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研究生(外文):Zhe-Sheng Shih
論文名稱(外文):Software Defined Sensor Network and Its Applications in a Radio Spectrum Monitoring System based on Software Defined Radio
外文關鍵詞:SDRSDNmulticast routing protocolnetwork overload
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電波監測系統(Radio Spectrum Monitoring System, RSMS)致力於監測電波頻譜訊號以及偵測非預期的干擾源。但隨著5G技術的到來,傳統的電波監測系統無法有效同時應付不同通訊協定的無線通訊訊號,例如: 3G、4G、Wifi、小基站等。這趨使了RSMS朝向軟體定義無線電(Software Defined Radio,SDR)之技術去發展。當控制中心工作站利用SDR透過網路接取監測站的原始頻譜資料時,由於原始資料的資料量相當龐大的關係,在RSMS舊有的網路架構底下,並沒有辦法有效地處理網路壅塞的問題。因此,此篇論文提出了一個軟體定義感測網路(Software Defined Sensor Network,SDSN)系統應用於電波監測系統。SDSN系統係整合了SDR與軟體定義網路(Software Defined Network,SDN)之技術去實現的系統,其宗旨在於解決RSMS網路壅塞的問題、透過SDN協調工作站與監測站之間的通訊、以及優先處理本地通訊的資料轉送。本篇論文設計了一個可插隊式之協調群播路由(Preemptive Coordination Multicast Routing,PCMR )協定,可用來決定在電波監測系統裡的監測站與控制工作站通訊間的最小路徑成本。再者,為優先處理本地通訊的資料轉送,PCMR設計了多個機制來達到此目的。為了驗證我們的系統,我們模擬了資料中心的網路拓樸(fat tree)作為SDSN的測試環境。在效能測試裡,與傳統路由機制相比,例如: Dijkstra最短路徑演算法。我們所提出的演算法可以在電波監測系統的情境之下減少約33.6%至53.6%的丟包率(packet loss rate)以及提高大約14.93%的平均鏈路使用率(link utilization)。另外,在負載測試裡,我們也確實驗證了PCMR演算法在低負載與高負載的情境下相較於Dijkstra演算法擁有較低的路徑成本以及丟包率,且在鏈路使用率與封包速度的部分效能也較好。相對地,我們的演算法卻也會產生額外的路由計算時間以及封包抖動。
Radio Spectrum Monitoring System (RSMS) is committed to monitoring radio spectrum signal and detecting unexpected interference source. But with the arrival of 5G technique, the traditional RSMS could not cope with wireless communication signal of different wireless protocol simultaneously, e.g. 3G, 4G, Wifi, and small cells. This is a tendency to let RSMS need to develop Software Defined Radio (SDR) technique. When control workstation accesses radio spectrum raw data from monitoring station using SDR, because of the huge traffic of raw data, it may not handle network overload effectively by traditional network architecture of RSMS. Therefore, this thesis proposes a Software Defined Sensor Network (SDSN) system applying for RSMS. SDSN system integrates SDR and Software Defined Network (SDN) techniques, in which the purposes of this system include solving network overload problem in RSMS, coordinating the communication between control workstation and monitoring station using SDN, and prioritizing local region data forwarding. This thesis designs a preemptive coordination multicast routing (PCMR) protocol to determine the lowest cost path between monitoring station and control workstation in the RSMS. Furthermore, to pursue the purpose that prioritizes local region data forwarding, there are multiple mechanisms designed in PCMR algorithm on them. To validate the SDSN system, we emulated a fat tree type of data-center network topology as the test environment for the SDSN. In testing the performance of SDSN system and comparison to the traditional routing algorithm, i.e. Dijkstra shortest path algorithm, our algorithm could decrease approximately 33.6% to 53.6% packet loss rate and increase 14.93% average link utilization. On the other hand, in testing the load of SDSN system, PCMR algorithm has a lower path cost and packet loss rate than Dijkstra algorithm in both of low loading scenario and high loading scenario. Besides, the performance of link utilization and packet speed also better than Dijkstra algorithm. However, our algorithm might cause additional routing computation time and packet jitter.
Table of Contents...vi
List of Tables...viii
List of Figures...x
Chapter 1 Introduction...1
1.1 Background...1
1.2 Motivation and Objective...3
1.3 Organization of Thesis...5
Chapter 2 Relevant Techniques...6
2.1 Software Defined Radio...6
2.1.1 SDR Technical Aspect...6
2.1.2 SDR Business Aspect...8
2.2 Software Defined Network...9
2.2.1 SDN Technical Aspect...10
2.2.2 SDN Business Aspect...18
Chapter 3 Review of Related Literature...19
3.1 The Integration of SDN and SDR...19
3.2 Communication Management in SDN...20
3.3 SD-WAN...22
3.4 Multicast in SDN...23
3.4.1 Multicast Cost Definition Survey...23
3.4.2 Multicast Forwarding Mechanism Survey...28
Chapter 4 System Model & Problem Formulation...30
4.1 System Architecture...30
4.2 Network Model...34
4.2.1 Graph Elements Definition...34
4.2.2 Multicast Tree Definition...35
4.2.3 Multicast Tree Cost Definition...37
4.3 Objective Function...41
4.4 Constraints of Objective Function...42
Chapter 5 Preemptive Coordination Multicast Routing Protocol...43
5.1 The Aims of PCMR Protocol...43
5.2 Routing Algorithm...48
5.2.1 Request Communication Routing Procedure...49
5.2.2 Preemptive Mechanism & Putting In Mechanism...51
5.2.3 Finish Communication Routing Procedure...55
5.2.4 Pulling Out Mechanism & Rerouting Mechanism...56
5.2.5 Examples of Mechanisms in PCMR Algorithm...58
5.3 Message Formats...63
5.4 Timing Diagram...68
Chapter 6 Performance Evaluations...70
6.1 Emulation on Software Testbed...70
6.2 Performance Testing of SDSN System...72
6.2.1 RSMS Applications...72
6.2.2 Scenario Descriptions...75
6.2.3 Performance Results of Routing Algorithms...78
6.3 Load Testing of SDSN System...86
6.3.1 Multicast Path Cost and Length...88
6.3.2 The Number of Communications and Computation Time...90
6.3.3 Packet Loss Rate (%)...93
6.3.4 Packet Jitter (ms)...94
6.3.5 Packet Speed (Mbps)...95
6.3.6 Link Utilization and Link Utilization Standard Deviation (%)...97
6.3.7 Routing algorithms comprehensive evaluation...98
Chapter 7 Conclusions...100
Extended Abstract...107
Curriculum Vitae (CV)...111
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