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研究生(外文):Fang-Yu Kuo
論文名稱(外文):The Decision of Queuing after the Witness of a Queue: A Study of the Cognitive and Brainwave Responses
外文關鍵詞:Queuing PhenomenonWaiting DecisionEEGData Mining
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Queuing behavior is a universal consumption phenomenon to service industry. Many companies attend to the management issues about the unavoidable waiting situation and establish many management policy to make consumer willing to wait or stay. However, consumer decision making is the ultimate behavior that occurs after a series of complex human cognitive processes, so it’s hard to observe as usual. This study was apply braiwave experiment with two kinds of queueing situation simulation and to detection the real reaction of comsumers. On the other hand, this paper also used questionnaires to understand the consumers’ queuing perception and include personal time style, waiting tolerance and decision type as grouping variables.
The analytical results of questionnaire showed providing waiting time information will bring consumer positive emotion, but no significant difference in three grouping variables. However, when providing the information of queuing people will decrease the consumer negative emotion.
In addition, the analytical results of brainwave response showed that consumer will had high wave from 300 to 350ms on FP1 after consumer receive waiting time information, but the waiting information without time will make consumer brainwave had larger change at 0 to 250ms. This study convert the continuous value of brainwave data into discrete values by fuzzy statistical techniques and confirm the LN10H method had the highest correlation with the raw data. Then, use sequence pattern analysis of data mining to find the tens of thousands of rules of brainwave. Otherwises, this study used 32 channel to observer the effect of queuing information of waiting line in front of store. The analytical results showed the stronger signals from scalp surface near paterial and temporal lobe first, than the power would transfer from the scalp surface near frontal lobe.
英文摘要 ...............................................iii
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機........................................1
1.2 研究目的..............................................3
1.3 研究流程..............................................3
第二章 文獻探討...........................................5
2.1 排隊現象..............................................5
2.2 排隊理論..............................................6
2.2.1 輸入來源(input source)..............................7
2.2.2 系統容量(system capacity)...........................7
2.2.3 服務規則(service discipline)........................7
2.2.4 服務設施(service facility)..........................7
2.3 等候決策..............................................9
2.3.1 Nicosia模型........................................9
2.3.2 EKB與EBM模型.......................................11
2.3.3 Howard-Sheth模型..................................15
2.3.4 CDM模型...........................................17
2.3.5 刺激─反應模型......................................18
2.4 排隊管理.............................................24
2.4.1 排隊環境...........................................25
2.4.2 排隊隊形管理.......................................26
2.4.3 排隊資訊...........................................28
2.5 排隊心理.............................................29
2.5.1 排隊經驗...........................................30
2.5.2 等候時間知覺.......................................31
2.5.3 等候情緒...........................................33
2.5.4 個人時間風格.......................................36
2.5.5 等候容忍度.........................................38
2.6 腦部結構.............................................41
2.7 情境模式.............................................54
2.8 本章小結.............................................55
第三章 研究方法..........................................56
3.1 研究架構及假設.......................................56
3.2 研究變數.............................................57
3.2.1 問卷架構變數之操作型定義............................57
3.2.2 腦波實驗架構變數之操作型定義.........................59
3.3 問卷設計.............................................59
3.4 問卷前測.............................................64
3.4.2 個人時間風格問卷之前測..............................77
3.5 研究方法.............................................89
3.5.1 等候時間資訊實驗...................................89
3.5.2 排隊人數資訊實驗...................................90
3.6 實驗對象.............................................90
3.7 實驗一:等候時間資訊實驗..............................92
3.7.1 實驗情境設計.......................................92
3.7.2 實驗環境...........................................93
3.7.3 硬體設備...........................................95
3.7.4 實驗軟體...........................................96
3.7.5 實驗情境預試.......................................98
3.7.6 正式實驗之實驗設計..................................99
3.7.7 正式實驗前測......................................101
3.7.8 實驗流程..........................................105
3.7.9 實驗問卷..........................................106
3.8 實驗二:排隊人數資訊實驗.............................106
3.8.1 實驗設計..........................................106
3.8.2 實驗環境..........................................108
3.8.3 硬體設備..........................................108
3.8.4 實驗軟體..........................................110
3.8.5 實驗前測..........................................112
3.8.6 實驗流程..........................................114
3.8.7 實驗問卷..........................................115
3.9 資料分析方法........................................115
3.9.1 敘述性統計分析....................................115
3.9.2 常態檢定..........................................115
3.9.3 信度分析..........................................116
3.9.4 兩階段集群分析....................................116
3.9.5 鑑別度分析........................................117
3.9.6 迴歸分析..........................................117
3.9.7 探照燈分析........................................118
3.9.7 腦波資料前處理....................................119
3.9.8 單通道腦波資料離散計算方法.........................121
3.9.9 相關分析..........................................122
3.9.10 資料探勘之次序分析................................123
第四章 資料分析.........................................125
4.1 等候時間資訊實驗之問卷分析...........................125
4.1.1 敘述性統計........................................125
4.1.2 常態檢定..........................................127
4.1.3 信度分析..........................................128
4.1.4 個人時間風格之樣本分組結果.........................129
4.1.5 等候容忍度之樣本分組結果...........................130
4.1.6 迴歸分析..........................................131
4.1.7 探照燈分析........................................133
4.2 等候時間資訊實驗之腦波分析...........................136
4.2.1 等候時間資訊之腦波歷程分析.........................137
4.2.2 離散計算與原始腦波數值之相關性檢定..................138
4.2.3 資料探勘之次序分析檢定結果.........................138
4.3 排隊人數資訊實驗之問卷分析...........................140
4.3.1 敘述性統計........................................140
4.3.2 常態檢定..........................................142
4.3.3 信度檢定..........................................143
4.3.4 迴歸分析..........................................143
4.4 排隊資訊實驗之腦波分析...............................145
4.4.1 排隊人數資訊之腦波歷程分析.........................146
第五章 結論與建議.......................................152
5.1 研究結論............................................152
5.2 管理意涵............................................153
5.3 研究限制與建議......................................153
附錄一 台灣產業發展現況..................................175
附錄二 第二章補充內容....................................176
附錄三 CFA分析說明......................................206
附錄四 等候歷程認知前測問卷..............................211
附錄五 等候歷程認知問卷各問項之相關矩陣表..................213
附錄六 個人時間風格問卷前測..............................215
附錄七 個人時間風格問項之相關矩陣表.......................217
附錄八 受試者篩選用問卷..................................218
附錄九 腦波遊戲測試參與同意書.............................220
附錄十 排隊人數資訊實驗同意書.............................223
附錄十一 腦波遊戲體驗調查問卷.............................226
附錄十二 排隊人數資訊實驗問卷.............................228
附錄十三 等候時間資訊實驗可用腦波資料統計表................234
附錄十四 等候人數資訊實驗之受試者決策統計表................237
附錄十五 ICA分析結果....................................241
附錄十六 成功大學人類研究倫理審查通過證明..................249
Extended Abstract......................................250
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