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研究生(外文):Yen-Tse Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Water Preservation Base under Porous Pavement of Traffic Road
指導教授(外文):Hung-Jiun Liao
口試委員(外文):Jyh-Dongl LinMin-Chih Liao
外文關鍵詞:porous pavementroad base soilwater contentssoil strengthcolloidal silica
  • 被引用被引用:3
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To build a sponge city which can absorb and keep the rain water under the pavements of roads, pedestrian walks, parking lots has been recently gaining more and more attention to the public and the government as well. Although this is a good idea for the sustainability of the environment, it may be a bad idea for the road maintenance department. Because the water preserved in the water storage space under the porous pavement may soften the base soil and weaken the bearing capacity of subgrade. This study proposes a modified road base design for the porous pavement. It uses a water barrier under the water storage gravel layer. This design also integrates the porous pavement with the perforated side ditches. It can not only keep the water storage capacity beneath the porous pavement but also maintain the infiltration ability of water to moisture the base soil without jeopardizing the bearing capacity of the road. Laboratory tests were adopted to study the changes on moisture content and strength properties of the base soil. The test results showed that the water barrier formed by a layer of colloidal silica sand could stop the water infiltration to the base soil and prevent any softening effect of soil due to soaking; a clayey gravel layer is also used to protect the integrity of the underlying colloidal silica sand layer. This road base system can be used with the porous pavement to preserve water under the pavement and to adjust the micro-climate around it.
論文摘要 I
謝誌 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 透水鋪面形式 6
2.2 透水性鋪面之選址調查 8
2.2.1 地質條件 8
2.2.2 地理條件 10
2.3 透水性鋪面之設計原理 10
2.4 透水性鋪面之效益與限制 14
2.5 國外發展現況 17
2.5.1 歐美 17
2.5.2 日本 18
2.6 國內發展現況 20
2.6.1 石牌國中人行道 23
2.6.2 新生南路三段 24
第三章 鋪面下路基結構試驗計畫 26
3.1 設計構想 27
3.2 實驗設計與方法 27
3.3 試驗材料 28
3.4 試驗配比設計 36
3.5 試驗配比設計 38
3.5.1 篩分析試驗 38
3.5.2 標準土壤夯實試驗 43
3.5.3 C.B.R.試驗 46
3.5.4 含水量測定 51
第四章 試驗方法與結果 52
4.1 粉土質黏土C.B.R.試驗 52
4.1.1 試驗介紹與製備方法 52
4.1.2 試驗結果 53
4.2 皂土毯作為阻水層 56
4.2.1 試驗介紹 56
4.2.2 試驗製備方法 56
4.2.3 試驗結果 57
4.3 黏土質礫石層為阻水層 60
4.3.1 試驗介紹 60
4.3.2 試驗製備方法 61
4.3.3 試驗結果 62
4.3.4 反覆加載試驗 65
4.4 黏土質礫石層上方加入矽酸膠為阻水層 67
4.4.1 試驗介紹 67
4.4.2 試體製備方法 67
4.4.3 試驗結果 68
4.4.4 反覆加載試驗 71
4.5 矽酸膠與砂層結合為阻水層 72
4.5.1 試驗介紹 72
4.5.2 試體製備方法 73
4.5.3 試驗結果 73
4.6 黏土質礫石層與矽酸膠砂層結合為阻水層 76
4.6.1 試驗介紹 76
4.6.2 試體製備方法 77
4.6.3 試驗結果 77
4.7 長期泡水試驗比較 81
4.7.1 試驗介紹 81
4.7.2 試體製備方法 82
4.7.3 試驗結果 82
4.8 乾溼變化試驗比較 85
4.8.1 試驗介紹 85
4.8.2 試體製備方法 86
4.8.3 試驗結果 86
第五章 結論與建議 89
5.1 結論 89
5.2 建議 90
參考文獻 91
附錄 94
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