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研究生(外文):Zi-Gang Lou
論文名稱(外文):Study on Flame Retardant Properties and Melt Spinning of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) and Phosphorus Flame Retardant Blends
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chien Yang
口試委員(外文):Ming-Chien YangChang-Mou WuChi-Hsiung Jou
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本研究利用雙螺桿混煉機將磷系阻燃劑HM1100與PET進行熔融混摻,製成共混物,再利用TGA與DSC測試其熱性質,並以熱壓成型將其製成燃燒試片,進行UL94燃燒等級測試與LOI實驗。UL94燃燒等級測試可了解其阻燃性質以及是否產生熔滴與否,LOI可知其最低燃燒氧指數,其值越大表越不易燃燒、阻燃性質越好。POE-g-MA為polyethlyene-octene elasomter (POE)接枝maleic anhydride (MA)之共聚物(copolymer),可增進阻燃劑與PET的分散性,亦可作增塑劑以增加其塑性,在PET與阻燃劑HM1100共混物內添加後可提升其流動性質,更利於加工,且能使共混物在燃燒後達到抗熔滴的效果。再將混摻物利用Melt Index測量其流動性質,由此結果可作為是否能進行熔融紡絲試驗的參考。最後我們利用sheath and core的方式進行紡絲測試且測試其纖維強度,再將紡絲纖維製成織襪帶且作物性強度以及LOI的測試。
In this study, the phosphorus flame retardant HM1100 was blended with PET using a twin-screw blender. Thermal properties of the blends were measured by TGA and DSC. Hot press was used to prepare flame film. Flame tests and flame retardant properties of the blends were performed according to the specifications of UL94 and LOI. POE-g-MA is a graft copolymer of polyethylene-octane elastomer (POE) and maleic anhydride (MA) that compatibilized the flame retardant and PET. POE-g-MA also served as a plasticizer in the blend to increase the flow properties, facilitating the processing of the blend. On combustion, the blend can achieve anti-droplet. Melt index was measured to represent flowability of the blends for the melt spinning. Finally, sheath and core spinning were performed and the strength of the resultant fiber was measured. Textile samples were woven from the fibers and werer characterized with physical strength and LOI test.
摘要 i
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧與原理 3
2.1阻燃的介紹 3
2.1.1 高分子燃燒機制 3
2.1.2阻燃劑種類 6
2.1.3阻燃劑的作用機制 9
2.1.4新型阻燃 10
2.2 PET介紹 13
2.2.1聚酯 13
2.2.2 PET合成方法 14
2.2.3 PET應用與未來發展 15
2.3 POE-g-MA 19
2.3.1 POE的發展 19
2.3.2 POE-g-MA應用 19
2.4 高分子混摻理論 21
2.4.1 原理 21
2.4.2 混摻之應用 22
2.4.3 混摻相容性的探討 23
第三章 實驗內容 25
3.1實驗架構概述 25
3.2 實驗材料: 26
3.3儀器介紹: 28
3.4實驗步驟 29
3.4.1前處理 29
3.4.2基本熱性質分析 29
3.4.3定量、比例的配置 29
3.4.4混摻過程 29
3.4.5共混物熱性質分析 30
3.4.6 LOI與UL94測試 31
3.4.7紡絲條件之探討 32
3.4.8紡絲類型選擇 33
3.4.9紡絲纖維測試 34
3.4.10紡絲品後續加工 34
第四章 結果與討論 35
4.1 熱重分損失分析儀(TGA) 35
4.2 差示熱分析儀(DSC) 41
4.3 臨界氧指數測試儀(LOI) 45
4.4 UL94燃燒等級測試(UL 94 Flammability Standards) 47
4.5 熔融指數儀(Melt Indexer) 49
4.6 毛細管流變儀(Capillary Rheometer) 51
4.7 雙組份熔融紡絲機(Melt Spinning of Bicomponent) 53
4.8 CNS 13752 條式法斷裂強力測試 56
4.9 織襪帶LOI測試 57
第五章 結論 58
第六章 參考文獻 60
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