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研究生(外文):Ming-Chih - Lin
論文名稱(外文):Large-area Process and Thermal Stability Study of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells
指導教授(外文):Yen, Yee-wenYu-Ching Huang
口試委員(外文):Chin-Ming ChenWei Tzu-ChienChin-Yang YuCheng-Si Tsao
外文關鍵詞:polymer solar cellsspray-coating processMoO3 solution processthermal stability testing
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在第一部分,探討不同類型之電洞傳導層材料對熱穩定性的研究中,主動層為混合P3HT及PC61BM之溶液,以旋鍍及大面積超音波噴塗方式製作而成,而電洞傳導層則選用反式太陽電池中常見之MoO3或PEDOT: PSS。並將高分子太陽電池元件在大氣環境烤箱中作高溫之加速測試,溫度分別為80、90、100、110℃,藉由觀測短時間(10分鐘)與長時間(480分鐘)之效率變化曲線,了解主動層厚度與電洞傳導層類型對熱穩定度之影響。實驗結果顯示,使用不同類型電洞傳導層之高分子太陽能電池元件,其對於熱效應表現出不同之熱穩定趨勢。以PEDOT: PSS作為電洞傳導層之元件,其元件效率於加熱初期並未有明顯的下降,但隨著加熱時間的增加,即開始出現顯著的效率降幅;而以MoO3作為電洞傳導層之元件,則是於加熱初期便出現大幅度的效率降幅,而隨著加熱時間的增加,元件效率之降幅卻較為趨緩。本研究探討了高分子太陽能電池熱穩定性受電洞傳導層影響之機制。
在第二部分,以大面積超音波噴塗製程技術製備溶液型三氧化鉬(s-MoO3),作為反式太陽電池之電洞傳導層層,以取代傳統真空蒸鍍型之三氧化鉬(t-MoO3)。本研究中主要控制溶液型三氧化鉬之膜層品質,包括電漿處理參數、s-MoO3之厚度以及噴塗膜層參數等等,希望能成功取代傳統真空蒸鍍型之t-MoO3,利於未來低成本及低耗能之商業量產化製程。藉由優化溶液型三氧化鉬膜層,以s-MoO3作為電洞傳導層之高分子太陽電池元件,其光電轉換效率可到達2.84 %,與使用t-MoO3作為電洞傳導層之高分子太陽電池元件效率相當。除此之外,以s-MoO3作為電洞傳導層之高分子太陽電池元件,在無封裝、低水氧值氮氣手套箱內存放經1296小時,尚保有96 %原有的光電轉換效率,也顯示以s-MoO3作為電洞傳導層之高分子太陽電池元件具備高穩定性。本研究亦成功以大面積噴塗溶液型s-MoO3取代傳統真空熱蒸鍍型t-MoO3,有利於未來高分子太陽能電池大面積量產製程。
With efficient solution processes, low cost fabrication, light-weight construction, flexible applications and mass-production efficiency, Polymer Solar Cells (PSCs) have the potential to lead a new generation of solar cells. To capitalize on this potential, many research groups have made efforts to increase PSC’s ability to harvest energy from the solar spectrum and to increase the stability. These efforts have been focused on improving the interface material through advances in the charge transport layers, synthesis of low-band gap polymers and doping other material into the polymers.
This paper has been investigated the effect of the Hole Transport Layer’s (HTL) material on the thermal stability of inverted PSCs and the application of s-MoO3 solution process to replace evaporation of t-MoO3 as the HTL for inverted PSCs and then to observe the stability of inverted PSCs in a nitrogen filled glove box in ambient conditions.
Part 1 investigates the effects of various Hole Transport Layer materials (HTL) on thermal stability. The PSCs consist of P3HT and PC61BM as the active layer (AL) and two conventional HTLs, PEDOT: PSS with t-MoO3. The inverted devices were heated at 80、90、100、and 110℃ as accelerated tests during short times, 0-10min, and long times, 0-480min, to study the effect of photoactive film thickness on thermal stability based on the two HTLs. This study exhibits diverse characteristics of thermal stability for the PSCs with MoO3 and PEDOT: PSS as HTLs. In devices with PEDOT: PSS as HTLs, the PCE did not show an obvious drop in heating during the initial period, furthermore the PCE degradation increases with increased heating times. In devices with MoO3 as HTLs, the reduction of PCE mainly occurs in the initial heating stage and then exhibits a slow-decay.
Part 2 describes the process that manufactured the s-MoO3 hole-transport layer for inverted bulk heterojunction PSCs which use a combination of solution based and spray coating process to replace the thermal evaporating deposition t-MoO3. The film quality of s-MoO3 was used as the main control in this study. Calculations were made using plasma treated s-MoO3, adjusting the film thickness of s-MoO3 and using spray coating processes. The goal is to determine whether s-MoO3 can successfully replace t-MoO3 for commercial production in the future. The PCE of 2.84 % can be achieved with s-MoO3 as HTLs in optimal films of s-MoO3, which is comparable to the reference t- MoO3 device. In addition, the stability test of PSCs was carried out in a nitrogen filled glove box condition without any encapsulation and still has 96 % of its initial value after 1296 hrs. The high stability of test PSCs proved that the conventional thermally evaporated t-MoO3 layer can be replaced by the solution process sprayed s-MoO3 film for the large area manufacturing in the future.
目 錄
摘 要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 V
目 錄 VI
圖 目 錄 IX
表 目 錄 XIII
附 錄 圖 XIV
附 錄 表 XV
第一章背景介紹 1
1-1化石燃料的枯竭及其對環境的衝擊 1
1-2再生能源 2
1-2.1太陽能源 2
1-3太陽能電池發展 4
1-4太陽能電池的種類 5
1-5高分子太陽能電池 13
1-5.1簡介 13
1-5.2高分子太陽能電池操作原理 14
1-5.2.1光能吸收 15
1-5.2.2激子擴散 15
1-5.2.3電子-電洞對分離 16
1-5.2.4電荷傳輸 16
1-5.2.5電荷收集 17
1-5.3高分子太陽能電池參數特性分析 17
1-5.3.1元件效率量測模擬器之模擬光源 18
1-5.3.2短路電流 20
1-5.3.3開路電壓 20
1-5.3.4填充係數 21
1-5.3.5外部量子效率 21
1-5.3.6光電轉換效率 22
1-5.4高分子太陽能電池元件結構 22
1-5.4.1元件單層結構 23
1-5.4.2元件雙層結構 23
1-5.4.3元件塊狀異質接面層結構 25
1-5.4.4元件主動層疊層式結構 29
1-5.5高分子太陽能電池元件的物理性質 31
1-5.5.1共軛高分子 32
1-5.5.2功函數 34
1-5.5.3吸收光源之主動層及其厚度 35
1-5.5.4主動層之施體與受體界面 37
1-5.5.5主動層與電極界面 38
1-5.5.6主動層與電極之間的界面緩衝層 39
1-5.5.7電極材料 42
第二章文獻回顧與研究動機 44
2-1元件光電轉換效率及熱穩定度的提升 45
2-1.1高分子主動層使用噻吩衍生物提升元件之光電轉換效率 45
2-1.2添加富勒烯的衍生物於高分子主動層改變主動層結構形態及提升元件之光電轉換效率與熱穩定性 47
2-1.3高分子太陽能電池元件界面層熱劣化所造成光電轉換效率下降 49
2-2溶液型三氧化鉬(s-MoO3)及大面積噴塗製程技術 53
2-2.1溶液型三氧化鉬(s-MoO3) 53
2-2.2大面積噴塗製程技術 57
2-3研究動機 60
第三章實驗方法 62
3-1實驗藥品及溶劑 62
3-2實驗儀器設備 64
3-2.1超音波清洗機 64
3-2.2氮氣電漿處理機 65
3-2.3可程式旋轉塗佈機 67
3-2.4可程式噴塗塗佈機 68
3-2.5高真空熱蒸鍍機 69
3-2.6低水氧值氮氣手套箱系統 70
3-3元件製作 71
3-3.1溶液配置 71
3-3.2元件製作程序 72
3-4元件量測 76
3-4.1元件光電轉換效率量測 76
3-4.2原子力顯微鏡量測 78
3-4.3紫外光與可見光譜儀量測 79
第四章以P3HT:PC61BM為主動層材料,使用t-MoO3及PEDOT:PSS當電洞傳導層之反式高分子太陽能電池元件熱穩定實驗 82
4-1簡介 82
4-2研究方法 82
4-3結果與討論 85
4-3.1 ZnO旋塗膜層透光度測試結果 85
4-3.2膜層表面粗糙度測試結果 86
4-3.3影響元件熱穩定度因素探討 91
4-3.5不同加熱溫度於短時間內對於不同電洞傳導層之元件熱穩定性影響 98
4-3.6不同加熱溫度於長時間內對於不同電洞傳導層之元件熱穩定性影響 101
4-4本章結論 106
第五章超音波大面積噴塗技術溶液型MoO3作為電洞傳導層之反式高分子太陽能電池 107
5-1簡介 107
5-2研究方法 107
5-3結果與討論 108
5-3.1 N2電漿處理改質主動層 108
5-3.2超音波噴塗s-MoO3參數測試 113
5-3.3以大面積噴塗s-MoO3製作之反式高分子太陽能電池之穩定性 122
5-4本章結論 125
第六章 結論 126
參考文獻 129
附 錄 147
A. 縮寫表 147
B. 符號表 150
C. 附錄圖表 152
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