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研究生(外文):Yi-Xiang Chen
論文名稱:Hollo-bolt 之受力行為及其在鋼管續接之應用
論文名稱(外文):The Behavior of Hollo-bolt and It’s Application on Steel Tubes Connections
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Cheng Chen
外文關鍵詞:steel tubeblind-boltone-side-boltbolt
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本研究探討單顆Hollo-bolt受力行為及鋼柱接頭受力行為,當中包含螺栓材質試驗、套筒材質試驗、Hollo-bolt 鎖固試驗、Hollo-bolt拉力試驗、Hollo-bolt剪力試驗、Hollo-bolt螺栓孔承壓試驗及鋼柱接頭試驗。根據試驗結果做出以下結論:(1) Hollo-bolt 8.8級鎖固之扭力與8.8級高強度螺栓相同,實際Hollo-bolt之預拉力僅能達到29%至75%之規範規定之預拉力。Hollo-bolt 10.9級鎖固之扭力比10.9級高強度螺栓低,實際Hollo-bolt之預拉力僅能達到18%至38%之規範規定之預拉力。此外,由試驗顯示Hollo-bolt螺栓滑移較螺栓本體早,顯示Hollo-bolt之預拉力較小;(2) Hollo-bolt之預拉力無法達到規範之規定值,接頭設計不建議使用摩阻型接合設計;(3) Hollo-bolt拉力試驗之破壞模式為套筒尾翼斷裂,拉力強度不可使用高強度拉力強度公式。本文提出Hollo-bolt拉力強度評估公式,建議折減係數採用0.63;(4) 計算Hollo-bolt之剪力強度,建議假設剪力面通過套筒切縫,強度折減係數採用0.7;(5) Hollo-bolt之螺栓孔承壓強度公式,螺栓孔承壓強度上限值之淨端距建議採用1.53倍的套筒直徑之淨端距;(6) 使用含橡膠墊圈之Hollo-bolt之接合板厚度需大於8 mm,避免發生螺栓頭斷裂之破壞模式;(7) Hollo-bolt施加扭力時,金屬墊圈使用板手固定不需非常用力,手需施加壓力於螺栓頭,使螺栓金屬墊圈與鋼板緊密貼合,需注意橡膠墊圈不可露出於螺栓孔外。
In this study, the behavior of single Hollo-bolt and steel column joint is discussed. This thesis also includes bolt material test, sleeve material test, Hollo-bolt pre-tension test, Hollo-bolt direct tensile test, Hollo-bolt direct shear test, Hollo-bolt holes bearing test and steel tube connection joint test. The experimental results show that: (1) The applied tightening torque of Grade 8.8 Hollo-bolt is the same as that of Grade 8.8 high-strength bolt. The pre-tensioning force of Grade 8.8 Hollo-bolt can only reach 29% to 75% of the specified value in the provision. The applied tightening torque of Grade 10.9 Hollo-bolt is lower than that of Grade 10.9 high-strength bolt. The pre-tensioning force of Grade 10.9 Hollo-bolt can only reach 18% to 38% of the specified value in the provision. In addition, the direct tensile test and direct shear test show that the Hollo-bolt slips earlier than high-strength bolts. This result indicates that the pre-tensioning force of Hollo-bolt is lower than that of high-strength bolts. (2) The pre-tensioning force of Hollo-bolt cannot reach the value which is specified in the provision. For joint design, the use of slip-critical connection is not recommended. (3) The failure mode of Hollo-bolt direct tensile test is sleeve leg fracture. To evaluate the tensile strength of Hollo-bolt, the tensile strength formula of high-strength bolts should not be used. In this study, an equation is proposed to evaluate the tensile strength of Hollo-Bolt. The proposed strength reduction factor is 0.63. (4) To evaluate the shear strength of Hollo-bolt, it is recommended to assume the shear plane cuts through the sleeve and the strength reduction factor of 0.7 is used in the calculation. (5) To evaluate the hole bearing strength of Hollo-bolt, the clear end distance of 1.53 times the sleeve diameter is recommended to be used for the calculation of the bearing strength upper limit. (6) When Hollo-bolt is used together with rubber washer, the thickness of the connection plate should be greater than 8 mm to avoid the bolt head failure mode. (7) When torque is applied to Hollo-bolt, metal washer is not necessary to be tightly fixed with a wrench. To have metal washer tightly fitted with the steel plate, force is applied to the bolt head. In addition, it is noted that rubber washer should not be outside the bolt hole.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表索引 VII
圖索引 IX
符號索引 XIII
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起與背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3研究範圍與內容 3
第二章 Hollo-bolt 5
2.1 Hollo-Bolt之型式與尺寸 5
2.1.1螺栓型式 5
2.1.2螺栓材質 6
2.1.3螺栓孔及鎖固方式 6
2.2文獻回顧 7
第三章 單顆螺栓受力行為 9
3.1螺栓本體材質拉力試驗 9
3.2套筒材料性質試驗 10
3.3 Hollo-bolt鎖固行為 10
3.4 Hollo-bolt拉力強度試驗 13
3.4.1試驗規劃 13
3.4.2螺栓本體拉力試驗 14
3.4.3 Hollo-bolt拉力試驗 16
3.5 Hollo-bolt剪力強度試驗 18
3.5.1試驗規劃 18
3.5.2螺栓本體剪力試驗 18
3.5.3 Hollo-bolt剪力試驗 20
3.5.4 Hollo-bolt剪力強度與行為探討 23
3.6 螺栓孔承壓強度試驗 25
3.6.1 試驗規劃 25
3.6.2 螺栓本體螺栓孔承壓試驗 26
3.6.3 Hollo-bolt螺栓孔承壓試驗 31
3.6.4 Hollo-bolt破壞模式與承壓公式探討 37
第四章 鋼管柱續接接頭受力行為 39
4.1 試驗規劃 39
4.2試驗結果 39
4.2.1 單剪試體 39
4.2.2 雙剪試體 40
第五章 結論與建議 43
5.1 結論 43
5.2 建議 44
參考文獻 45
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