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研究生(外文):Yu-Hao Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Study on Engineering Properties of Green No-Cement Concrete
指導教授(外文):Da-Peng Chang
外文關鍵詞:CFBC ashslagfly ashakaline activated materialordinary Portland cementstress-strain curve
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本研究主要係探討以(1)爐石-F級飛灰基鹼激發膠結材,(2)爐石粉(S)、F級飛灰(F)及循環式流化床燃燒(circulating fluidized bed combustion, CFBC)飛灰(C)等三種粉體所組成SFC膠結材所製成兩種綠色無水泥混凝土,在不同組成材料比例之工程性質,並以一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土為基準,在相似強度下,比較綠色無水泥混凝土與一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土工程性質之差異。
研究結果顯示:(1)隨著F級飛灰取代量增加由0%增加至30%及60%,鹼激發混凝土抗壓強度分別下降8.57%及18.91%;隨著F級飛灰取代量由0%增加至30%及50%,SFC混凝土抗壓強度分別下降18.70%及20.32%,兩者抗壓強度皆隨F級飛灰用量比例增加而下降,SFC混凝土下降趨勢更為顯著。(2)鹼激發混凝土抗壓強度在33.87與45.69 MPa之間時,彈性模數約為15.76與19.49 GPa之間,約為一般卜特蘭水泥彈性模數之80%;SFC混凝土強度為31.12與48.05 MPa之間時,彈性模數約在21.02與25.52 GPa之間,與一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土彈性模數相近。(3)卜松比方面,鹼激發混凝土、SFC混凝土與一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土相近,皆約在0.15與0.21之間。(3)尖峰強度應變部分, SFC混凝土約為0.0025與0.0029之間,鹼激發混凝土約為0.003,鹼激發混凝土與一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土相較較小。(4)從應力-應變曲線模型觀察可得知,SFC混凝土應力-應變曲線與一般卜特蘭水泥應力-應變曲線相似,但鹼激發混凝土在加入飛灰之後呈現脆性。(5)非破壞試驗之動態彈性及剪力模數、超音波試驗部分,隨著飛灰取代量增加而遞減。(6)鹼激發混凝土熱傳導係數在1.51與1.79 W/m·K之間,高於SFC混凝土之1.65與1.82 W/m·K之間值與低於一般卜特蘭水泥混凝土之1.55與1.86 W/m·K之間,兩者綠色混凝土熱傳導係數均隨著飛灰量增加而均降低。
This study mainly investigates the engineering properties of two green no-cement concrete under various mixture compositions, one is the Class F fly ash and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) based geopolymer concrete, and the other is the no-cement SFC concrete made with an innovative cementitious binder which is purely produced with a ternary mixture of three industrial by-products of ground granulated blast furnace slag(S), low calcium Class F fly ash (F) and circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) fly ash (C). By using the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete with similar strengths as the base to compare the differences of its engineering porperties with those of green no-cement concrete.
Experimental results showed that: (1)For geopolymer concrete, when the amount of replacement of fly ash increase from 0% to 30% and 60%,the values of compressive strength decrease by 8.57% and 18.91%. For SFC concrete, when the amount of replacement of fly ash increase form 0% to 30% and 50%,the values of compressive strength decrease by 18.70% and 20.32%. (2) For geopolymer concrete, when the compressive strength is in the range of 33.87 and 45.69 MPa, the modulus of elasticity is between about 15.76 and 19.49 GPa, which is about 80% of that of Potland cement concrete. For SFC concrete, when the compressive strength is in the range of 31.12 and 48.05 MPa, the modulus of elasticity is between about 21.02 and 25.52 GPa which is similar to that of Potland cement concrete. (3) The values of Possion’s ratio for geopolymer concrete, SFC concrete and Potland cement concrete are similar in the range between 0.15 and 0.21. (4) The complete stress-strain curve of SFC concrete is similar to that of OPC concrete. But, the rapid decending shape of post-peak softening portion of the complete stress-strain curve for the fly ash and GGBFS based geopolymer concretes was observed, which indicated a more brittle behavior than that of OPC concrete. (5) When the amount of replacement of type F Fly ash increases, the resulting effects showed a negative effect on the ultrasonice pulse velocity, dynamic nodulus of elasticity and dynamic shear modulus. (6) The thermal conductivities of geopolymer concrete was in the ranges of 1.51 and 1.79 W/m·K, which is lower than those in range of and 1.65 and1.82 W/m·K for the SFC concrete, and in the range of 1.55~1.86 W/m·K for the OPC concrete. The thermal conductivities for both green concretes decresed with the cincrease of addition of fly ash.
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3研究內容與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1鹼激發膠結材混凝土 4
2.1.1鹼激發材料介紹 4
2.1.2鹼激發爐石反應機制 4
2.1.3爐石-飛灰複合型鹼激發材料 6
2.1.4爐石-飛灰複合型鹼激發材料氧化鈣與三氧化二鋁元素之影響 8
2.2 流體化床鍋爐技術(CFBC)灰膠結材混凝土 9
2.2.1循環式流化床鍋爐介紹 9
2.2.2 CFBC灰反應機理 10
2.2.4CFBC灰與水淬爐石粉之影響 14
2.3單軸壓縮試驗之完整應力-應變行為 15
2.3.1完整加載試驗 15
2.3.2完整加載歷程之峰後行為探討 17
2.3.3混凝土抗壓破壞機理 17
2.3.4單軸壓縮試驗之影響因子 19
第三章 試驗計畫 33
3.1試驗內容與流程 33
3.2試驗材料 33
3.3試驗設備 35
3.4試驗變數 38
3.4.1試驗內容範圍 38
3.4.2試驗變數 38
3.5試體拌合與製作 39
3.6試驗方法 41
3.6.1材料基本試驗 41
3.6.2完整加載抗壓試驗 41
3.6.3非破壞檢測 43
3.7 MTS伺服器加載系統校正 45
第四章 試驗結果與分析 70
4.1工程性質 70
4.1.1抗壓強度 70
4.1.2單位重 71
4.1.3靜彈性模數 72
4.1.4卜松比 73
4.1.5尖峰強度應變 73
4.1.6應力-應變曲線模型 74
4.2非破壞試驗 76
4.2.1動態彈性與動態剪力模數試驗 76
4.2.2超音波波速試驗 77
4.2.3熱傳導係數 78
第五章 結論與建議 93
5.1結論 93
5.2建議 94
第六章 參考文獻 95
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