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論文名稱(外文):Study on the Influence of Employee Attractiveness as Employee Engagement and Organizational Commitment in Hospitality Industry – Case of Bali Indonesia
外文關鍵詞:Employee AttractivenessEmployee EngagementOrganizational CommitmentHospitality IndustryBaliIndonesia
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Study on the Influence of Employee Attractiveness as Employee Engagement and Organizational Commitment in Hospitality Industry –
Case of Bali Indonesia

Student: Marcella Vania Advisor: Tsai-Lung Ming, Ph.D

Chinese Culture University
Employee attractiveness, employee engagement and organizational commitment has been concerned in practical human resources issues but lack in academic area. Bali is one of the most favorite destination to visit in Indonesia and unless four hundred thousands of foreigner visited Bali in this five past years. This study aims to identify the influences of employee attractiveness, employee engagement and organizational commitment in hospitality industry in Bali, Indonesia. A questionnaire survey were conducted with 407 hotel employees in Bali, Indonesia, consisted of employee attractiveness variable (15 attributes), employee engagement (9 attributes) and organizational commitment (15 attributes). Simple linear regression and Pearson’s correlation analysis were used to examine the research hypotheses. As a result, there is positive effect of employee engagement to organizational commitment, employee attractiveness to organizational commitment and employee attractiveness to employee engagement.

Keywords: Employee Attractiveness, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Hospitality Industry, Bali, Indonesia


ABSTRACT…………… iii
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Contributions 4
1.3 Scope of the Study 4
1.4 Research Procedure 4
1.5 The Structure of this Study 6
2.1 Definition of Variable Construct 7
2.1.1 Employee Attractiveness 8
2.1.2 Employee Engagement 9
2.1.3 Organizational Commitment 10
2.1.4 Indonesia’s Tourism 11
2.1.5 Tourism and Hospitality Industry 12
3.1 Conceptual Framework 15
3.2 Research Design 16
3.3 Participants 17
3.4 Procedure 17
3.5 Variables 18
3.6 Data Analysis Procedure 19
3.6.1 Descriptive Analysis 19
3.6.2 Validness of Data 19
3.6.3 Hypothesis Testing 20
3.7 Hypotheses 20
3.8 Pre-test Result 23
3.8.1 Descriptive Analysis 23
3.8.2 Reliability and Validity Test 25 Employee Attractiveness 26 Employee Engagement 28 Organizational Commitment 29
3.8.3 Mean and Standard Deviation 30
4.1 Descriptive Analysis of Further Study 34
4.2 Validness of The Data 39
4.3 Hypothesis Result 44
4.3.1 Simple Linear Regression Analysis 45
4.3.2 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis 52
5.1 Research Conclusion 54
5.2 Limitation and Suggestion 55


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