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研究生(外文):Ya-Chu Hsu
論文名稱:快速退火製程控制VLS機制成長In2Se3奈米線 暨液壓鑄造製備InSe奈米線相變化研究
論文名稱(外文):Controlling Growth In2Se3 Nanowires with RTA Process by VLS Mechanism and Phase Change Study of InSe Nanowires by Hydraulic Pressure Injection Method
指導教授(外文):Dr. Chiu-Yen Wang
口試委員(外文):Bin-Hong YehShyan-kay JouShih-Hsun Chen
外文關鍵詞:nanowiresRTAindium selenidehydraulic pressure injection processingphase change
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本研究主要分別以2:3與1:1兩部份的銦硒系統探討。第一部份,以高均勻性金奈米粒子催化的In2Se3奈米線透過氣-液-固(VLS)機制的快速熱退火(RTA)處理成長。利用金奈米顆粒催化成長In2Se3,使奈米線直徑可藉由不同金膜厚度進行控制,並且透過快速熱退火製程(100 ℃/s)改善奈米線的均勻性。與較慢的加熱速率相比(0.1 ℃/ s),有、無快速熱退火製程處理的In2Se3奈米線的平均直徑和分佈分別為97.14 nm ± 22.95 nm (23.63%)和119.06 nm ± 48.75 nm (40.95%)。使用臨場退火穿透式電子顯微鏡,研究其加熱速率對金膜沉積形成金奈米顆粒的影響。結果表明,有、無快速熱退火製程處理的金奈米顆粒的平均直徑和分佈為19.84 nm ± 5.96 nm (30.00%)和22.06 nm ± 9.00 nm (40.80%)。證明金催化的In2Se3奈米線的直徑尺寸、分佈與均勻性,可藉由快速熱退火製程前處理改善。藉由系統性的研究,調整退火速率、前驅物和成長溫度來控制其它奈米材料的尺寸分佈。
第二部份,通過使用陽極氧化鋁模板的液壓鑄造處理製造高度有序的硒化銦(InSe)奈米線陣列。利用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察InSe奈米線的形態。藉由X-射線繞射分析和拉曼測量分析微結構,變溫拉曼光譜分析觀察到相變現象。InSe奈米線的相變研究是在臨場加熱穿透式電子顯微鏡和非臨場加熱拉曼分析下進行的。700 ℃ 下,β-InSe完全轉化為γ-In2Se3。在熱處理過程中,α-In2Se3與β-InSe共存,直到β-InSe完全轉化為γ-In2Se3。藉陰極射線發光譜證實InSe的能隙為1.24 eV,且能隙會隨著溫度變化改變。
Indium-selenide system is the mainly subject to discuss, diindium selenide (In2Se3) and indium monoselenide (InSe) are divided into two parts in this thesis.
High uniformity Au-catalyzed In2Se3 nanowires are grown with the rapid thermal annealing (RTA) treatment via the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. The diameters of Au-catalyzed In2Se3 nanowires could be controlled with varied thickness of Au films and the uniformity of nanowires is improved via a fast pre-annealing rate, 100 °C/s. Comparing with the slower heating rate, 0.1 °C/s, the average diameters and distributions of In2Se3 nanowires that with and without RTA process are 97.14 nm ± 22.95 nm (23.63 %) and 119.06 nm ± 48.75 nm (40.95 %), respectively. The in-situ annealing TEM is used to study the effect of heating rate on the formation of Au nanoparticles from as-deposited Au film. The results demonstrate that the average diameters and distributions of Au nanoparticles that with and without RTA process are 19.84 nm ± 5.96 nm (30.00 %) and about 22.06 nm ± 9.00 nm (40.80 %), respectively. It proves that the diameter size, distribution and uniformity of Au-catalyzed In2Se3 nanowires are reduced and improved via the RTA pre-treated. The systemic study could help to control the size distribution of other nanomaterials through tuning the annealing rate, temperatures of precursor and growth substrate to control the size distribution of other nanomaterials.
The highly ordered array of indium monoselenide (InSe) nanowires are fabricated by a hydraulic pressure injection processing with anodic aluminum oxide and microstructure is analyzed by templates. The morphology of InSe NWs was observed by SEM, XRD and Raman measurement. The temperature is the most important parameter for phase-change occurred. To observe the phenomenon of phase-change, thermal annealing processing of the InSe NWs was done under an in-situ heating TEM and ex-situ Raman analysis. The β-InSe is totally transformed to γ-In2Se3 happened as the temperature reaches to 700 °C. During proceeding the thermal processed, the α-In2Se3 will coexist with β-InSe till the β-InSe is totally transformed to γ-In2Se3. The CL spectrum confirmed that the direct band gap of InSe bulk is 1.24 eV. InSe bulk is temperature dependence of the energy gap.

摘要 I
致謝 V
Contents VII
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms XI
List of Figures and Tables XII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Nanotechnology 1
1.1.1 Definition of Nanostructure 2
1.1.2 One-Dimensional Nanostructures 3
1.2 Growth Mechanism and Growth Method of Nanowires 4
1.2.1 Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Mechanism 4
1.2.2 Vapor-Solid (VS) Growth Mechanism 6
1.2.3 Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) 6
1.2.4 Electrodeposited in AAO Template 7
1.3 Structural Characteristics of Indium Selenides 8
1.3.1 In2Se3 10
1.3.2 InSe 15
1.4 Phase-Change Materials 19
Chapter 2 Experiment Procedures 20
2.1 The Synthesized Method for α-In2Se3 Nanowires 20
2.2 The Prepared Method for InSe Nanowires 22
2.3 The Morphologies and Microstructure Characterization of In2Se3 and InSe Nanowires 25
2.3.1 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 25
2.3.2 Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) 25
2.3.3 Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) 26
2.3.4 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 28
2.3.5 Cathodoluminescence (CL) Measurement 28
2.3.6 Raman Spectroscopy Analysis 29
Chapter 3 α-In2Se3 Nanowires 31
3.1 Motivation 31
3.2 The Decision of Substrate Pre-treatment 31
3.3 The Influence of Growth Environment for In2Se3 Nanowires 34
3.3.1 Thickness of Gold Film 34
3.3.2 Growth Temperature 37
3.3.3 Precursor Temperature 40
3.3.4 Precursor Amount 43
3.3.5 Growth Time 45
3.3.6 Growth Pressure 47
3.3.7 Position of Substrate 49
3.3.8 Gas Flow 51
3.4 Structure and Characteristic of In2Se3 NWs 53
3.4.1 The XRD Measurement of In2Se3 NWs 53
3.4.2 TEM Analysis of In2Se3 NWs 55
3.3.3 Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) Analysis 57
3.4 Raman Analysis of In2Se3 Nanowires 59
3.5 Growth Mechanism of In2Se3 Nanowires 61
Chapter 4 InSe Nanowires 64
4.1 Motivation 64
4.2 Structure and Characterization of InSe NWs 64
4.2.1 The SEM of InSe NWs 65
4.2.2 The XRD of InSe NWs 68
4.2.3 TEM Analysis of InSe NWs 70
4.3 Optical Analysis of InSe NWs 74
4.3.1 The Cathodoluminescence (CL) Analysis of InSe NWs 74
4.3.2 Raman Analysis of InSe NWs 76
4.4 Phenomenon of Phase Change 78
4.4.1 TEM Measurement 78
4.4.2 Raman Measurement 81
4.4.3 Cathodoluminescence (CL) Measurement 84
Chapter 5 Summary and Conclusions 86
5.1 α-In2Se3 Nanowires 86
5.2 InSe Nanowires 87
Chapter 6 Future works 88
6.1 α-In2Se3 Nanowires 88
6.2 InSe Nanowires 89
Reference 90
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