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研究生(外文):Guan-Fu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Cordia Dichotoma Fiber Composites
指導教授(外文):Shuenn-kung Su
口試委員(外文):Chih-Wei ChiuChin-San Wu
外文關鍵詞:polylactic acidcordia dichotoma fibercompositesmechanical propertiesthermal properties
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本研究以傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀與X光繞射分析儀來分析複合材料的結構與結晶情形,並以熱重損失分析儀、微差掃描熱分析儀以及熔融指數分析儀來進行複合材料的熱性質與結晶分析;以掃描式電子顯微鏡來觀察材料表面型態,再進行萬能拉力試驗與衝擊試驗,測得複合材料的機械性質。由實驗結果分析,接枝甲基丙烯酸縮水甘油酯的聚乳酸與破布子纖維有較佳的包覆性,其抗張強度與衝擊強度相對於未改質的聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料高約2.1-9.3%與7.4-12.5%左右,在破布子纖維含量為10 wt%時有最佳的機械特性與穩定的流動性。
In this paper, preparation and processing technique of composites from polylactic acid (PLA) and cordia dichotoma fiber (CDF). The glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was used to chemically modify the polylactic acid to have glycidyl methacrylate functional groups by using the grafting technology. And then, the modified PLA (PLA-g-GMA) was used as the compatibilizer for the preparation of the green composites consisting of PLA and cordia dichotoma fiber, by means of a blending process. The structure, mechanical, thermal properties and the best blending ratio of composite materials containing polylactide (PLA) and CDF were evaluated.
In this study, characterization of blends will be performed by FTIR and XRD to investigate the relationship between structure and crystallinity in the composites. In addition, DSC will examine structural properties and crystallinity of blends whilst compatibility of composites. Then, thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), universal testing machine and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) are used to measure thermal stability, mechanical properties and surface morphology of composites, respectively. The results indicated that glycidyl methacrylate-grafted polylactic acid/cordia dichotoma fiber (PLA-g-GMA/CDF) improved mechanical property, because of the better compatibility. In addition, the tensile strength and impact strength of PLA-g-GMA/CDF was approximately 2.1-9.3% and 7.4-12.5% higher than that of PLA/CDF. Moreover, we got the best mechanical properties and optimal composites material when the CDF ratio was 10 wt%.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅳ
目錄 Ⅴ
圖索引 Ⅷ
表索引 Ⅹ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
第二章 相關文獻回顧 4
2-1生物可分解塑膠 4
2-2 聚乳酸 12
2-3 纖維 16
2-4 植物纖維 19
2-5 破布子 27
2-6 綠色複合材料 29
2-7 相容劑 32
第三章 實驗材料與設備 36
3-1 實驗材料與藥品 36
3-2 實驗儀器 37
3-3 實驗流程 39
3-4實驗步驟 40
3-4-1破布子纖維前處理 40
3-4-2 PLA-g-GMA製備 41
3-4-3 PLA-g-GMA純化 41
3-4-4 PLA-g-GMA/破布子纖維複合材料之製備 43
3-5 材料分析 44
3-5-1傅立葉轉換紅外光譜分析 44
3-5-2 X光繞射分析 45
3-5-3熱重損失分析 46
3-5-4微差掃描熱分析 47
3-5-5熔融指數分析 48
3-5-6掃描式電子顯微鏡 49
3-5-7 萬能拉力試驗 50
3-5-8 材料衝擊試驗 51
第四章 結果與討論 52
4-1聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之FTIR鑑定 52
4-2聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之XRD鑑定 54
4-3聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之TGA分析 56
4-4聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之熱性質分析 58
4-5聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之MI分析 62
4-6聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之表面型態分析 64
4-7聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之機械性質分析 67
4-8聚乳酸/破布子纖維複合材料之耐衝擊分析 69
第五章 結論 71
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