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論文名稱(外文):Mechanisms linking frontline employee service competencies to customer’s word-of-mouth intention
指導教授(外文):WU, YU-CHI
外文關鍵詞:Frontline employeeCompetencecustomer valueWOM
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Today, the service industry occupies most of the industry. However, the frontline employees for a company are to contact the customers the first impression, and the service of frontline employees may affect the customer’s sense for company. Thus, the frontline employees’ service competence is a very important role in company.
This study mainly analyzes the influence between the two dimensions of the frontline employee service competence (interpersonal competencies and professional competencies) and the customer acceptance service value, further influencing customer’s word-of-mouth.
In particular, there is little literature to investigate the value of customer after acceptance service. Therefore, this study defines the two-dimensional of the consumer acceptance of services value (hedonic value and utilitarian value), and explores the difference of FLEs service competence whether affect this two-dimensional value. In addition, the word-of-mouth of customer is an important factor affecting business reputation. So, this article more discusses relationship between the customer acceptance services value and word-of-mouth to complete this structure. In this study, we may contribute to filling gaps in existing literature. 250 valid data was collected from internet. Participants who had experienced hairdressing services over the past three months were asked to rate frontline employee service competence, service value, and word-of-mouth intention, Further, the structural equation model technique was used to analyze the data.
The results show that the relationship among interpersonal competencies, affective values and customer’s word-of-mouth intended is full mediating effect. In addition, the relationship among professional competencies, utilitarian values and customer’s word-of-mouth intended is partial mediating effect. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are also discussed.

壹、 研究背景與目的 1
貳、 文獻回顧 3
一、 第一線服務人員職能 3
二、 顧客服務價值 5
三、 第一線服務職能與顧客服務價值 9
四、 顧客口碑意圖 10
五、 顧客服務價值與顧客口碑意圖 11
六、 第一線服務人員職能與顧客口碑意圖 12
參、 研究方法 15
一、 研究對象 15
二、 測量方法 16
肆、 研究結果 18
一、 測量模型 18
二、 測量模型 19
三、 結構模型 21
伍、 結論與建議 24
一、 討論 24
二、 管理意涵 25
三、 限制與未來研究 27
陸、 參考文獻 29
柒、 附錄 38

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