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論文名稱:A Case Study of International Strategy on KKday in Vietnam Market
論文名稱(外文):A Case Study of International Strategy on KKday in Vietnam Market
指導教授(外文):Liu, Day-Yang
口試委員(外文):Tsang, Seng-SuChen, Chun-Nan
中文關鍵詞:international strategymultidomestic strategylocalizationVietnamKKdayTravel & Tourism industry
外文關鍵詞:international strategymultidomestic strategylocalizationVietnamKKdayTravel & Tourism industry
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the oversea expansion development of KKday Taiwan, a quite young and small – sized Taiwan travel company which has a new business models that meet the needs of many customers in Vietnam market as well as other markets in the region. The expecting growing number of Vietnamese peoples travel abroad as well as the new demand which has not been fulfilled in the market are the main reasons for KKday to go international. Vietnam is a potential market for KKday due to many reasons, not only because of the customers but also the trend of e-commerce increasing in this country recent years. By going to Vietnam, the company hopes to success in other Southeast Asia countries in upcoming years also.
A case study is used to analyze the international strategy of KKday in Vietnam market. Information in this study came from interviewing the authorized people in KKday Vietnam team and collecting secondary data. In which, five-force model and SWOT analysis are used to analyze the competitiveness of Travel & Tourism industry in Vietnam and KKday’s pros and cons once enter Vietnam market.
By establishment a Representative Office, KKday enters Vietnam market to fulfill the demand of a huge emerging market. The localization strategy, priority on customers and quality as well as uniqueness in marketing are the core factors of success in KKday’s international strategy. KKday is able to keep its milestone is providing excellent service at lower cost and less operations risk in Vietnam market thank to good policy of human resources and good timing. The company has achieved early success in the market but there are still a lot of challenges ahead that they need to overcome. With the mindset of “We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges.”, the company deeply understands that there are countless challenges in KKday’s entrepreneurial career, but knowledge and countless happy moments also came from facing challenges and resolving problems.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the oversea expansion development of KKday Taiwan, a quite young and small – sized Taiwan travel company which has a new business models that meet the needs of many customers in Vietnam market as well as other markets in the region. The expecting growing number of Vietnamese peoples travel abroad as well as the new demand which has not been fulfilled in the market are the main reasons for KKday to go international. Vietnam is a potential market for KKday due to many reasons, not only because of the customers but also the trend of e-commerce increasing in this country recent years. By going to Vietnam, the company hopes to success in other Southeast Asia countries in upcoming years also.
A case study is used to analyze the international strategy of KKday in Vietnam market. Information in this study came from interviewing the authorized people in KKday Vietnam team and collecting secondary data. In which, five-force model and SWOT analysis are used to analyze the competitiveness of Travel & Tourism industry in Vietnam and KKday’s pros and cons once enter Vietnam market.
By establishment a Representative Office, KKday enters Vietnam market to fulfill the demand of a huge emerging market. The localization strategy, priority on customers and quality as well as uniqueness in marketing are the core factors of success in KKday’s international strategy. KKday is able to keep its milestone is providing excellent service at lower cost and less operations risk in Vietnam market thank to good policy of human resources and good timing. The company has achieved early success in the market but there are still a lot of challenges ahead that they need to overcome. With the mindset of “We don’t grow when things are easy; we grow when we face challenges.”, the company deeply understands that there are countless challenges in KKday’s entrepreneurial career, but knowledge and countless happy moments also came from facing challenges and resolving problems.
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................... iii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. iv LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................ v
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
1.1. Research motivation and background ...............................................................................1
1.2. Research Objectives ..........................................................................................................2
1.3. Scope of research...............................................................................................................2
1.4. Research flowchart ............................................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................. 4
2.1. International strategy .........................................................................................................4
2.2. International expansion for services firms ........................................................................7
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODYLOGY ................................................................ 16
3.1. Research design ...............................................................................................................16
3.2. Case interview .................................................................................................................17
3.3. Data analysis....................................................................................................................18
4.1. Vietnam tourism & travel industry..................................................................................19
4.2. Company introduction.....................................................................................................31
CHAPTER 5: CASE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................... 39
5.1. Identifying the market opportunities ...............................................................................39
5.2. Explore resources and capability .....................................................................................42
5.3. Mode of entry ..................................................................................................................50
5.4. Strategic competitiveness outcome .................................................................................51
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION ........................................................................................... 52
6.1. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................52
6.2. Recommendation .............................................................................................................53
REFERENCE...................................................................................................................... 55
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