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研究生(外文):Mehdi Shafae
論文名稱:The Entrepreneurial Marketing on Foreign Immigrants in Taipei City
論文名稱(外文):The Entrepreneurial Marketing on Foreign Immigrants in Taipei City
指導教授(外文):Day-Yang Liu
口試委員(外文):Hsin-Fang HsuJen-Wei Chang
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Abstract cannot be displayed(Abstract delay requested).
ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................II
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................III
LIST OF TABLES..................................................................................................IV
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................V

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation.............................................................1
1.2 Research Purpose...........................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objective.........................................................................................5
1.4 Research Content and Flowchart....................................................................6

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.......................................................................8
2.1 Immigrants and Entrepreneurship...................................................................8
2.2 Entrepreneurial Marketing in Micro- and Small-Sized Companies................16

CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................26
3.1 Qualitative Research Approach and Theoretical Framework........................26
3.2 Data Collection.............................................................................................28
3.3 Sampling......................................................................................................30
3.4 Data Analysis................................................................................................31
3.5 Background of Empirical Study....................................................................31

CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION........................................................33
4.1 Motivation for Entrepreneurship...................................................................33
4.2 Limited Resources.......................................................................................34
4.3 Joined Ownership and Management...........................................................39
4.4 Organisational Structure and Management Approach.................................46
4.5 Local Networking.........................................................................................50
4.6 Entrepreneurial Marketing Tools..................................................................55

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION................................................................................64
5.1 Conclusions..................................................................................................64
5.2 Limitations....................................................................................................67
5.3 Future Research...........................................................................................68

REFERENCES......................................................................................................69 APPENDIX A........................................................................................................77
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