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研究生(外文):Han - Chen
論文名稱(外文):Visual Guiding of Motion Sensing Applications for Practicing Tai-Chi Chuan
指導教授(外文):Lin-Lin Chen
口試委員(外文):Rung-Huei LiangNeng-Hao Yu
外文關鍵詞:visual feedbackaction guidanceTaijiquandepth camerawearable device
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Exercising on a weekly basis, has become a way to maintain heathy body for many people. In order to prevent aging of physical body, for the elders, it is important to increase the amount of physical activity. In addition to taking time participating in sports classes in person, some people learn or exercise through the use of gaming console, TV shows, or web-based demonstrations. Because the feedbacks from visual images are limited, and not able to identify individual needs, such methods usually provide less quality compare to lessons taught in person. In view of this, this study takes Taijiquan as an example, using Kinect somatosensory technology, to explore the design space of motion guiding visualization.
This study consist of two parts, one is through in-field observation to understand current coaching and student learning methods, then invited 10 students to shoot self-practicing images in order for coach to provide evaluations and guidance. We then decide with these evaluations what the teaching system should provide, while designing the visual elements and interaction patterns as the learning interface, and set up research variables for the second part of the study for validation and discussion.We invite 20 subjects in the second part of the study. Through seven practicing units(no guidance, hand guidance – “trajectory”, hand guidance – “arrow”, center-of-gravity guidance – “bottom”, center-of-gravity guidance – “waist”, integrated guidance – “trajectory” hand + ”bottom” center-of-gravity guidance, integrated guidance – “trajectory” hand + “waist” center-of-gravity guidance), the Kinect Taijiquan Scoring System designed for the study was used to perform the personal action scoring, then the interview was conducted after the task operation to understand the feelings and intuitive understanding of the visual guidance design. The results were integrated and analyzed to help define elements to create effective interactive system for learning Taijiquan.
The results of this study are as follows: (1) The skill proficiency of Taijiquan can be divided into primary, middle and high, in order to meet the different experience users, the system should provide choices of the guiding elements, rather than fixed guided training. (2) When arrow elements of the guide appear during directional action, it allows users to perform the actions with more confidence and more stable. (3) When facing the screen, there will be a mirror problem, the system needs to be adjustable and demonstrate the same direction in the design. (4) If the position of the center of gravity guiding element is placed in the middle of the screen, it will hinder the hand-guided exercise, but there is no significant difference if it is a simple center-of-gravity exercise. (5) The greater proportion of the visual guiding elements in the screen is, the more it attracts the user’s attention. When designing the system with integrated guiding elements, it is important to consider the ratio among all the elements.
第一章 緒 論 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 流程與架構 5
1.4 範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 太極拳與健康 9
2.1.1 拳說十要與要領 10
2.1.2 動作與套路 13
2.2 智慧型電視與技術 14
2.2.1 動作捕捉系統 15
2.2.2 體感遊戲趨勢 16
2.3 引導與學習 17
2.3.1 動作引導系統 17
2.3.2 互動學習系統設計 20
2.3.3 多視角畫面引導 22
2.4 視覺回饋與設計原則 22
2.4.1 使用者經驗 23
2.4.2 圖像化介面設計 25
2.4.3 互動學習設計原則 25
2.4.4 運動引導表現方式 26
第三章 研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 研究方法 29
3.2.1 學習與訪談 29
3.2.2 個人評量與動作分析 29
3.2.3 驗證視覺引導設計 30
3.3 實驗流程 30
第四章 經驗訪談與調查 32
4.1 套路樣本與受訪者 32
4.1.1 套路招式樣本 32
4.1.2 受訪對象 34
4.2 訪談內容設計與流程 35
4.3 訪談結果與分析 37
4.3.1 套路之感受難易度 37
4.3.2 課堂受指導之頻率 40
4.3.3 課外自我練習頻率 42
4.3.4 個人健康之幫助性 44
4.4 調查歸納與整理 47
第五章 動作分析與評量 49
5.1 動作分析實驗設計 49
5.1.1 實驗流程 50
5.1.2 動作評量對象 52
5.2 教練評分與評價 52
5.2.1 受測者影片彙整 53
5.2.2 動作評分與排序 54
5.2.3 招式動作評語 55
5.3 結果分析與建議 57
5.4 視覺概念設計 59
5.4.1 初步概念設計 59
5.4.2 前導(Feed-forward) 61
5.4.3 回饋(Feedback) 62
第六章 視覺引導實測 63
6.1 視覺引導設計 63
6.1.1 手部動作設計 64
6.1.2 重心位移設計 65
6.1.3 綜合引導設計 66
6.2 實驗設計與任務流程 67
6.2.1 研究設備 67
6.2.2 實驗流程 68
6.2.3 介面與任務 69
6.2.4 訪談與問卷 71
6.3 實驗對象 72
6.3.1 受測者基本資料 72
6.3.2 運動習慣調查 73
6.4 研究結果分析 73
6.4.1 任務績效 73 三次操作比較 74 解說前操作績效 78 說明後操作績效 80 引導分析比較 81 樣式分析比較 82
6.5 訪談與問卷結果 84
第七章 結論與建議 92
7.1 研究結論 92
7.2 未來建議 93
參考文獻 95
附錄一:太極經驗調查問卷 99
附錄二:視覺引導實驗訪談問卷 107
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