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研究生(外文):Jia-Sin Lou
論文名稱(外文):The study on the Physical Properties of Theamal Isolation Mortar
指導教授(外文):Chao-Lung Hwang
口試委員(外文):Guang-Ming FongJian-Cheng ChenMin-Chih Liao
外文關鍵詞:PerliteLightweight Thermal Insulation MortarFoamThermal Conductivity
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本研究利用玻化微珠作為粒料主架構,採用黃氏緻密配比法之邏輯,設計出輕質隔熱砂漿之配比,輕質隔熱砂漿在變數設計上,採用5種不同水膠比(W/B=0.2、0.25、0.3、0.4、0.5),及三種不同泡沫添加量(Foam=0%、5%、10%),另外水泥漿體會搭配卜作嵐材料(燃煤飛灰、水淬高爐石粉)及強塑劑的使用,共設計出15組配比,輕質隔熱砂漿經拌合完成後量測相關新拌性質及硬固性質,經結果顯示添加泡沫之砂漿,會隨著泡沫添加量越多而降低單位重,單位重大約介於521kg/m3~1624kg/m3,這對砂漿之隔熱能力是有幫助的,熱傳導率大約介於0.119 W/m∙k ~0.497 W/m∙k,相對地會使砂漿的力學性質(抗壓強度、抗折強度)有下降之情形,其中抗壓強度大約介於11kgf/cm2~508kgf/cm2,抗折強度大約介於0.6kgf/cm2~39.4kgf/cm2,同時砂漿具有較多孔隙,導致吸水率較高,吸水率大約介於0.06%~1.4%,且本研究發現水膠比較高之砂漿有輕量化及良好之隔熱性能,因添加泡沫是可以使砂漿熱傳導率降得更低,但相對熱傳導率,力學性質也會降低,建議添加泡沫作法應注意破泡率,以增加試體的成功率。
In this study, the densified mixture design algorithm was applied to design the mixture proportion of lightweight thermal insulation mortar. The mortar samples were prepared using a mixture of fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag with various water-to-binder ratios (0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5) and foam contents (0%, 5%, and 10%). There were fifteen mix-proportions in total. The properties of both fresh and hardened mortar were checked. The experimental results show that the unit weight of the mortar decreased with increasing foam content. The unit weight of the mortar ranged from 521 kg/m3 to 1624 kg/m3. This low unit weight positively contributed to the thermal insulation property of the mortar, indicating by the low thermal conductivity values of the mortar. As the result, the thermal conductivity of the mortar ranged from 0.119 W/m∙k to 0.497 W/m∙k. The low thermal conductivity values were associated with the poor strength values of the mortars. The compressive strength of the mortar ranged from 11kgf/cm2~508kgf/cm2 and the flexural strength of the mortar ranged from 0.6kgf/cm2~39.4kgf/cm2,The addition of foam introduced more pores within the mortar, leading to an increase of water absorption. In this study, the water absorption capacity of the mortar ranged from 0.06% to 1.4%. This study also found that the mortar samples prepared with a water-to-binder ratio of 0.2 exhibited a lightweight and good thermal insulation properties. It is noted that the addition foam should be careful in order to limit the amount of broken foam and improve the stability of the mortar samples.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
代號及符號說明 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 預期成果 2
1-4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 輕質混凝土 4
2-1-1 輕質粒料混凝土簡介 4
2-1-2 輕質混凝土特性 4
2-1-3 泡沫混凝土 5
2-1-4 發泡機制 6
2-2 輕質粒料性質 7
2-2-1 輕質粒料的種類 7
2-2-2 輕質粒料的特性 8
2-2-3 膨脹玻化微珠 8
2-3 黃氏緻密配比法 9
第三章 試驗計畫 25
3-1 計畫概要 25
3-2 試驗材料 25
3-2-1 水泥 25
3-2-2 燃煤飛灰 25
3-2-3 水淬高爐石粉 25
3-2-4 玻化微珠 26
3-2-5 發泡劑 26
3-2-6 強塑劑 26
3-2-7 拌合水 26
3-3 試驗流程 26
3-3-1 試驗變數 26
3-3-2 配比設計 27
3-3-3 拌合程序 27
3-3-4 試驗項目 27
3-4 試驗方法與設備 28
3-4-1 材料基本性質試驗 28
3-4-2 輕質隔熱砂漿新拌性質試驗 30
3-4-3 輕質隔熱砂漿硬固性質試驗 31
第四章 結果與分析 51
4-1 輕質隔熱砂漿流度性質 51
4-2 輕質隔熱砂漿之硬固性質 52
4-2-1 抗壓強度 52
4-2-2 抗折強度 53
4-2-3 吸水率 53
4-2-4 熱傳導率 54
4-2-5 撥水率 55
4-2-6 單位重 55
4-2-7 乾縮 56
4-2-8 線收縮率 57
4-3 綜合分析 57
第五章 結論與建議 78
5-1 結論 78
5-2 建議 79
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