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研究生(外文):Kuan-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Collapse Trigger Mechanism and Risk Prevention of Wind Turbine Towers in Strong Wind Environment
指導教授(外文):Jui-Sheng Chou
外文關鍵詞:renewable energywind-power generationtower collapsesforensic engineeringdisaster-causing factorsrisk management
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As energy becomes increasingly scarce and people’s environmental awareness increases, renewable energy has become one of the world’s most highly anticipated areas of development. Taiwan possesses an outstanding wind farm environment, and the Taiwanese government actively promotes wind-power generation (e.g., it has introduced its “Thousand Wind Turbines Project”). In the future, many wind turbines are expected to be built, which will gradually drive the development of land-based and offshore wind turbines. Because of its geographical location, Taiwan is prone to experiencing typhoons that bring constant strong winds and torrential rain in the summer. These natural phenomena have resulted in several wind turbine tower collapses in Taiwan over recent years, incurring serious economic losses. Influenced by extreme weather, typhoon intensity and frequency have become increasingly serious, so identifying the causes of wind turbine collapses and corresponding risk prevention measures (that take into account Taiwan’s climate) have become markedly critical. In this study, domestic and foreign wind turbine tower collapse cases were explored to identify the triggering mechanisms of strong wind-led wind turbine collapses, research and analyze the activation mechanisms of and forces sustained by the wind turbines at these times, and generalize the factors of wind turbine collapse. Subsequently, risk management methods were employed to determine the causes of strong wind-led wind turbine tower damage and collapses, on the basis of which risk prevention mechanisms were developed to prevent these accidents from occurring.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1. 再生能源之需求與現況 3
2.2. 台灣與全球風力發電之現況與發展 4
2.3. 風機災損統計 8
2.4. 風險管理之應用 11
第三章 研究流程與方法 14
3.1. 研究流程 14
3.2. 分析方法 15
3.2.1. 鑑識工程 15
3.2.2. 風險管理 16
第四章 風機倒塌案例蒐集與分析 19
4.1. 風機倒塌案例蒐集 19
4.2. 風機倒塌案例分析 24
4.2.1. 單因子分析 24
4.2.2. 樞紐分析 28
4.3. 小結 34
第五章 風機傾倒機制探討 36
5.1. 風機結構受強風之影響 36
5.1.1. 風機於強風下之作動機制 36
5.1.2. 風機受力與破壞機制探討 37
5.2. 致災因子探討 41
5.2.1. 風機控制系統 42
5.2.2. 塔柱結構安全性 43
5.2.3. 其他因素 44
第六章 風險分析與防阻 47
6.1. 風機倒塌災因辨識 47
6.2. 災害風險矩陣分析 48
6.3. 風機倒塌風險防阻探討 51
第七章 結論與建議 53
參考文獻 55
附錄一 國際案例風機倒塌照片 61
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