Guang yan yi bian is one of the most important works of the “Yan yi” novel collections. It continues the theme and basic construction of Yan yi bian, and keep the genuine appearance during selecting and editing, ensuring the preservation of rare works and also have a better adjustment and explanation. Later, Guang yan yi bian not only has become in the selection of Xu yan yi bian, but also a reference for many late works. However, scholars seldom use Guang yan yi bian as research topic. This thesis takes Wu, Da-Zhen, Guang yan yi bian as the topic, and have a full observation and discussion on the compilers and Guang yan yi bian. This thesis firstly examines the life of the compilers and, taking the past research and articles as references thus defines the timeframe of Wu, Da-Zhen’s life, then tracks down his courtesy name and native place. Furthermore, it discusses the versions and compliance of Guang yan yi bian based on the preface, notes and historical background. The chapter 3 concludes the main resource origin and the relation between this work and others, based on the examination and analysis of records for post works and 595 articles of Guang yan yi bian. The Chapter 4, it is about the range and contents of 25 categories in Guang yan yi bian, and explain its literary value and its impaction on the later works. Finally, it discusses about other novels in Yan Yi, and specifies the relation between them and Guang yan yi bian. With the research and discussion, hope we could provide a deeper understanding of Wu, Da-Zhen’s Guang yan yi bian to scholars, and show the value of his compilation.