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研究生(外文):Chun-Yu Wang
論文名稱(外文):Estimation Model of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions for Public Construction - Taking Creek Engineering as an example
指導教授(外文):I-Tung Yang
口試委員(外文):Po-Han CHENJui-Sheng Chou
外文關鍵詞:public constructionPCCEScarbon emissionsevaluation model
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全球暖化之情形日益惡化,各國簽訂《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》下的國際公約《巴黎協定》(Paris Agreement),冀望透過此協定加強2020年之後的減碳強度且奠定完好的基礎,並共同遏阻全球暖化趨勢。通過協定內容中包含在本世紀末全球平均氣溫升幅必須控制在相當低於工業化前水準2°C之內為首要目標,並努力邁向氣溫升幅限制在低於工業化前水準1.5°C之內,使得各國政府都積極著手制定相關減碳政策。而我國政府也並非置身事外,談及溫室氣體的減量,臺灣的營建產業(Construction Industry)占近年來全國碳排放量比例約三成左右。此外,營建相關產業在全球的溫室氣體排放中皆占有一席之地,因此必須藉由控管營建產業製造的溫室氣體,盡可能地降低排放量,以達到碳中和為最終目標。
As global warming has been getting from bad to worse, the 《Paris Agreement》 under the 《United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change》, known as UNFCCC or FCCC, was formally signed by 154 ratified Parties, of 197 Parties to the Convention, to be adopted as the basis for a global response to tackle the challenge posed by climate change and to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system before 2020.
The Paris Agreement's central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius, which trigger nations concerned to formulate related policies on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in an active manner.
However, when it comes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the government in Taiwan does not sit on the sidelines and to tell the truth, the Construction industry was accounted for nearly 30% of all carbon emissions produced in Taiwan. Moreover, including the fact that construction industry holds a large portion of producing greenhouse gas all over the world, to set an ultimate goal for reaching Carbon Neutral by supervising, regulating and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the industry is extremely important.
We can manage greenhouse gas emissions by following the same rule as managing carbon emissions using the reference of Carbon Disclosure Project, which is to follow the process of tracking Carbon Inventory, Carbon Footprint and finally lead to the goal of Carbon Neutral. The purpose of this study is to apply Carbon Management process as the basis to calculate the carbon emissions produced by engineering constructions and to understand the amount of Carbon Footprint by formulating Construction Carbon Emissions calculate Model to further collocate the policy of Carbon Reduction and Carbon Neutral.
The main subject of this study is the carbon emissions produced by civil engineering projects under public constructions. Furthermore, on the grounds that there are a large number of studies based on calculating carbon emissions among different types of construction projects especially in Taiwan, we therefore speculate the estimation model based on how public authorities estimate the carbon dioxide emissions produced from civil engineering projects.
In view of this, the Construction Carbon Emissions Estimate Model of this study was established through the combination of budget cost structure from Public Construction Cost Estimate System, known as PCCES, and the concept of calculating carbon emissions to build up a new model for estimating carbon emissions.
For PCCES has been adopted to carry out construction cost estimate, especially for public constructions, for such a long time in Taiwan, we therefore utilize this model to be the structure of estimating the carbon emissions produced by engineering projects to better facilitate the usage for users in the future.
This study will work through the engineering calculation for Classification and Identification Principle of Carbon Emissions by applying engineering encoding method in PCCES, which indicates that carbon emission contains ‘the use of equipment’, ‘material production’ and ‘the process of transportation’, and construct information table to calculate various types of carbon emissions.
The study results will use two creek engineering cases to be as example to conduct the estimate of carbon emissions. Through the presence of Estimation Model of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions for Public Construction, decision makers and reviewers can clearly identify the main item that produces carbon emissions during engineering projects and the estimate of carbon emissions. Furthermore, the study results can give assistance to authorities concerned when pushing ahead with Carbon Management system, and it can help for acquiring full information of carbon emissions produced by engineering projects and therefore reaching the goal of Carbon Management and Carbon Reduction.
摘要 I
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 3
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 生命週期評估 6
2.1.1 生命週期評估方法與架構之相關規範 7
2.1.2 產品碳足跡生命週期評估之工具 11
2.2 碳管理 14
2.2.1 碳足跡之定義 14
2.2.2 碳足跡計算之相關規範 16
2.2.3 我國「產品與服務碳足跡計算指引」 21
2.2.4 我國「碳足跡產品類別規則(CFP-PCR)」 23
2.3 國內外營建產業工程相關碳排之文獻回顧 24
2.3.1 國外計算工程相關碳排之研究 25
2.3.2 國內計算工程相關碳排之研究 27
2.4 國內工程應用PCCES系統之相關研究 31
2.5 小結 35
第三章 碳排放估算模式之研究方法 37
3.1 公共工程經費電腦估價系統PCCES架構分析探討 37
3.1.1 PCCES運用及界面之分析 38
3.1.2 PCCES輸出預算書之範例 43
3.2 工程碳排放計算範疇邊界與方法之確立 47
3.2.1 工程碳排放計算邊界與範疇 47
3.2.2 工程碳排放計算方法 51
3.3 工程碳排放之計算內容 52
3.4 計算工程碳排放量之限制條件 56
3.4.1 工程碳排放中不列入計算之部分 56
3.4.2 利用水土保持局工料分析手冊之工料分析項目 58
3.4.3 排放係數之選用 59
3.5 小結 62
第四章 新式估算碳排放量模式之建立與案例操作 63
4.1 新式估算碳排放量模式之建立 63
4.1.1 「機具使用」之碳排計算 63
4.1.2 「物料生產」之碳排計算 67
4.1.3 機具與物料生產項目「運輸過程」之碳排計算 69
4.2 新式估算碳排放量模式之案例操作 72
4.2.1 工程案例A 75
4.2.2 工程案例A試辦成果內容與比較 86
4.2.3 工程案例B 88
4.2.4 工程案例B試辦成果內容與比較 97
4.3 小結 99
第五章 結論與建議 101
5.1 結論 101
5.2 未來研究方向 102
參考文獻 105
附錄一、機具能耗與材料參數資料彙整參考表 110
附錄二、收錄兩工程案例之原始「資源統計表」 139
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