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研究生(外文):Jia-Ying Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Video Captioning on EFL Vocabulary Learning of College Students in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Yu-Fen Hsieh
口試委員(外文):Shao-Ting HungChao-Ting Chou
外文關鍵詞:multimedia learningsecond language teachingvideo captioningvocabulary learning
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This study investigated how different caption types influenced Chinese-speaking EFL learners in the vocabulary learning of videos. 105 Taiwanese undergraduates watched videos under one of five caption types: (1) no caption (NC), (2) full caption with no audio (NA), (3) full caption (FC), (4) full caption with highlighted target-words (HTW), and (5) full caption with highlighted target-words and L1 gloss (L1), and completed comprehension tests and three vocabulary tests including form recognition, meaning recognition and meaning recall.
The findings revealed that caption types did not affect video comprehension but did affect vocabulary acquisition. The groups scored around 53-66 percent of maximum score in the comprehension tests. As for vocabulary acquisition, the FC, HTW, and L1 groups performed significantly better than the NC and NA groups in form recognition. For meaning recognition and recall, the L1 group achieved the highest scores, followed by the FC group, while the NC, NA, and HTW groups obtained the lowest scores. Overall, L1 gloss facilitated all the three aspects of vocabulary acquisition, suggesting that it could reinforce form-meaning connection of new words. Although HTW improved form recognition, it did not have a positive effect on meaning recognition and recall, as HTW might increase attention to forms rather than to meanings. NC and NA were not helpful for vocabulary acquisition, suggesting that the participants learned vocabulary better with a combination of audio, image, and caption.
ABSTRACT (Chinese) i
ABSTRACT (English) ii
Research Background 1
Research Questions 3
Significance of the Study 4
Outline of the Study 4
Theoretical Backgrounds of Multimedia Learning 5
Video Captioning Effects on Second Language Comprehension 7
Video Captioning Effects on Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition 10
Influence of Second Language Proficiency on Video Captioning Effects 12
Summary 15
Research Design 18
Participants 18
Materials 19
Videos 19
Instruments 22
Comprehension Tests 22
Vocabulary Tests 22
Procedures 23
Data Analysis 24
Research Question 1: How do different types of captioning influence Chinese-speaking EFL learners’ comprehension of video content? 25
Research Question 2: How do different types of captioning influence Chinese-speaking EFL learners’ vocabulary acquisition, including form recognition, meaning recognition and meaning recall? 27
Form Recognition 27
Meaning Recognition 29
Meaning Recall 32
Summary of the Study 35
Discussion of the Major Findings 36
The Effects of Video Captioning on Chinese-speaking EFL learners’ Comprehension 36
The Effects of Video Captioning on Chinese-speaking EFL learners’ Vocabulary Acquisition 38
Form Recognition 38
Meaning Recognition and Recall 41
Pedagogical Implications 43
Limitation and Suggestions for Future Studies 44
Conclusion 46
REFERENCES (English) 47
REFERENCES (Chinese) 55
Appendix A: Scripts of the Two Video Clips 56
Appendix B: Comprehension Test 60
Appendix C: Vocabulary Tests 64
Form Recognition Test 64
Meaning Recognition Test 66
Meaning Recall Test 68
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