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研究生(外文):Weronika Monica Skibicka
論文名稱:Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates - Cases Analysis
論文名稱(外文):Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates - Cases Analysis
指導教授(外文):Chen, Huei-Fang
口試委員(外文):Ku, Hsuan-HsuanChen, Mei-Fang
外文關鍵詞:globalizationcross-cultural adjustmentexpatriates
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The advent of globalization results in more and more employees being sent on international assignments to other countries. With the number of expatriates and their families who live and work in foreign countries increased in recent years, culture shock became a phenomenon.
This study offers important implications concerning the identification of successful cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates. It introduces the problem of a culture shock as the extent of the differences in cultures between the expatriate's home country and the foreign country.
Used five cases analysis allows to examine in details the subject of international adjustment of assignees and their families to the new environment.
Keywords: globalization, cross-cultural adjustment, expatriates

The advent of globalization results in more and more employees being sent on international assignments to other countries. With the number of expatriates and their families who live and work in foreign countries increased in recent years, culture shock became a phenomenon.
This study offers important implications concerning the identification of successful cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates. It introduces the problem of a culture shock as the extent of the differences in cultures between the expatriate's home country and the foreign country.
Used five cases analysis allows to examine in details the subject of international adjustment of assignees and their families to the new environment.
Keywords: globalization, cross-cultural adjustment, expatriates

Table of Contents i
List of Tables iii
List of Figures iv
Abstract v
Acknowledge vi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Expatriate and Expatriation 5
2.2 Cross-Cultural Adjustment 6
Chapter 3 Methodology 10
3.1 Case Study 10
3.2 Research Method 11
3.3 Cases used in this work 11
Chapter 4 Case Study and Analysis 15
Case 1 Jaguar or Bluebird? (A) Mark Chan’s decision to stay overseas or return home after his expatriate assignment. 18
Case 2 Working in a Sheltered enclave Shanghai, China 24
Case 3 Fred Bailey: An Innocent Abroad 27
Case 4 Jaguar or bluebird? (B)Mark Chan returns home after his expatriate assignment. 31
Case 5: Re-entry shock: A family affair 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions 40
5.1 Conclusion 40
5.2 Suggestions 45
References 46

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8.Reiche, B. S., Stahl G.K., Mendenhall M.E., Oddou, R.G. (2012), Fred Bailey, An Inncoent Abroad- Case, Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavioir, p. 269
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10.Stahl, G.K., Chua, Ch. H., France, R. (2003), Jaguar or Bluebird: (B) Mark Chan returns home after his expatriate assigment1 case, INSEAD Singapore
11.Waxin, F. M. (2004), Expatriates' interaction adjustment: the direct and moderator effects of culture of origin, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 28(1), 61-79
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19.Vance, M. C., Paik, Y. (2015) Working in a sheltered enclave in Shanghai, China case, Managing a Global Workforce, p. 301
20.Vance, M. C., Paik, Y. (2015) Re-entry shock, a family affair- Case, Managing a Global Workforce, p. 301

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