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研究生(外文):Jin-Rong Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Energy Efficiency Study on the Heat Insulation Solar Glass Building with Auto-control Temperature System
指導教授(外文):Chin-Huai Young
口試委員(外文):Wei-Hwa Chiang
外文關鍵詞:Heat Insulation Solar Glasscurtain buildingenergy consumptiongeneration simulationenergy consumption simulation
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Green energy is the trend in the future. The advanced countries in America and Europe such as the United States and the United Kingdom have invested a huge amount to promote green energy development. If solar energy industry could develop effectively and continuously in Taiwan, the goal towards energy saving and carbon reduction could be a big step closer.
This study is to explore the impact of using different glass in glass curtain buildings regarding indoor environment and comfort, and conduct air-conditioning energy-saving analysis. The results show that, in a closed environment, the ability of the HISG house to maintain the indoor environment comfort is better than that of the insulating glass house. And since HISG has higher performance on heat insulation and thermal insulation, the energy efficiency results of the air-conditioning test derived from the HISG installed house are better than those of the house equipped with insulating glass. The heating air-conditioning energy-saving efficiency can reach 41% during the day on January 30, 2017 and can reach 47.1% at night from January 15, 2017 to January 16, 2017. Additionally, the energy-saving efficiency measured from using both air conditioners and fans can reach 71.3% during the day on May 7, 2017. HISG has not only the function of energy saving but also that of power generation. From December 2016 to May 2017, the accumulated power generated from the HISG house reached a capacity of 377.6kWh. The total power consumption of the HISG house was 1210.4kWh. By deducting the total power consumption from the power generation, we can see that there was the need for 832.8kWh. On the other hand, the total power consumption of the insulating glass house was 2044.2kWh. Comparing the numbers of additional power required by two houses, we concluded that the HISG house can save a capacity of 1211.4kWh. Consequently, HISG can be considered one of the excellent green building materials.
The results of the simulation software show that the installation of solar energy-saving glass in the curtain building throughout the year in Taipei, Dubai, London and Singapore, the power consumption can be lower than the installation of insulated glass. Taipei's economic and environmental assessment of the calculation that the installation of solar energy glass recycling time required 10.4 or 7.9 years, and the savings of carbon emissions is equivalent to 1.28 Da'an Forest Park carbon reduction effect. Consequently, HISG can be considered one of the excellent green building materials.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
總目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究方法 3
1.4研究流程 4
第2章 文獻回顧 5
2.1建築環境相關理論 5
2.1.1建築熱環境 5
2.1.2熱傳 7
2.1.3建築光環境 10
2.2環境舒適度 13
2.2.1舒適度指數 13
2.3建物一體太陽光電 16
2.4節能玻璃相關理論 17
2.4.1節能玻璃種類 17
2.5太陽能節能玻璃 19
第3章 試驗計畫 27
3.1試驗流程 29
3.2試驗儀器與設備 30
3.3空調節能試驗 47
3.3.1空調節能試驗-暖氣空調節能試驗 47
3.3.2空調節能試驗-空調節能試驗(冷氣+通風扇) 48
3.3.3空調節能試驗-綜合空調節能試驗 49
3.4密閉試驗 51
3.4.1溫濕度對室內舒適度之監測試驗-密閉試驗 51
3.5發電量監測試驗 52
3.6室內光環境試驗 53
3.6.1照明度試驗 53
3.7室內熱環境試驗 54
3.7.1輻射熱隔絕試驗 54
3.7.2熱顯像試驗 55
3.8軟體模擬試驗 57
第4章 試驗結果與討論 58
4.1節能試驗結果與分析 58
4.1.1暖氣空調節能試驗-日間 58
4.1.2暖氣空調節能試驗-夜間 63
4.1.3空調節能試驗-日間(冷氣+通風扇) 68
4.1.4空調節能試驗-夜間(冷氣+通風扇) 71
4.1.5綜合空調節能試驗 72
4.2密閉試驗結果與分析 78
4.2.1溫濕度對室內舒適度之監測試驗結果與分析 79
4.3發電量監測試驗結果與分析 80
4.3.1電力平衡圖結果與分析 84
4.4室內光環境試驗結果與分析 85
4.5室內熱環境試驗結果與分析 87
4.6軟體模擬試驗結果與分析 90
4.6.1耗能模擬分析 90
4.6.2發電模擬分析 94
4.6.3帷幕大樓耗能與發電模擬分析 96
4.6.4經濟效益與環境評估 105
第5章 結論與建議 108
5.1結論 108
5.2建議 110
參考文獻 111
附錄 113
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