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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Lin
論文名稱:失智症懷舊治療課程中的科技意會 -以OID技術為例
論文名稱(外文):The Study of sense-making in the reminiscence therapy lesson for dementia patients- using OID technology as an example
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Neng Fan
口試委員(外文):Chih-Hsiang KoHsien-Hui Tang
外文關鍵詞:Design anthropologyAppropriationOID technologySense-makingReminiscence therapy
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本研究從日漸重要的日間照顧課程著手,藉由在失智症懷舊治療課程中導入OID技術,即以物件文化(Object Culture)的觀點,探討失智者的物件以及回憶之間的文化意涵與該變化對於課程參與者的影響。本研究目的在於從現有課程中找尋機會點,發展出新課程,亦可將該課程延伸至居家。最後歸納研究對象產生的科技意會(Sense-making)。
本研究採用詮釋型個案研究法、參與式觀察法,針對14位研究對象輔以半結構化訪談,其中包括家屬與治療師。最後將研究日誌、逐字稿進行主題編碼、歸納與分析。最終本研究發現,現階段的課程面臨之窘境包括:課程設計時,難以尋求使長輩產生共鳴的素材;懷舊主題易受長輩特質影響;課堂上的刺激難以延伸至居家。因此,當新課程以失智者的物件(舊照片)作為課程主軸,課程設計將更聚焦於個人脈絡與特性,有效提升雙方的溝通,獲得更深度的文化探討。而 OID技術的介入,將本研究治療訪談過程經由聲音形式,將虛擬的回憶整合至實體的照片,使其成為居家使用的輔具。
This study begins with an increasingly important issue- Day care. Using OID technology in reminiscence therapy lessons for dementia patients. From the point of view of the object culture to discuss the impact of the meaning between dementia patients’ objects and memory, also the change of using OID technology into the course. The purpose of this study is to look for opportunities from existing courses, then develop new courses and extend the course to home. Finally, generalize the sense-making from this research.
In this study, a descriptive case study and a participatory observation were used, and semi-structured interviews with 14 subjects, including family members and therapists. Finally, to selective coding, summarize and analyze the research journal and interview transcript. In the end, the study found that the dilemma of the curriculum at this stage including: the difficulty of seeking to resonate with the elders when the curriculum was designed; the nostalgic theme was susceptible to the influence of the elders; the stimulus in the classroom was difficult to extend to home. Therefore, when the new curriculum to dementia objects (old photos) as the main axis of the course, the curriculum design will focus more on personal context and characteristics, enhance the communication effectively between therapist and family then obtain a deeper cultural discussion. With the OID technology intervention, the study of the interview process through the sound form, the virtual memories into the objects, and make it be able to do reminiscence therapy at home.
Through the course of treatment interviews extended to home, the therapist's voice guide will help the dementia patients to review, recite and restate the long-term memory, on the other hand, the family is playing the role of guide and remind. This study used the short-term memory loss of the dementia as a source of stimulation for new experiences. And the family also produced a corresponding OID technology with the misappropriation of science and technology. The results of this study are expected to generate new insights into future curriculum development and provide further contributions to reminiscence therapy lessons.
一、 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 個案介紹
1.3 研究目的
1.4 研究限制與對象
1.5 研究架構
二、 文獻探討
2.1 挪用技術特徵導向的設計
2.2 OID技術運作與應用
2.3 科技意會
2.4 懷舊治療
2.4.1 懷舊治療實務
2.5 回憶對銀髮族的意義
2.6 文獻探討小結
三、 研究方法
3.1 研究設計
3.2 訪談取樣
3.3 資料收集與分類
3.3.2 參與式觀察
3.3.3 問題中心訪談
3.4 編碼方法
四、 研究結果分析與討論
4.1 現階段的懷舊治療課程
4.1.1 課程機會與突破點
4.1.2 課程設計階段
4.1.3 課堂互動
4.2 導入OID技術後的課程差異
4.2.1 「聲」命故事-OID技術衍伸之服務
4.2.2 課程設計階段
4.2.3 課堂互動
4.2.4 有聲照片製作
4.3 OID結合懷舊治療課程的居家延伸
4.3.1 居家的懷舊
4.3.2 挪用與未來設計
4.4 結果之統整
五、 結論與建議
5.1 綜合結論
5.2 後續研究建議
六、 參考文獻
6.1 英文文獻
6.2 中文文獻
6.3 網路文獻
七、 附錄
7.1 研究個案介紹
7.1.1 A公司介紹
7.1.2 失智症課程案源
7.2 現階段的懷舊治療課程
7.2.1 前段課程
7.2.2 中段課程
7.2.3 後段課程
7.3 「聲」命故事運行現狀
7.3.1 運行狀況
7.3.2 課程發展簡歷
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A10C OID II光學點讀筆,於20160514擷取自https://goo.gl/6Z4WyX
Remembering Yesterday Caring Today Project於20160528擷取自https://goo.gl/CSQrqZ
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