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研究生:Xuan- Quynh Trinh
研究生(外文):Xuan-Quynh Trinh
論文名稱:A case study of international strategy on YATEC Engineering Corporation in Viet Nam
論文名稱(外文):A case study of international strategy on YATEC Engineering Corporation in Viet Nam
指導教授(外文):Day-Yang Liu
口試委員(外文):Chun-Nan ChenSu-Seng Tsang
中文關鍵詞:International strategyYatec EngineeringMode of entryAutomationIndustrialMotivation
外文關鍵詞:International strategyYatec EngineeringMode of entryAutomationIndustrialMotivation
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By 2016, Taiwan is the five Foreign Direct Investor in Viet Nam, which has been an attracting markets for the investors due to high GDP growth rate and low cost resources. Most of the firms are small and medium ones, dealing in manufacturing and industrial sectors. The thesis is to study the international strategy of an automation engineering Taiwanese company, named YATEC Engineering Corporation in Viet Nam. The research applied case study approach, using in-depth interview with the President of the company together with the observation and secondary research to collect data. The thesis finds out that the company is encouraged to implement international strategy in Viet Nam by the demand for increasing market size and enjoying location advantages. The company uses an integrated focused cost leadership/ differentiation international strategy at business level and a global strategy at corporate level. Combination of export, strategic alliance and new wholly owned subsidiary is applied by the company to entry Viet Nam. During the implementation of the international strategy, the company confronts risks in terms of politics, economics and culture. It also faces management complexity due to limited international experience. As a result, the company expected to establish market presence in Viet Nam and improve its financial performance. The case study provide reference and lessons to other small and medium firms which plan to penetrate Viet Nam in order to develop efficient international strategy.
By 2016, Taiwan is the five Foreign Direct Investor in Viet Nam, which has been an attracting markets for the investors due to high GDP growth rate and low cost resources. Most of the firms are small and medium ones, dealing in manufacturing and industrial sectors. The thesis is to study the international strategy of an automation engineering Taiwanese company, named YATEC Engineering Corporation in Viet Nam. The research applied case study approach, using in-depth interview with the President of the company together with the observation and secondary research to collect data. The thesis finds out that the company is encouraged to implement international strategy in Viet Nam by the demand for increasing market size and enjoying location advantages. The company uses an integrated focused cost leadership/ differentiation international strategy at business level and a global strategy at corporate level. Combination of export, strategic alliance and new wholly owned subsidiary is applied by the company to entry Viet Nam. During the implementation of the international strategy, the company confronts risks in terms of politics, economics and culture. It also faces management complexity due to limited international experience. As a result, the company expected to establish market presence in Viet Nam and improve its financial performance. The case study provide reference and lessons to other small and medium firms which plan to penetrate Viet Nam in order to develop efficient international strategy.
1.1. Research motivations and background 1
1.2. Research purposes 3
1.3. Research content and research flow chart 3
2.1. Overview of international strategy 5
2.2. Motives of implementing international strategies 5
2.3. Types of international strategies. 8
2.4. Selection of entry modes 9
2.5. Other issues relating to international strategy 14
3.1. Research methodology 16
3.2. Case interview 17
4.1. Industry analysis 19
4.2. Company introduction 26
5.1. Identify international opportunities: 34
5.2. Explore resource and capabilities 36
5.3. Modes of entry 41
5.4. Risks, challenges facing the company and the strategic competitiveness outcomes in Viet Nam 43
6.1. Conclusion 47
6.2. Recommendations 48
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