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研究生(外文):Ming-Te Liu
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Tungsten Contents on the Microstructures and Corrosion Characteristics of Ferritic Stainless Steel
外文關鍵詞:Ferritic stainless steelVacuum castingTungstenHeat treatmentSigma phaseCorrosion
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In this study, the effects of tungsten (1, 2 and 4 wt%) addition on the microstructure and corrosion characteristics of the vacuum casting ferritic stainless steel were investigated. The microstructures of the as-cast and heat-treated alloys with different tungsten additions were analyzed by optical microscope, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The corrosion resistance was evaluated by electrochemical techniques. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the ferritic stainless steel specimens were composed of ferrite and σ phase after heat treatment. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that the σ-phase was an intermetallic phase composed mainly of iron and chromium, which decreased with the increase of tungsten content. Besides, ferritic stainless steel containing up to 4 wt.% of tungsten resulted in the aggregation of tungsten particles. Tungsten was added to ferritic stainless steel could improve hardness and corrosion resistance.
第一章 緒論......1
1.1 前言......1
1.2 研究動機與目的......2
第二章 文獻回顧......3
2.1 不銹鋼簡介......3
2.1.1 不銹鋼分類......4
2.1.2 AISI430不銹鋼......8
2.1.3 AISI430不銹鋼熱處理......9
2.1.4 AISI430不銹鋼強化機制......11
2.2 合金元素對不銹鋼組織和性能的影響......13
2.2.1 不銹鋼中的合金元素與鉻當量與鎳當量......13
2.2.2 合金元素對不銹鋼性能影響......14
2.2.3 各種的化合物析出對不銹鋼性質的影響......17
2.2.4 不銹鋼中常見化合物及二次相......19
2.2.5 降低第二相在晶界析出方法減少敏化現象......21
2.3 不銹鋼的腐蝕與電化學特性......24
2.3.1 不銹鋼典型的動態電位極化曲線......25
2.4 真空感應鑄造......27
2.4.1 感應加熱原理......28
2.4.2 鑄造結構......31
2.4.3 凝固缺陷......32
2.5 國內外相關研究......34
第三章 實驗方法......37
3.1 實驗流程......37
3.2 坩鍋製備......39
3.3 真空感應鑄造......40
3.3.1 鑄造參數......40
3.3.2 鑄造使用儀器......42
3.4 熱處理實驗......43
3.4.1 熱處理流程......43
3.4.2 熱處理使用儀器......43
3.5 顯微組織分析......44
3.5.1 顯微組織分析流程......44
3.6 硬度試驗......45
3.6.1 硬度試驗流程......45
3.6.2 硬度試驗使用儀器......45
3.7 掃描式電子顯微鏡及能量光譜儀分析......46
3.8 X光繞射儀......47
3.9 電化學試驗......48
3.9.1 電化學試驗流程......48
第四章 結果與討論......50
4.1 顯微組織分析......50
4.1.1 金相組織觀察......50
4.2 SEM及EDS相成分分析......55
4.3 X-ray繞射分析......64
4.4 微硬度分析......66
4.5 電化學分析......67
4.5.1 極化曲線分析......67
4.5.2 腐蝕形貌組織觀察......71
第五章 結論......80
Extended Abstract......85
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