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研究生:Sarah Winona Notosusanto
研究生(外文):Sarah Winona Notosusanto
論文名稱:A Case Study of Customer Relationship Management in Indonesian Home Appliances Business
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of Customer Relationship Management in Indonesian Home Appliances Business
指導教授(外文):Day-Yang Liu
口試委員(外文):Woan-Yuh JangKuo-An Tseng
中文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship Managementhome appliances industryIndonesian local businessSanken
外文關鍵詞:Customer Relationship Managementhome appliances industryIndonesian local businessSanken
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Indonesia is one of the largest countries in the world. This nation is developing very well in the past few years because of the huge number of productive people. Those people are not only good to be the workers but also be the customers. They have a high level of consumption and demand. This fact means that there are many opportunities to build and expand the businesses.
Sanken is a local company that produces and sells home appliances product. The home appliances industry itself has developed rapidly and there are hundreds of company compete to gain more revenue and more market share. Products that they offer are relatively similar one another. That is why companies should do the differentiation strategy such as building a strong relationship with the customers. This thesis is aimed to get more comprehensive understanding about Customer Relationship Management that has been done by Sanken and to find out better strategy to implement this concept better in the future.
Sanken has done many Customer Relationship Management activities in order to maintain its existing customers. This company is focused on the domestic market. Its main customers are the Distribution Channels. Their relationship is quite unique because it is more informal and individual connection is preferred. In addition, to have better relationship with the customers, Sanken pays a lot of attention and also a lot of investment to communicate with them regularly. Making customers happy is the goal of this company.
Indonesia is one of the largest countries in the world. This nation is developing very well in the past few years because of the huge number of productive people. Those people are not only good to be the workers but also be the customers. They have a high level of consumption and demand. This fact means that there are many opportunities to build and expand the businesses.
Sanken is a local company that produces and sells home appliances product. The home appliances industry itself has developed rapidly and there are hundreds of company compete to gain more revenue and more market share. Products that they offer are relatively similar one another. That is why companies should do the differentiation strategy such as building a strong relationship with the customers. This thesis is aimed to get more comprehensive understanding about Customer Relationship Management that has been done by Sanken and to find out better strategy to implement this concept better in the future.
Sanken has done many Customer Relationship Management activities in order to maintain its existing customers. This company is focused on the domestic market. Its main customers are the Distribution Channels. Their relationship is quite unique because it is more informal and individual connection is preferred. In addition, to have better relationship with the customers, Sanken pays a lot of attention and also a lot of investment to communicate with them regularly. Making customers happy is the goal of this company.

1.1 Motivation and Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Contents and Flowchart 4
1.4 Research Limitation 7
2.1 Overview of CRM 8
2.2 The Benefits of CRM 11
2.3 Implementation of CRM 12
2.4 Pitfalls in Adapting CRM 15
3.1 Research Design 17
3.2 Data Collection 18
3.3 Interview Process 18
4.1 Indonesia Home Appliances Industry Analysis 22
4.2 Porter’s Five Forces Model Analysis 24
4.3 Company Introduction 27
4.4 SWOT Analysis 30
5.1 Key Managerial Decisions 32
5.2 Company’s CRM Activities 36
5.3 Challenges and Current Strategies 42
5.4 Future Planning 44
6.1 Conclusion 45
6.2 Recommendation 46
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