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研究生(外文):Shao-Ju Huang
論文名稱(外文):Application of IGA to Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Multi-manned Workstations Considering the Allocation Efficiency of Operators
指導教授(外文):Yin-Yann Chen
外文關鍵詞:Line BalancingMulti-manned WorkstationTaguchi Methods;Immune Genetic Algorithm
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Manufacturing business has the been key point ever since Taiwan enters industrial era. However, challenges like, the growing manufacturing cost, the emerging labor shortage and the rising environmental awareness are putting traditional industry in a even more difficult situation. How to reduce excessive wastes and achieve low-cost and high-efficiency during production have become an important topic for the industry. This research will focus on how to find the problem of balancing production lines with multi-manned workstations in Car industry. The major difference between these issues and the balancing of traditional production line is the allocation of manpower at the workstation. This research is focusing on building a optimal mathematic model to minimize the number of workstations and manpower allocation and perform the correlation between efficiency and manpower distribution. Also, using Taguchi methods, we have done different scale of experiments to prove the validity of our Immune Genetic Algorithm. After validation, we have demonstrated our Immune Genetic Algorithm by conducting experiments on cooperated company data, and compared the result with the other optimization software. In the end, we can do sensitivity correlation of possible factors by previous results.
第一章 緒論............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.......................................1
1.2 研究目的............................................2
1.3 研究範圍與假設.......................................2
1.4 研究流程.............................................3
第二章 文獻探討 ........................................6
2.1 生產線平衡問題.......................................6
2.2 多人工作站生產線平衡問題..............................8
2.3 免疫遺傳演算法.......................................9
2.4 實驗設計-田口方法...................................19
第三章 問題定義 .......................................23
3.1 定義問題............................................23
3.2 數學規劃模型 .......................................23
3.3 測試問題............................................28
第四章 演算法設計與測試................................33
4.1 免疫遺傳演算法流程..................................33
4.2 建立可行平衡解之流程(The procedure of building feasible balancing solutions)...................................40
4.3 免疫遺傳演算法參數設定...............................46
4.4 測試與驗證..........................................50
4.4.1 測試環境與測試問題................................50
4.4.2 免疫遺傳演算法驗證................................50
4.5 驗證結果...........................................52
第五章 實務案例.......................................55
5.1 案例背景說明 .......................................55
5.2 實務案例測試與結果..................................58
5.2.1 免疫遺傳演算法之測試結果...........................58
5.2.2 實務案例結果小結..................................60
5.3 參數敏感度分析......................................61
5.3.1 參數資料..........................................61
5.3.2 限制操作員數量之影響...............................62
5.3.3 操作員數限制為3人下變動Cycle time之影響............63
第六章 結論與建議.....................................66
6.1 結論...............................................66
6.2 建議...............................................66
參考文獻 ...............................................68
Extended Abstract......................................73
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