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研究生(外文):Po-Kun Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Prediction of Ground Anchors Load For Artificial Slopes Using Evolutionary AI Model-Case Study of The New Taipei Side Ring highway WuChong Creek Case
指導教授(外文):Min-Yuan Cheng
口試委員(外文):Ren-Jye DzengI-Tung Yang
外文關鍵詞:artificial slopesground anchors loadSOS-LSSVM
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Development in the flat area of New Taipei City is approaching saturation. To respond to the rapid development of the city and reduce the gap between urban and rural areas, building traffic facilities on hillsides has become inevitable. However, after land excavation, filling, and preparation, hillsides become susceptible to the influence of various internal and external factors and tend to slide. Therefore, this study investigated artificial slopes secured by ground anchors and retaining structures. Assuring the stability of ground anchors and retaining structures is a crucial topic for administrative and maintenance units, because the results can directly affect the safety of road users.
Through a literature review and factor monitoring, this study compiled and analyzed preliminary factors that can affect the load of ground anchors. Correlation analysis was conducted on the preliminary factors and output variables with statistical software. Factors that affect the load of artificial slopes were selected objectively as the input variables of the prediction model, and the load of ground anchors was used as the output variables. Subsequently, multiple evolutionary inference models were used to perform database learning, training, and testing, through which the optimal mapping relationships between input and output variables were identified. The inference model with the highest prediction accuracy was then obtained.
The prediction and comparison of various artificial intelligence reasoning models, the results show that the overall accuracy of "SOS-LSSVM" is the best. The mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for the test is 9.53%, this is a precise prediction. Therefor, this model effectively replaces the prediction of traditional subjective experience, it can be used in prediction of artificial slopes without load cell, and so fast and accurate understanding of the ground anchor force, therefor, it can be a reference for subsequent contingency processing.
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 4
1.4 研究方法與流程 5
1.4.1 研究方法 5
1.4.2 研究流程 6
1.5 論文架構 8
第2章 文獻回顧 9
2.1 五重溪順向坡監測系統 9
2.1.1 新北側環快五重溪段人工邊坡介紹 9
2.1.2 五重溪段人工邊坡之監測儀器 11
2.1.3 地錨荷重計監測資料庫 13
2.2 影響地錨荷重之因素 15
2.2.1 地錨之介紹 15
2.2.2 地錨荷重之影響因素 16
2.2.3 邊坡滑動影響因子 17
2.3 演化式推論模式 21
2.3.1 類神經網路(ANN) 21
2.3.2 倒傳遞類神經網路(BPNN) 23
2.3.3 支持向量機(SVM) 24
2.3.4 最小平方差支持向量機(LS-SVM) 26
2.3.5 演化式最小平方差支持向量機(ELSIM) 28
2.3.6 生物共生演算法最小平方差支持向量機(SOS-LSSVM) 29
第3章 地錨荷重推估模式建立 35
3.1 確立影響因子 35
3.1.1 因子評估 35
3.1.2 篩選因子 41
3.1.3 因子確立 44
3.2 建立資料庫 45
3.2.1 資料庫建立 45
3.2.2 正規化 46
3.3 模式訓練與測試 47
3.3.1 推論模式選用 47
3.3.2 模式執行過程 48
3.3.3 各模式十摺推論結果 57
3.4 模式成果比較 59
3.4.1 誤差衡量 59
3.4.2 各模式結果比較 61
第4章 推估模式之應用 66
4.1 案例資料及輸出結果 66
4.2 處置措施 70
4.3 實務應用機制 76
第5章 結論與建議 78
5.1 結論 78
5.2 建議 79
參考文獻 80
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