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研究生(外文):Lee-En Kao
論文名稱(外文):Usability Study of Comment Style and Tag Classification on the Interface of Team Communication Platforms
指導教授(外文):Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員(外文):Chih-Fu WuRung-Huei Liang
外文關鍵詞:Team communication platformsInterface designUser experienceComment styleTag classification
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驗證實驗以2 (標籤分類與否) x 3 (回覆型式)混合雙因子進行實驗設計,「標籤分類與否」採兩個層級:(1)有標籤分類、(2)無標籤分類,而「回覆型式」分為三個層級:(1)串聯式回覆、(2)獨立式回覆、(3)並排式回覆。

Currently, the development of team communication platforms are from the rapid growth stage to the mature stage. Among lots of platforms listed on the market today, how to make small to medium enterprises and even large enterprises become its high viscosity users depends on whether the platform is able to provide a good user interface experience. The purpose of this study is to explore the different types of the information function interface used in the team communication platforms, and to analyze the user's subjective feelings and views in the task operation. How the interface affect usability and overall operation experience of the platform are also evaluated. Finally, it is hoped to sum up the design solutions of the message function interface improvement, and to create a user experience interface that is more in line with the communication needs.

The experiment in this study contains two phases: (1) Pre-test: It is to conduct preliminarily research pertinent to the function and usability of the existing three representative team communication platforms, and understand the impact of the differences in the functional interface on the user's task operation; (2) Verification experiment: Based on the results from the pre-test, the improvement of the message function interface is regarded as the main direction of the research. The participants were asked to operate the experimental tasks, then record their task performance and Likert scale results to help evaluate usability regarding the design variables of the team communication platform.

The verification experiment is designed based on a 2 (tag classification) by 3 (comment style) two-factor mixed design. The tag classifications are divided into two levels: (1) With tag classifications, and (2) Without tag classifications; The comment styles are divided into three levels: (1) The threaded comments, (2) The standalone comments, and (3) The side by side comments.

The generated results indicate that: (1) The comment style can directly affect the performance of the user's operating time, and is also the key to cause the difference regarding the system and interface usability and user satisfaction; (2) Threaded comments and standalone comments are superior to side by side comments in evaluation of user task performance and interface usability; (3) Tag classification has great influence on the user task performance, but it did not affect the users’ judgments on usability and satisfaction; (4) Tag classification can help improve the search efficiency of archival information, but in the case of classification may cause inconvenient.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 3
1.4 研究範圍與限制 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 溝通行為 8
2.1.1 溝通的意義與目的 8
2.1.2 溝通的特性與模式 8
2.1.3 溝通成員的角色 10
2.1.4 溝通的類型 11
2.1.5 溝通的障礙 13
2.2 團隊溝通 15
2.2.1 電腦協調溝通 15
2.2.2 虛擬團隊 16
2.2.3 團隊溝通媒介的選擇 19
2.2.4 團隊溝通平台 24
2.3 介面設計 26
2.3.1 心智模式 26
2.3.2 回覆型式之列表設計 27
2.3.3 標籤之使用特性 28
2.3.4 介面設計原則 29
2.3.5 使用者經驗 30
2.4 使用性工程 32
2.4.1 使用性工程原則 32
2.4.2 使用性工程評估 33
2.5 結語 34
第三章 研究方法與實驗步驟 35
3.1 研究步驟與流程 35
3.2 實驗流程與建構 36
3.3 實驗方法 38
第四章 前導性實驗 39
4.1 實驗架構 39
4.2 實驗設計 39
4.2.1 實驗設備 39
4.2.2 實驗樣本 39
4.2.3 實驗對象 40
4.2.4 實驗方法 41
4.2.5 實驗流程 41
4.3 實驗研究結果與分析 42
4.3.1 團隊溝通平台使用概況調查結果 42
4.3.2 任務實驗操作結果與分析 44
4.3.3 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)結果之分析與討論 51
4.3.4 訪談結果與整理 51
4.4 前導性實驗結論與建議 53
4.5 後續實驗規劃與討論 55
第五章 驗證實驗 56
5.1 驗證實驗方法 56
5.1.1 驗證實驗研究變項 56
5.1.2 驗證實驗原型製作 59
5.1.3 驗證實驗樣本 60
5.1.4 驗證實驗設計 65 驗證實驗任務 66 驗證實驗流程 66 驗證實驗問卷 67
5.1.5 驗證實驗對象 68
5.2 驗證實驗結果 70
5.2.1 任務操作績效之分析 71 任務一操作績效之分析 71 任務二操作績效之分析 74 任務三操作績效之分析 76 任務四操作績效之分析 79 任務五操作績效之分析 82
5.2.2 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)之分析 85
5.2.3 使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)之分析 87 使用者互動滿意度量表「整體反應」之分析 88 使用者互動滿意度量表「學習」之分析 90 使用者互動滿意度量表「介面呈現」之分析 93 使用者互動滿意度量表「介面資訊」之分析 95
第六章 結論與建議 98
6.1 研究結果 98
6.1.1 訊息回覆型式及標籤分類之功能介面研究結果整理 99
6.2 結論及設計建議 104
6.3 後續研究建議 106
參考文獻 107
英文文獻 107
中文文獻 114
網路文獻 116
附錄一、前導性實驗問卷 118
附錄二、驗證實驗問卷 121
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