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論文名稱(外文):Estimating term structure of interest rates using genetic algorithms
外文關鍵詞:Nelson-SiegelSvenssonYield CurveGenetic Algorithm
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本研究探討以Nelson-Siegel曲線配適(curve fitting)為基礎所發展之利率模型,在某一固定時間點,以市場之殖利率曲線內含的水平移動(level),斜率變化(slope)及曲度變化(curvature),可通過Nelson-Siegel模型表現出來,Nelson-Siegel模型參數分別表示殖利率曲線的水平移動、斜率變化與曲度變化,此外Diebold and Li(2006)針對參數的解釋發現具有經濟意涵,可視為長期、短期與中期利率因子,而Svensson模型上多了第二個駝峰或第二個U型位置的表達,發現曲線表達比原Nelson-Siegel更為豐富,原level及slope的效果也與原Nelson-Siegel看法雷同,此外具有經濟意涵的參數在世界各國央行眼中,可廣泛的被利用來觀察各國債券市場利率概況,而模型參數的估計決定了殖利率曲線的準確性,本研究在求解的過程中,除了用傳統的最小平方法外,還是第一次應用基因演算法於臺灣公債市場找出殖利率曲線模型參數並畫出公債殖利率曲線。
This research studies the curve-fitting of yield curve via Nelson-Siegel model. The level, slope and curvature of a yield curve can be captured using Nelson-Siegel model. Diebold and Li (2006) justify that the three parameters exhibit the macroeconomic meaning of level, slope and curvature. The long-term, short-term and medium-term interest rates are represented as factors in their model. When compared to the Nelson-Siegel model, the Svensson model gives a second hump, or U-shape in modeling the yield curve. The effects of level, slope and curvature are also captured in this model. The macroeconomic meanings of the parameters provide central banks a tool to monitor yield curves of fixed income securities markets worldwide. Estimation of parameters affects the accuracy of yield curves. This study applies nonlinear least squares method as well as genetic algorithms on Taiwanese government bonds market to find the parameters of Nelson-Siegel model and plot the government bonds yield curves. This study is the first of its kind to implement genetic algorithms in Taiwanese government bonds market.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 iv
表目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 利率期限結構型態 3
第二節 基因演算法 7
第三章 研究模型 9
第一節 Nelson-Siegel殖利率曲線模型介紹 9
第二節 Svensson殖利率曲線模型介紹 11
第四章 實證資料分析 12
第一節 資料對象與來源說明 12
第二節 實證資料分析 13
第五章 結論與建議 19

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