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研究生(外文):Chih-Chin Chang
論文名稱(外文):The modification and the optoelectronic performance of soft conducting film for polymer dispersed liquid crystal devices
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chien Yang
口試委員(外文):Chang-Mou WuChi-Hsiung Jou
外文關鍵詞:Polymer disperse liquid crystal deviceconductive polymertreatment of conductivity
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近年來,由於節能減碳之潮流下,所使用的建物窗戶之隔熱以及可調控光穿透效果已愈趨重要,傳統玻璃已不符使用於現代化綠建築。然而,結合高分子材料及液晶材料之各自優點,其所製成之光學元件已被廣泛的研究與應用,其中高分子分散液晶(Polymer dispersed liquid crystal, PDLC)為現今實用性最廣且不需使用偏光片之調光元件。
Energy saving and carbon reduction have become a trend in recent years. Thus in this trend, a building window with adjustable light transmittance become appealing. Traditional glass is gradually eliminated on green building nowadays. In addition, optical devices made of polymer and liquid crystal materials have been widely studied and used. In particular, polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) is most extensively used for light adjustable devices without polarizer.

In this study, PEDOT was coated onto PET substrates to make PDLC- based light adjustable devices. Firstly, PEDOT:PSS was applied to PET substrate using slot die coating machine, then the substrate was treated by co-solvents of ethylene glycol and methanol by immersion or dropping on the substrate to remove PSS. The conductivity of the resultant substrates were determined using four-point probe in order to optimize the ratio of the solvent. Next, PDLC solution was sandwiched between two PEDOT substrates and UV-cured to make light adjustable devices. The performance of such devices depended on the size of spacer, and the UV intensity and curing time of the PDLC layer. The transmittance, the degree of haze and the response time were measured to optimize the parameters of making PDLC-based devices.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 PEDOT介紹 2
1.3 液晶介紹 6
1.3.1液晶的發現 6
1.3.2液晶的分類 7
1.3.3液晶的物理特性 12
1.4 塗佈方式介紹 13
1.5 PDLC介紹 16
1.5.1 PDLC原理 16
1.5.2 PDLC製備 18
1.6 PSCT介紹 20
第二章 研究背景與目的 22
2.1文獻回顧 22
2.2 研究背景 24
第三章 實驗內容 25
3.1 實驗系統概述 25
3.2 實驗材料及設備 25
3.2.1 材料 25
3.2.2 設備 27
3.3 實驗步驟 28
3.4 實驗方法 29
3.4.1 PEDOT-PET薄膜製作 29
3.4.2 PDLC元件製作 30
3.5 實驗量測原理與方法 33
3.5.1 導電率測量 33
3.5.2 FTIR 34
3.5.3 霧度測量 35
3.5.4 穿透度測量 36
3.5.5 應答速率測量 37
第四章 結果與討論 39
4.1 第一部分 39
4.1.1 改質化合物種類選擇 39
4.1.2 改質比例 40
4.1.3 改質薄膜SEM觀測 42
4.1.4 改質薄膜穿透度測量 49
4.1.5 FTIR測量 50
4.2 第二部分 52
4.2.1 PDLC霧度測量 52
4.2.2 PDLC穿透度測量 53
4.2.3 PDLC應答速率測量 58
4.2.4 不同角度穿透度測量 59
4.2.5 ITO與PET穿透度的比較 63
4.2.6 SEM觀測圖 65
4.2.7 POM觀測圖 68
第五章 結論 70
第六章 參考文獻 72
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