矽晶圓複合式拋光液拋光製程分析(實驗C) 99
5.3.1 製程參數探討 99
5.3.2 CMP及HSCMP製程分析 100
5.3.3 材料移除率及表面粗糙度之差異推論 107
5.4 綜合結果與討論 108
第六章 結論與建議 111
6.1 結論 111
6.2 建議 112
參考文獻 113
附錄A 碳化矽量測結果及數據 119
A-1 奈米壓痕硬度結果、接觸角量測結果 119
A-2 XPS量測結果 132
A-3 表面粗糙度結果 142
附錄B 量測設備圖 154
附錄C DIW為基底之拋光製程比較 159
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