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研究生:Ngo Ngoc Tri
研究生(外文):Ngo - Ngoc Tri
論文名稱:Smart Grid Data Analytics for Predicting Building Energy Consumption Using Sliding Window Metaheuristic Optimization-based Machine Learning
論文名稱(外文):Smart Grid Data Analytics for Predicting Building Energy Consumption Using Sliding Window Metaheuristic Optimization-based Machine Learning
指導教授:Jui-Sheng Chou
指導教授(外文):Jui-Sheng Chou
口試委員:Po-Han ChenChien-Cheng ChouShu-Chien HsuJing-Ming GuoYo-Ming Hsieh
口試委員(外文):Po-Han ChenChien-Cheng ChouShu-Chien HsuJing-Ming GuoYo-Ming Hsieh
中文關鍵詞:smart grid databuilding energy managementenergy savingpattern predictiontime-series data analyticsmetaheuristic optimizationmachine learningleast squares support vector regressionfirefly algorithm.
外文關鍵詞:smart grid databuilding energy managementenergy savingpattern predictiontime-series data analyticsmetaheuristic optimizationmachine learningleast squares support vector regressionfirefly algorithm.
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The building sector is a major energy consumer, and its share of energy consumption is increasing because of urbanization. Improving building energy efficiency is imperative for reducing energy costs and the environmental impact. This study developed a novel time-series sliding window metaheuristic optimization-based machine learning model for predicting building energy consumption. Real-time data retrieved from a smart grid installed in an experimental building were used to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed model. The proposed model integrates a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model and metaheuristic firefly algorithm-based least squares support vector regression (MetaFA-LSSVR) model. Specifically, the proposed novel time-series forecasting model fits the SARIMA model to linear data components in the first stage, and the MetaFA-LSSVR model captures nonlinear data components in the second stage. The MetaFA is proposed to optimize prediction accuracy of the proposed model. A k-week sliding window approach is used for employing historical data as inputs for the novel time-series forecasting model. The prediction model yielded high and reliable accuracy in 1-day-ahead predictions of building energy consumption, with a total error rate of 1.181% and mean absolute error of 0.026 kWh. Notably, the model demonstrates an improved accuracy rate in the range of 36.8–113.2% relative to those of the linear forecasting model (i.e., SARIMA) and nonlinear forecasting models (i.e., LSSVR and MetaFA-LSSVR). Therefore, end users can further apply the forecasted information to enhance efficiency of energy usage in their buildings, especially during peak times.
The building sector is a major energy consumer, and its share of energy consumption is increasing because of urbanization. Improving building energy efficiency is imperative for reducing energy costs and the environmental impact. This study developed a novel time-series sliding window metaheuristic optimization-based machine learning model for predicting building energy consumption. Real-time data retrieved from a smart grid installed in an experimental building were used to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed model. The proposed model integrates a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model and metaheuristic firefly algorithm-based least squares support vector regression (MetaFA-LSSVR) model. Specifically, the proposed novel time-series forecasting model fits the SARIMA model to linear data components in the first stage, and the MetaFA-LSSVR model captures nonlinear data components in the second stage. The MetaFA is proposed to optimize prediction accuracy of the proposed model. A k-week sliding window approach is used for employing historical data as inputs for the novel time-series forecasting model. The prediction model yielded high and reliable accuracy in 1-day-ahead predictions of building energy consumption, with a total error rate of 1.181% and mean absolute error of 0.026 kWh. Notably, the model demonstrates an improved accuracy rate in the range of 36.8–113.2% relative to those of the linear forecasting model (i.e., SARIMA) and nonlinear forecasting models (i.e., LSSVR and MetaFA-LSSVR). Therefore, end users can further apply the forecasted information to enhance efficiency of energy usage in their buildings, especially during peak times.
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 8
1.2 Research Objectives 8
1.3 Research Contributions 8
1.4 Research Scope 8
1.5 Dissertation Organization 8
2.1 Building Energy Management 8
2.2 Time-Series Modeling for Building Energy Consumption 8
2.3 Machine Learning for Predicting Building Energy Consumption 8
2.4 Swarm Intelligence Algorithms 8
2.5 Hybrid Approach-based Prediction Methods 8
2.6 Chapter Summary 8
3.1 Overview of Research Methodology 8
3.2 Time-Series Metaheuristic Optimization-Based Machine Learning Model 8
3.2.1 Time-Series Modeling and Forecasting 8
3.2.2. Machine Learning 8
3.2.3 Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm 8
3.2.4 Performance Measures for Prediction Model 8
3.3. Model Development Environment 8
3.3.1 Programming Languages 8
3.3.2 Database Management Tools 8
3.3.3 Task Scheduler 8
4.1 Residential Building for Smart Grid Experiment 8
4.2 Smart Grid Metering Infrastructure 8
4.2.1 Metering and Sub-metering Infrastructure 8
4.2.2 Communication Network 8
4.2.3 Data management Infrastructure 8
4.3 Data Collection and Preprocessiing 8
4.4 Prediction Model Development 8
5.1 Prediction Model Settings 8
5.2 Sensitivity Analysis 8
5.3 Evaluation Results and Discussion 8
5.4 Model Application 8
5.4.1. Model Compilation 8
5.4.2. Application Demostration 8
6.1 Concluding Remarks 8
6.2 Research Contributions 8
6.3 Future Works 8
Appendix A. Used Hardware and Software for Model Development 8
Appendix B. MATLAB Codes of MetaFA for Solving Benchmark Functions 8
Appendix C. An Example of 1-Week Historical Data in “input” Table 8
Appendix D. Results of Sensitivity Analysis 8
D.1. Performance Measures of Sensitive Analysis 1 for Test Data 8
D.2. Performance Measures of Sensitive Analysis 2 for Test Data 8
Appendix E. Actual and Predicted Energy Consumption for Seven Evaluations 8
Appendix F. MySQL Procedure Codes for Converting 1-minute Data to 15-minute Data 8
F.1 Input_Insert_Procedure_Monday_July20 8
F.2 Input_Insert_Procedure_Tuesday_July21 8
F.3 Input_Insert_Procedure_Wednesday_July22 8
F.4 Input_Insert_Procedure_Thursday_July23 8
F.5 Input_Insert_Procedure_Friday_July24 8
F.6 Input_Insert_Procedure_Saturday_July25 8
F.7 Input_Insert_Procedure_Sunday_July26 8
Appendix G. MABLAB Codes of SARIMA-MetaFA-LSSVR Model 8
G.1 MABLAD Codes of SARIMA-MetaFA-LSSVR model for Evaluation 8
G.2 MATLAB Codes of SARIMA-MetaFA-LSSVR Model for Forecasting 8
G.3 Procedure in SARIMA-MetaFA-LSSVR Model 8
Appendix H. C# Codes in Visual Studio for Compiling Automated Prediction System 8
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