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研究生(外文):Lin Che-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Real Option for Evaluating the Real Estate Investment Projects
指導教授(外文):Wang, Ching-Hwang
口試委員(外文):Sou-Sen LeuJui-Sheng ChouYu-Chun Huang
外文關鍵詞:The Real Estate InvestmentValue EvaluationReal OptionOptimal Development Timing
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In Taiwan, lands is difficult to obtain because of the limited space; therefore, a variety of land development types have been derived. Based on the characteristics such as long payback period and capital-intensive cause the uncertainty. Therefore, this study focuses on the six types of land development, including Joint Construction, Urban Renewal, Joint Development, Houses and Lands for self-built, Superficies, and New Town Development, explores their characteristics, processes, cash flow and the possibility of deferred development. For those types which can be deferred, in order to obtain the best development time and maximum benefit of the project, this study uses real option to establish the evaluation model to consider the case of strategic delay to enhance the value of the project. On the other hand, for those types which should be develop immediately, this study establish this evaluation model with net present value method. Finally, this study illustrates the six types of land development project investment project evaluation model separately by case studies. The research of this study sure can achieve the expected results and can be used as the reference to the construction companies.
摘要 I
第一章 緒論 11
1.1. 研究背景與動機 11
1.2. 研究目的 12
1.3. 研究內容與限制 13
1.4. 研究方法與流程 14
1.5. 論文章節介紹 16
第二章 文獻回顧 18
2.1. 建築投資專案開發 18
2.2. 實質選擇權理論 21
2.2.1 選擇權理論沿革 21
2.2.2 實質選擇權與傳統價值評價模式 25
2.2.3 實質選擇權種類 27
2.2.4 演算法介紹 30
2.3. 相關文獻 37
2.3.1. 實質選擇權 37
2.3.2. 實質選擇權應用於建築投資 38
2.4. 小結 41
第三章 各開發類型價值評估模式之概念 42
3.1. 民間合建 42
3.2. 都市更新 44
3.2.1 權利變換 45
3.2.2 協議合建 46
3.3. 聯合開發 47
3.4. 購地自建 48
3.5. 設定地上權 49
3.6. 新市鎮開發 51
3.7. 小結 52
第四章 各開發類型價值評估模式之建立 55
4.1. 模式假設 55
4.2. 模式概念 56
4.3. 模式建立步驟 58
4.4. 模式建立 60
4.4.1 民間合建 60
4.4.2 都市更新 62
4.4.3 聯合開發 64
4.4.4 購地自建 65
4.4.5 設定地上權 67
4.4.6 新市鎮開發 69
4.5. 模式之參數設定 70
4.5.1. 環境參數設定 71
4.5.2. 使用者自行輸入變數 75
第五章 案例分析 78
5.1. 模式應用與結果分析 79
5.2.1 案例參數設定 79
5.2.2 民間合建 81
5.2.3 都市更新 87
5.2.4 聯合開發 93
5.2.5 購地自建 98
5.2.6 設定地上權 104
5.2.7 新市鎮開發 110
5.2. 案例結果分析 116
第六章 結論與建議 118
6.1 結論 118
6.2 建議 119
參考文獻 121
附錄 124
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