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研究生(外文):Kuan-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of Influencing Factors on Compressive Strength of Alkali-Activated-Slag Concrete
指導教授(外文):Ta-Peng Chang
口試委員(外文):Ta-Peng ChangChao-Lung HwangJeng-Ywan ShihJiang-Jhy Chang
外文關鍵詞:alkali-activated concreteslagcompressive strengthregression model
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研究結果顯示:(1)新拌鹼激發爐石混凝土之坍度值在220 mm至270 mm之間;坍流度值為370 mm至660 mm範圍之間,增加水固比會提升鹼激發爐石混凝土流動性,試驗結果顯示配比中拌和水使用多寡將會直接影響工作性。(2)鹼激發爐石混凝土之28天齡期抗壓強度在21.37~52.29 MPa之間,增加配比中氫氧化鈉溶液及矽酸鈉溶液使用量可提升混凝土抗壓強度,每提高2%激發量時,各組抗壓強度增加11~27%之間。(3)試驗組鹼激發爐石混凝土熱傳導係數範圍在0.754~1.53 W/m·K之間,略低於一般常重混凝土之1.0~1.5 W/m·K,水固比0.5之配比有較好隔熱性。(4) 當矽酸鈉使用量與氫氧化鈉溶液使用量分別增加3.0%及1.0%時,鹼激發爐石混凝土28天吸水率分別降低為0.35%及1.13%,顯示較多激發量溶液使用量,會使水化產物生成更多C-S-H膠體,造成混凝土內部孔隙減少。(5)依據七種不同影響因子所組合之自變數,所得七種抗壓強度數學迴歸模式之相關係數從0.42到0.8,其中模型七中由矽離子及鈉離子及水分子總量組合之自變數,可以得到最佳迴歸結果。
In this study, the solutions of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate were used as the alkali activator to activate slag to make the alkali-activated cementitious binder, which was in turn used to produce the activated slag concrete. The parameters of water-solid ratio and the dosages of activator, silicon-sodium ratio in mix proportion were changed to investigate their effects of various combinations of parameters on physical properties and compressive strength of the alkali-activated slag concrete.
The research results show that: (1) The slump of fresh alkali-activated slag concrete was in the range from 220 to 270 mm, and the slump flow was in the range from 370 to 660 mm, and the increase of water-solid ratio can improve the flowability of alkali-activated slag concrete. Experimental results showed the water in the mix proportion will directly affect the workability. (2) The increase of dosages of activator could enhance the material strength such that the compressive strengths of all mixture at 28 days were in the range from 21.37 to 52.29 MPa. An increase of 2% of activator could increase the concrete compressive strength at 28 days by 11 to 27%.(3) The thermal conductivities of all mixtures were in range from 0.754 to 1.53 W/m•K being slightly lower than those of original Portland cement concrete in range from 0.754 to 1.53 W/m•K. The alkali-activated slag concrete of water-solid ratio of 0.5 had relatively better insulation properties. (4) When the dosage of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate was increased by 3.0 wt% and 1.0 wt%, respectively, the resulting water absorption of alkali-activated slag concrete at age of 28 days reduced by 0.35% 1.13%, respectively. Hence, the more used dosage of alkali solution caused the hydration product to form more C-S-H gel such that the resulting alkali-activated slag concrete had less internal prorsity. (5) The correlation coefficients for the proposed seven different types of mathematical regression models based on independent variables from seven different combinations of influencing factors were in the range from 0.42 to 0.8, in which the seventh model being based on the independent variable from the combination of total amount of silicon, sodium and water can get the optimal regression results.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
總目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究內容與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1前言 5
2.3鹼激發材料 6
2.3.1爐石粉 6
2.4鹼激發爐石反應機制 8
2.4.1水化反應影響因子 8
2.4.2水化反應機制 9
2.4.3水化產物 10
2.4.4鈣元素角色 11
2.4.5鋁元素角色 11
2.5鹼激發材料因子 12
2.5.1鹼性激發劑 12
2.5.2激發劑pH值 13
2.5.3拌和、養護溫度影響 13
2.5.4鹼性激發劑濃度 14
2.5.5混和使用鹼性溶液影響 15
2.6矽鈉比 16
第三章 試驗計畫 23
3.1試驗內容 23
3.2試驗材料 23
3.3試驗變數與項目 24
3.3.1試驗內容範圍 24
3.3.2試驗變數與項目 25
3.4鹼激發混凝土配比設計 25
3.4.1配比設計 25
3.4.2拌合程序 27
3.5試驗方法 27
3.5.1粒料基本性質試驗 27
3.5.2混凝土新拌性質試驗 29
3.5.3物理性質試驗 30
3.6試驗儀器與設備 32
第四章 鹼激發爐石混凝土試驗結果與分析 48
4.1混凝土新拌性質 48
4.1.1坍度試驗 48
4.1.2坍流度試驗 49
4.2鹼激發爐石混凝土物理性質 50
4.2.1熱傳導係數 50
4.2.2吸水率試驗 52
4.2.3超音波速 53
4.2.4動態彈性模數 54
4.2.5抗壓強度 56
4.3抗壓強度迴歸模型 57
第五章 結論與建議 95
5.1結論 95
5.2建議 96
參考文獻 98
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