This research aims at developing an application program (APP) of smartphone to substitute the traditional pointer type dashboard. The proposed APP can receive the data of speed per hour, RPM, fuel volume and water temperature via wireless communication of bluetooth. Furthermore, Near Field Communication (NFC) can be used to confirm the identification of the user and since it’s not vulnerable to be invaded by the hackers. This can reduce the car risk of theft. Smartphone with Android system use APP to substitute the traditional pointer type dashboard. In contrast with traditional pointer type dasdboard, APP is more novel and convenient. On the other hand, the simulation signal is combined by two Arduino UNO, two Arduino CAN Shield, and the Bluetooth module. This design utilies Arduion UNO to simulate the signal of vehicle. Also, the signal is sent to another Arduino UNO for receiving. The signal will be changed to the required data format for smartphone by Bluetooth module for replacement.