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研究生:Arcchaporn Choukuljaratsiri
研究生(外文):Arcchaporn Choukuljaratsiri
論文名稱(外文):Case study of KPI in Thai Cassava SMEs: “Siripaisan Agriculture Co., Ltd.”
指導教授:Chia-Fen Chi
指導教授(外文):Chia-Fen Chi
口試委員(外文):Liu, Day-YangTing-Chang Chang
中文關鍵詞:CassavaProducerSMEsKPICase study
外文關鍵詞:CassavaProducerSMEsKPICase study
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It is profoundly known that Key Performance Index (KPI) is useful for business in decision support for increasing profit, but a lot of company do not align with it, especially SMEs.
This master thesis was conducting the case study on one Company that already have KPI implementation, Siripaisarn Agriculture Co.,Ltd., the Cassava Producer SMEs in Thailand. The study aim to understand the company on what kind of KPI they use, the current situation, what outcome they got from KPI use, and to propose additional useful KPI.
The data was collected from literature review and interview conducted with managerial staffs. The study shows that this company can applied KPI to improve their profit and production performance appropriately. And Inventory Turnover Rate’ was suggested to the company for measuring the performance of stock management, which got well received feedback from the company.
It is profoundly known that Key Performance Index (KPI) is useful for business in decision support for increasing profit, but a lot of company do not align with it, especially SMEs.
This master thesis was conducting the case study on one Company that already have KPI implementation, Siripaisarn Agriculture Co.,Ltd., the Cassava Producer SMEs in Thailand. The study aim to understand the company on what kind of KPI they use, the current situation, what outcome they got from KPI use, and to propose additional useful KPI.
The data was collected from literature review and interview conducted with managerial staffs. The study shows that this company can applied KPI to improve their profit and production performance appropriately. And ‘Inventory Turnover Rate’ was suggested to the company for measuring the performance of stock management, which got well received feedback from the company.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Brief Introduction of Cassava business in Thailand 1
1.2 Brief Introduction of KPI 3
1.3 Research Objective 3
1.4 Research scope and constraints 4
1.5 Research framework 4
Chapter 2: Literature Review 5
2.1 Background of Cassava Business in Thailand 5
2.1.1 History of Cassava trade 5
2.1.2 Cassava plantation in Thailand 5
2.1.3 Thai Cassava Industrial Production 7
2.1.4 Ethanol production in Thailand 11
2.1.5 Market Pricing 11
2.1.6 Thai Cassava Export 12
2.2 KPI (Key Performance Index) 14
2.2.1 Balance Score Card & Strategy Mapping 14
2.2.2 KPI Establishment 19
2.3 Siripaisarn Agriculture Co., Ltd. 22
Chapter 3: Research Method and Data 25
3.1 Qualitative Research Design 25
3.2 Research Question 25
3.3 Data Collection & Analysis 25
3.4 Interview Design 26
Chapter 4: Industry & Company Analysis 27
4.1 Industry Analysis 27
4.2 Company Analysis 29
Chapter 5: Case Analysis 33
5.1 Business Goal & Strategy 33
5.2 KPI Implementation in company 33
5.2.1 How they start to use KPI? 33
5.2.2 KPI Data Source 34
5.2.3 KPI Target 34
5.2.4 Current KPI Choice 34
5.2.5 Unused KPI 35
5.2.6 How KPI result has been applied? 36
5.3 Analyze KPI with Strategy Map 37
5.4 Proposing New KPI 40
Chapter 6: Conclusion & Recommendation 42
References 43
Appendix 48
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