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研究生(外文):Jyun-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):Combined Experimental and Numerical Study on the Flow Structure and Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Wavy Leading-edge Blade Applied on the VAWT
外文關鍵詞:Wavy bladeFlow controlAerodynamicNumerical SimulationExperimentVAWT
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座頭鯨有極佳的追捕獵物能力,這可歸功於其具有突起狀前緣之鰭狀肢(flipper),觀察發現其鰭狀肢突起狀前緣(tubercle leading-edge)能發揮類似被動式流場控制的功能,透過流體通過非平滑翼前緣產生渦旋,有延遲氣流分離、增加失速攻角的效用。本文採用風洞實驗與數值模擬,分析三維具波浪型前緣葉片單葉片及波浪型前緣葉片三葉片垂直軸風力機在不同波高、波長及尖速比TSR的流場特性及氣動力性能。
  探討具波浪型前緣葉片三葉片垂直軸風力機在葉片模型以NACA0012為葉片之剖面,葉片高度H為0.2m,展弦比AR=3,波浪型前緣葉片波長WL=0.5c~3c、波高A=0.05c~0.3c,來流風速V∞=6m/s,R/c=1.726,風機半徑R=0.115m,尖速比TSR=0.05~1。當波長增加時,CQ最大值也隨著增加,增益值也逐漸增加,但同時具有CQ最小值也隨之降低,由各測試案例中,在TSR=0.095、0.191、0.287、0.383、0.5、1時其最大增益值分別為20.02%、22.66%、26.05%、19.15%、16.72%、6.91%。波浪型前緣葉片三葉片風力機數值模擬在波高的改變中,隨著波高增加 CQ最大值也隨著增加,整體波浪型前緣葉片之CQ值均高於平滑型前緣葉片,但僅A=0.3c時則略低於平滑型前緣葉片。各測試案例中,在TSR=0.095、0.191、0.287、0.383、0.5、1時其最大增益值分別為23.89%、22.23%、13.52%、12.71%、12.56%、-0.29%,僅有在TSR=1時最大增益值為負增益。
Humpback whales utilize extremely mobile, wing-like flipper for banking and turning. The tubercles on the leading edge act as passive-flow control devices that improve performance and maneuverability of flipper. Theexperiment and 3-D numerical simulation are performed in this study to thoroughly investigate the flow structure and aerodynamic characteristics of 3-blade VAWT applyingthe designed wavy wing with different amplitude, wave lengthand aspect ratio, which is simulated from the tubercles flipper on humpback whales.
For the static single blade cases withV∞=12m/s, the flow separation is stronger at the wave trough than at the wave crest due to the counter-rotating vortex induced by the flow pass through the wavy leading edge. Comparing with the smooth leading edge, the lift coefficient of wavy wing is lower in low angle of attack, but is superior at higher angle of attack. The effect of the wavy wing strongly depends on the wave length and amplitude of the wavy leading edge. For higher wave length cases, the average lift is rise as amplitude isincreased. Similarly, the improvement is more obvious for lower wave length case as amplitude is decreased.
  For the three blades vertical axis wind turbine cases withV∞=6m/s, R/c=1.726, 0.05c ≦ A ≦to 0.3c, 0.5c≦ WL ≦ to 3c and tip speed ratio 0.095≦ TSR≦1,the wind turbineperformance of wavy wing is obviouslyimproved.Comparing with the smooth leading edge, the maximum average torque coefficient CQ enhancement of wavy wing with amplitude variationare20.02%, 22.66%, 26.05%, 19.15%, 16.72%, 6.91% as TSR=0.095, 0.191, 0.287, 0.383, 0.5, 1 respectively.The maximum average torque coefficient CQ enhancement of wavy wing with wave length variationare23.89%, 22.23%, 13.52%, 12.71%, 12.56%, -0.29% as TSR=0.095, 0.191, 0.287, 0.383, 0.5, 1 respectively.
The wind turbine power analysis also implemented with numerical simulation and wind tunnel measurement. Comparing with the smooth leading edge, the maximum power enhancement of wavy wing with amplitude variationare40.05%, 39.63%, 24.91%, 22.02% as TSR=0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08 respectively with numericalsimulation; and the enhancements are40.31%, 44.65%, 37.34%, 48.88% as TSR=0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08 respectivelywith wind tunnel measurement.
第一章 緒論......1
1.1 研究動機......1
1.2 研究目的......4
1.3 文獻回顧......5
第二章 分析......10
2.1 物理模式......11
2.2 幾何分析......11
2.3 統御方程式......12
2.4 紊流模型......13
2.5 邊界條件......15
2.6 參數定義......16
第三章 數值方法及驗證......17
3.1 簡述......17
3.2 滑動網格(Sliding mesh)......17
3.3 網格系統......18
3.4 程式驗證......19
第四章 實驗量測......21
4.1 風洞實驗設備......21
4.2 風洞實驗步驟......23
4.2.1 靜態單葉片風洞實驗......23
4.2.2 動態三葉片風機風洞實驗......40
第五章 結果與討論......41
5.1 靜態單葉片分析......41
5.1.1 靜態單葉片數值模擬流場分析......41
5.1.2 靜態單葉片風洞實驗流場分析......26
5.1.3 靜態單葉片風洞實驗與數值模擬結果比較......28
5.2 單葉片風力機數值模擬分析......29
5.2.1 單葉片風力機葉片數值模擬厚度之影響......29
5.3 三葉片風力機分析......30
5.3.1 三葉片風力機葉片數值模擬波長之影響......30
5.3.2 三葉片風力機葉片數值模擬波高之影響......32
5.3.3 三葉片風力機風洞實驗與數值模擬結果比較......50
第六章 結論......36
6.1 靜態單葉片......36
6.2 單葉片風力機......37
6.3 三葉片風力機......37
Extend Abstract......97
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