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研究生(外文):ZENG, WEN-HONG
論文名稱(外文):Applications of packaging adhesives and blood compatible materials via ether-based acrylate copolymers
指導教授(外文):CHUNG, YI-CHANG
外文關鍵詞:Ether-based acrylate copolymerpackaging adhesivedrhydration and crosslinkingpositive charge copolymerblood compatible materials
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為了改善太陽能封裝材料長期遭受紫外光照射下易產生黃變及老化等問題,本研究將MIPA與醋酸乙烯酯vinyl acetate (VAc)進行共聚,可於醇解後產生適當的-OH官能基,除了有助於提升封裝材料與太陽能電池組件之黏著力外,更可藉由高溫烘烤時,造成脫水架橋反應進而提升共聚物之交聯密度。接著將共聚物進行太陽能封裝材料之性質測試,分析相關物性和封裝特性,評估取代現有太陽能晶片模組封裝材料的可能性。結果發現,在UV光的照射或恆溫恆濕的環境下,我們的共聚物封裝之穿透度皆>90%,均展現良好的透光度,且無黃變的現象產生,玻璃與背板TPT間的剝離強度亦從9.2 N/cm提升至26.6 N/cm。
另一方面,自體血小板濃厚液(Platelet-rich plasma, PRP)已被廣泛的應用於醫療當中,但傳統離心機所分離之血小板濃厚液,因濃度不易被控制,其變異量容易隨著捐贈者之血小板濃度而有所差別。因此本研究中欲利用甲基丙烯酸二甲氨乙酯(DMAEMA)作為正電荷基團單體,與不同碳鏈長度之醚基壓克力單體進行共聚,探討相同正電基團比例下,共聚物之碳鏈長度對於血小板吸附的影響。在血液吸附材料的評估中,血小板抓取效果以PIC6為最佳,並藉由醚基壓克力單體之高柔軟性質及良好成膜性,可將PIC6塗佈於2D及3D基材表面,並設計出一種濃度可控式血小板濃厚液之分離裝置,達到濃縮血小板的效果,且血小板濃度變異量能控制在15%以內,達到PRP之濃度可控的目的。


Copolymerization is a common method for widely extending the applications of polymer via molecular design to provide more species and options. In this study, ether-based acrylic monomer, called as MIPA, with high flexibility, high transparency, high heat resistance and high biocompatibility was used to copolymerize with different functional monomers to introduce specific functional groups and can be applied on solar cell packaging adhesives and blood compatible materials, and so on. We focused on the first two applications and discussed their preparation and applicable benefits.
In order to improve the long-term exposure under ultraviolet light for the solar cells, the packaging materials should be designed to endure yellowing and aging problems. In this study, MIPA and vinyl acetate (VAc) can be copolymerized to produce a copolymer with appropriate -OH functional groups after alcoholysis. The copolymer provides not onlyenhanced adhesion between packaging layers and solar cell components, but also increase the crosslinking density of packaging via dehydrated reaction after roasting at a high temperature. The physical properties and packaging viability of the copolymer were measured for the solar cell packaging, and found some better niche points to replace EVA. The results showed that the transparency of the copolymeris greater than 90%, no matter under UV irradiation or in a humid environment for a long time, displaying no yellowing happened. The peeling strength can be increased from 9.2 N/cm to 26.6 N/cm between a glass and TPT sheet.
As for the other application, the autogenic platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is widely used to apply on the medical therapies, but the concentration of PRP cannot be well-controlled in and between different patients’ blood samples via centrifugation. The variation is also caused in a donator’s platelet concentrations. In this study, we used DMAEMA as a positively-charged monomer to copolymerize with different lengths of carbon chain of ether-based acrylic monomer to prepare positively-charged copolymers with different interactive properties toward platelets. We discussed the effect of the carbon chain lengths of the copolymers on platelet adsorption under the same positive group ratio. In the blood cell adhesion experiments, we found the sample, PIC6, has stronger adhesion to platelets. Through highly-soft property and well film-forming for the ether-based acrylic monomer, we can easily coat PIC6 on a 2D and a 3D substrates to design a novel device which can control the concentrations of PRP samples among different patient’s blood within 15% of variation. It is expected to improve the problems of PRP collection devices, including high cost and large variation of PRP concentrations over those using traditional centrifugation methods.

Key words : Ether-based acrylate copolymer、packaging adhesive、drhydration and crosslinking、positive charge copolymer、blood compatible materials.

謝誌 I
摘要 IV
Abstract V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XVI
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.1.1共聚物 1
1.1.2醚基壓克力單體(MIPA) 3
1.2 研究動機 5
第二章、文獻回顧 7
2.1共聚物材料之優勢與聚合方法 7
2.1.1 共聚物之優勢 7
2.1.2 共聚物之種類 13
2.1.3自由基聚合之機制與方法 15
2.2太陽能封裝材料 20
2.2.1 太陽能電池模組的簡介 20
2.2.2 EVA封裝膜之特性 24
2.2.3 EVA封裝膜黃變及其機制 26
2.3血液接觸材料 31
2.3.1 血液之組成 31
2.3.2 血液相容性材料 33
2.3.3 血液與材料表面的交互關係 37
2.3.4帶電高分子於血液接觸材料的應用 42
2.3.5血小板濃厚液於醫療上的用途 52
第三章、實驗方法 56
3.1 實驗架構 56
3.2 實驗藥品與儀器 57
3.2.1實驗藥品 57
3.2.2實驗儀器 59
3.3封裝黏著實驗步驟 63
3.3.1太陽能封裝材料合成 63
3.3.2 共聚物之薄膜製備 66
3.3.3 黏性拉伸測試 67
3.3.4 共聚物之交聯率測試 70
3.3.5 水氣穿透率測試 71
3.3.6 穿透度測試 71
3.3.7 封裝元件進行加速老化之黏著性及透光度測試 72
3.4血液相容材料實驗步驟 73
3.4.1血液吸附材料合成與測試實驗步驟 73
3.4.2 共聚物高分子塗層之親疏水特性比較 74
3.4.3 共聚物塗層之溶出測試 75
3.4.4 體外細胞毒性測試 76
3.4.5 全血(Whole blood cells)與共聚物塗層之培養 77
3.4.6 血小板吸附樹脂於2D金屬網/3D分離棉之表面改質 78
3.4.7 2D濾網之血小板抓取測試 79
3.4.8 3D多孔性材料於血漿快速分離實驗 80
3.4.9 濃度可控式血小板分離裝置 81
第四章、醚基壓克力共聚物於封裝黏著之結果與討論 84
4.1 共聚物之化學成分鑑定及性質分析 84
4.2 共聚物交聯度測試 103
4.3 共聚物經加熱交聯前後之熱性質分析 104
4.4 共聚物薄膜於太陽能電池封裝測試 108
4.5封裝元件之黏性拉伸測試與玻璃強度測試 109
4.6 封裝元件之穿透度測試 111
4.7 封裝元件之尺寸安定性測試 112
4.8 封裝元件之吸濕性測試 113
4.9 長時效UV光照射老化之穿透度及黏性測試 114
4.10恆溫恆濕試驗老化之穿透度及黏性 116
4.11 長時效UV光照射老化之封裝元件吸濕性測試 118
第五章、醚基壓克力共聚物於血液相容材料之結果與討論 122
5.1 共聚物之化學成分鑑定及性質分析 122
5.2共聚物塗層之親疏水特性比較 124
5.3共聚物塗層之溶出試驗 126
5.4共聚物塗層之體外細胞毒測試 127
5.5全血細胞吸附實驗結果 129
5.6 血小板吸附樹脂於2D金屬網/3D分離棉之表面改質 136
5.7 2D濾網之血小板抓取測試 141
5.8 3D多孔性材料於血漿加速分離實驗 145
5.9 濃度可控式血小板分離裝置 151
5.10 生長因子測試 156
第六章、結論 158
參考文獻 161

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