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研究生(外文):Yen-Chun Tseng
論文名稱:導電軌端部磨耗趨勢預測 應用於台北捷運之研究
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Prediction of conductive rail end wear trend to Taipei MRT
指導教授(外文):Shih-Hsuan Chiu
外文關鍵詞:conductor railconductor rail end approachwearing predictionregression quadratic equation regressionarithmetic mean formulatrend line
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The driven power of transportations is gradually changed by fuel power into electrical power in order to encourage and advance the urban transportation developmentsuch as mass transit system.The electrical power-driven mass transit systems can be divided into two types around the world. One is overhead lines (Upper) and the other is with conductive rail (Lower). This research is focusedon the conductive rail type in MRT system, and the representative Taipei MRTis selected because ofits operation experience is more than 20 years.
Taipei MRT trains are all used "current collecting shoe" to contact the conductive rail in order to collect electricity.The conductive railsare often discontinuous because of the site factors, so that the current collectingshoes are not contacted with conductive rail in these discontinuity areas. In order to provide the current collecting shoes running smoothly and keep power supply working in the discontinuity, the high speed rampsare provided at the two ends of every discontinuity. However, it will cause the contact surface wearing, weaken the power transmission, and a serious stagnation after long timeoperation.The most prone to wear is at the high speed ramps of the conductive rails.There are also other factors affect the wearing rate of high speed ramps which are including the train speed, the contact friction between current collectinghoe and conductive rails, track linear and electric corrosion.
There is no relevant research and forecasting methods for the high speed ramps wearing rates of the conductive railsin Taipei MRT (MRT).It might cause the lack of credentials for the spare parts procurement, maintenance scheduling and conductivity track life and wear prediction. In this research, we use the "Arithmetic mean formula" and "Regression quadratic equation" to implement the wearing forecast of the high speed ramps. Moreover, it could be further applied to the Taipei MRT (MRT) network to enhance the procurement, and accuracy wearing rates of high speed ramps in order toprovide the better arrangements for maintenance schedule.
The experiments of this research areconsisted of three parts: First, we use particular measurement instruments to measure the 50 higher wearing rates of the high speed ramps in Taipei MRT network.Then, we use the "Arithmetic mean formula" and "Regression quadratic equation" to implement the wearing forecast of thesehigh speed ramps. At last, we use "Regression quadratic equation" to produce wear Trend line for these high speed ramps.According to these trend lines, we could predict the wearing rate of each high speed ramp.
Finally, we use the results fromthese two methods to compare with the actual wearingrate of high speed ramps. The results show that the accuracy of the two methods is similar. In the course of the research, the factor that has the most important impact rate is the accumulated of measurement data. When the measurement data is accumulated a great quantity, the forecast accuracy rate is raising indeed.
In summary, this research is not only summed up a set of high speed ramps of the track wear prediction process, but also for the 1408 high speed ramps of conductive rail to establish a wear prediction equation in order to apply for the Taipei MRT’s high speed ramps of the conductive rails.
中文摘要 I
目錄 VII
符號索引 IX
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 文獻討論 11
1.3研究動機與目的 20
第二章 研究方法 25
2.1導電軌端部磨耗研究流程 25
2.2導電軌端部磨耗數據取樣範圍 27
2.3導電軌端部磨耗值預測模型 30
2.3.1以算術平均法為基礎之磨耗預測模型 30
2.3.2以二次曲線迴歸法為基礎之磨耗預測模型 30
第三章 實驗與結果討論 33
3.1導電軌端部磨耗量測設備及量測方法介紹 33
3.1.1導電軌端部磨耗量測設備介紹 33
3.1.2導電軌端部磨耗量測方法介紹 36
3.2 實驗與結果 40
3.2.1 導電軌端部磨耗值量測實驗 40
3.2.2 以算術平均法及二次曲線迴歸法求取導電軌端部磨耗值預測實驗 40
3.3結果討論 97
3.3.1導電軌端部磨耗值預測結果所呈現之趨勢 97
3.3.2導電軌端部數據取樣數與磨耗值預測準確率關係 99
3.3.3導電軌端部磨耗值預測方式選用 102
第四章 結論與未來展望 108
參考文獻 109
附錄 114
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