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研究生(外文):Tzu-Fang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on the User Experience and Navigation Interface Design of Carpooling Platform
指導教授(外文):Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員(外文):Li-Wei WanChih-Hsiang Ko
外文關鍵詞:Carpooling platformUser experienceUsability evaluationNavigation interface designSharing economy
  • 被引用被引用:5
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驗證實驗採2(地圖輔助與否) x 3(篩選樣式)雙因子混合設計方式進行,「地圖輔助與否」採取兩層級:(1)有地圖輔助:導覽主頁面提供金額與即時共乘資訊之地圖輔助;(2)無地圖輔助:導覽主頁面無地圖輔助導覽。而「篩選樣式」分為三層級:(1)頂部導覽:置於共乘資訊上方;(2)左側導覽:置於共乘資訊左側;(3)混合導覽:結合左側導覽與排序篩選功能,分別置於共乘資訊左側及上方。

The air pollution, global warming, and traffic congestion issues have become important in recent years. People's awareness of environmental protection is gradually increased as well. Consequently, it leads to the rise of carpooling platform design. In order to build up useful user experience of carpooling platform in the early stage, this study focuses on the carpooling navigation interface design. The user needs and subjective feelings are explored through the operation of carpooling navigation tasks. Then, the author turned the needs into design insights and based on experiment results which separated into "Layout of Filters" and "Map Auxiliary" variables. To see if the variables may affect the users' task performance and subjective feelings or not. It is expected to provide a useful navigation user interface for a carpooling platform, and increase the match rate as well as the participation rate.

The experiments in this study consist of two stages:(1) Pre-test: Based on the theoretical basis of the literature, the preliminary investigation, and research testing of the carpooling's navigation to help clarify the user needs and design questions, and further explore the differences in the usability of carpooling platforms by operating the navigation tasks in the pre-test. (2) Verification experiment: Based on the results from pre-test, the constructing elements of navigation have been decomposed in order to thoroughly explore whether the subtle differences in the independent variables of "Layout of Filters" and "Map Auxiliary" may have an impact on users’ task performance and subjective feelings toward the platform.

The verification experiment is conducted based on a 2 (with or without map auxiliary) by 3 (layers of filter) two-way mixed factorial design. The map auxiliaries are divided into two levels: (1) With map auxiliaries: The navigation page has provided prices and instant carpooling information on map during the operation; (2) Without map auxiliaries: The navigation page has not provided map auxiliaries during the operation. The layers of filter are divided into three levels: (1) Top navigation: On the top of carpooling information; (2) Left navigation: On the left of carpooling information; (3) Mixed navigation: Combined left navigation and filter function, placing on the left and top of carpooling information.

The results show that:(1) Prices and convenience are the main factors for joining the carpooling activities whether the users has had the experience or not; (2) With map auxiliaries samples have better performances in operating navigation tasks; (3) With map auxiliaries samples do help users feel lower tasks load; (4) Top navigation samples have higher evaluation of usability and lower tasks load than the left navigation and mixed navigation samples; (5) The addition of top navigation to map auxiliaries sample could bring better performance and user experience, which enhance the overall satisfaction values to carpooling platform and users are more willing to use the carpooling service.
摘 要 i
誌 謝 iv
目 錄 v
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 14
1.1 研究背景與動機 14
1.2 研究目的 15
1.3 研究架構與流程 16
1.4 研究範圍與限制 18
第二章 文獻探討 19
2.1 共乘 19
2.1.1 共乘之定義 19
2.1.2 共乘之發展概況-共享經濟 20
2.1.3 共乘於台灣之特性 21
2.1.4 共乘之使用者體驗流程 22
2.1.5 共乘平台之功能 23
2.1.6 台灣之共乘平台介紹 24
2.1.7 小結 25
2.2 介面設計 26
2.2.1 人機介面定義 26
2.2.2 使用者經驗 28
2.2.3 網頁設計 29
2.2.4 人機互動設計 31
2.2.5 小結 32
2.3 共乘平台之導覽設計 32
2.3.1 共乘平台之功能介面比較 33
2.3.2 共乘平台之導覽介面設計 39
2.3.3 共乘平台之地圖導覽設計原則 41
2.3.4 小結 44
2.4 使用性工程 44
2.4.1 使用性工程原則 44
2.4.2 使用性工程評估方法 45
第三章 研究方法與實驗步驟 47
3.1 研究進行步驟 47
3.2 實驗方法 48
3.2.1 質化研究架構 50
3.2.2 前測實驗研究架構 52
第四章 實驗結果 54
4.1 質化實驗研究結果 54
4.1.1 基本資料問卷結果 54
4.1.2 通勤與交通工具調查結果 55
4.1.3 共乘經驗調查結果 56
4.1.4 任務操作結果 58
4.1.5 結論與建議 61
4.2 前測實驗研究結果 62
4.2.1 基本資料與通勤方式調查結果 63
4.2.2 共乘服務認知調查結果 64
4.2.3 任務操作結果 64
4.2.4 SUS系統使用性量表分析結果與討論 68
4.2.5結論與建議 69
4.3 綜合討論分析 70
第五章 驗證實驗 73
5.1 驗證實驗方法 73
5.1.1 驗證實驗研究變項 73
5.1.2 驗證實驗原型製作 76
5.1.3 驗證實驗設計 79
5.1.4 驗證實驗對象 83
5.2 驗證實驗結果 85
5.2.1 實驗任務績效之分析 85 任務一操作績效之分析與討論 85 任務二操作績效之分析與討論 88 任務三操作績效之分析與討論 89 任務四操作績效之分析與討論 91 任務五操作績效之分析與討論 92
5.2.2 SUS系統使用性尺度量表之分析 94
5.2.3 NASA-TLX主觀負荷量表之分析 96 NASA-TLX「心理負荷」之分析 96 NASA-TLX「生理負荷」之分析 98 NASA-TLX「時間負荷」之分析 100 NASA-TLX「精力耗費」之分析 102 NASA-TLX「個人表現」之分析 103 NASA-TLX「挫折程度」之分析 105
第六章 結論與建議 107
6.1 研究結果 107
6.1.1 篩選樣式與地圖輔助與否之使用經驗研究結果重點整理 108
6.2 結論與建議 112
6.3 後續研究建議 114
參考文獻 116
英文文獻 116
中文文獻 119
網路文獻 121
附錄一、前測質化研究問卷 122
附錄二、前測量化研究問卷 126
附錄三、驗證實驗研究問卷 129
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