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研究生(外文):Tsai-Miau Ke
論文名稱(外文):An EEG Study of Car Modeling Design
指導教授(外文):Regina W.Y. Wang
口試委員(外文):Ken-Tsai LeeErik Chihhung Chang
外文關鍵詞:car modeling designinterior colorgenderemotion dimensionfrontaltemporal
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(2)實驗結果中,行為數據分析發現,純色調內室配色的注意力、情緒效價與情緒喚起最高,且有顯著差異;女性對淺色調有較大的情緒效價,男性對暗色調及無彩色調有較大情緒喚起,這與ㄧ般性別設計偏好的刻板印象一致;無彩色調內室的注意力、情緒效價與情緒喚起最低,但卻能喚起較高的購買慾。值得一提的是,男性對汽車內室配色(color tones)引起情緒維度及購買慾的表現成正向關係;女性的行為數據結果則出現反向關係。

This study takes car modeling design as the theme, We investigated whether modeling design and interior color scheme influence consumers’ emotion and brain responses. Surveyed from 2011 to 2014 's A class and B class car in Taiwan,a total of 56 as sample.

After literature reviewing, modeling, the first independent variable, can be divided into three categories by using car outline : rectangle car, round car and streamline car. Color tones , the second independent variable,can be divided into four categories by pccs color system : light color, vivid color, dark color and neutral color.Through the analysis of the status in Taiwan,we found that largest number of modeling are rectangle car (84%) ,followed by the rectangular car (11%) and the round car (5%) , and that largest number of interior color scheme are neutral color (66%) ,followed by light color (21%), dark color (9%) and vivid color (4%).

In the experimental results, the behavioral data analysis showed that the attention, emotion valence and emotion arousal of the vivid color tone were the highest, and there was significant difference. The female had a large emotion valence for the light color, and the male had a large emotion arousal for the dark color and neutral color ; this is consistent with the stereotype of preference for gender preferences.Neutral color had lowest attention, emotion valence and emotion arousal , but it can arouse a higher purchase desire. It is worth mentioning that male on the car interior color caused by emotional dimensions and the purchase desire a positive relationship; female 's behavioral data results are reverse relationship.

Event-related potential (ERP) analysis found that different "gender " have significant difference on N200, N400 and N600. Female on the modeling in the N200, N400 and N600 average amplitude was significantly higher than men, showing that Female have a greater cognitive impact on the car modelingof the conflict. Event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) analysis indicated that different gender and modelings or different gender and color tones elicited significantly different power in the frontal lobe (BA10,BA46), anterior prefrontal cortex (BA32), temporal lobe (BA22), parietal lobe (BA40) and occipital lobe (BA17).These results demonstrate the role of memory integration, emotion and aesthetic perception, cognitive understanding, familiarity and visual processing.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII

第一章:緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究名詞釋義 3
1-4 研究範圍與限制 4
1-5 研究流程 5

第二章:文獻探討 6
2-1 汽車設計 6
2-1.1 汽車造型設計 8
2-1.2 汽車內室設計 14
2-1.3 汽車配色 16
2-1.4 汽車造型與配色現況 24
2-2 情緒與購買慾 28
2-2.1 情緒維度 28
2-2.2 購買慾 31
2-3 腦波相關研究 33
2-3.1 造型設計相關腦波研究 33
2-3.2 色彩相關腦波研究 34
2-3.3 情緒相關情腦波研究 34

第三章:研究方法 36
3-1 研究架構與假設 36
3-2 實驗設計 38
3-3 分析方法 43

第四章:研究結果與討論 45
4-1 行為數據統計結果與討論 45
4-1.1 注意力 45
4-1.2 情緒效價 48
4-1.3 情緒喚起 52
4-1.4 購買慾 55
4-1.5 行為數據實驗假設驗證與討論 59
4-2 事件相關電位ERP結果 63
4-2.1 N200 63
4-2.2 N400 64
4-2.3 N600 65
4-2.4 ERP討論 66
4-3 事件相關電頻譜位ERSP腦波結果 67
4-3.1 不同外觀造型的ERSP比較 68
4-3.2 不同內室色調的ERSP比較 71
4-3.3 ERSP討論 74

第五章:結論與建議 78
5-1 結論 78
5-2 後續研究建議 80

附錄 81
附錄一: 2011年至2014臺灣地區所生產販售的A、B兩規格車款 81
附錄二:研究假設 91
附錄三:本研究實驗受測者知情同意書 97
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