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研究生(外文):Cho, Chun-Jou
論文名稱(外文):A study of the Influential Factors of Organization Training on Organization Identification and Employee Performance
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Ying-Ni
口試委員(外文):Lu, Liang-ChenCheng, Shu-Hua
外文關鍵詞:organizational trainingorganizational identificationemployee contextual performancejob meaningfulnessperceived organizational support
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組織需要透過一連串有計畫的措施讓組織蓬勃營運,這些措施通常包含經由組織訓練來發展員工。一般而言,組織訓練普遍存在於各種職業中,其最大目的是提升效能,因此探討組織訓練會透過何種歷程進而影響績效與組織認同就顯得十分重要。為此,本研究旨在探討「知覺組織支持」在「組織訓練」對「工作意義」關係之調節效果,及「工作意義」對「組織訓練」與「組織認同」及「員工脈絡績效」的中介 (mediating) 效果。本研究採軍隊及民間企業內部屬與上司作為配對樣本 (N = 263),研究結果發現:「組織訓練」對「組織認同」、「員工脈絡績效」及「工作意義」具有正向顯著關係;「組織訓練」有助提高員工「工作意義」,進而影響「組織認同」; 然而「工作意義」僅邊緣顯著正向影響「員工脈絡績效」。再者,「知覺組織支持」對於「組織訓練」與「工作意義」之間的關係無調節效果。
Organizations need to have a series of planned programs to enable vigorous development of organizational operations. These programs typically contain developing staff through training. In order to achieve its main goal of improving effectiveness, organizational trainings often exist in a variety of occupations, hence it is very important to discuss the process of how trainings influence performance and organizational identification. For this reason, this study examines the moderating effects of perceived organizational support on the relationship between organizational trainings and job meaningfulness; it also examines the mediating effects of job meaningfulness on the relationship between organizational trainings and organizational identification and the relationship between organizational trainings and employee contextual performance. This study by investigating 263 subordinates and superiors as matched samples from Taiwan Army and private companies. The results show that significant positive effects were found in the relationship between organizational trainings and organizational identification, between organizational trainings and employee contextual performance, and between organization trainings and job meaningfulness. Organizational trainings would increase employees’ job meaningfulness, thereby affecting their organizational identification. However, there was only a marginal significant effect between the relationship of job meaningfulness and employee contextual performance. Meanwhile, there was no significant interaction effect of organizational trainings and perceived organizational support on job meaningfulness.
摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目次 Ⅲ
表目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
附錄 Ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 組織訓練與組織認同 4
第二節 組織訓練與員工脈絡績效 8
第三節 組織訓練與工作意義 10
第四節 工作意義之中介效果:組織訓練與組織認同 14
第五節 工作意義之中介效果:組織訓練與員工脈絡績效 16
第六節 知覺組織支持的調節效果 17
第三章 研究方法 20
第一節 研究架構 20
第二節 研究假設 21
第三節 研究變項之定義 21
第四節 研究工具設計 23
第五節 樣本選擇及抽樣方式 31
第六節 信度與因素分析 31
第四章 研究結果 33
第一節 組織訓練量表預試結果 33
第二節 正式施測 41
第五章 綜合討論 60
第一節 研究結果摘要 60
第二節 研究結果意涵 61
第三節 研究限制與建議 66
第四節 結語 68
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