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研究生(外文):TAI, KUO-FENG
論文名稱(外文):The Wifi Agile Mobile Doctor's Visit Information System
指導教授(外文):LI, KUN-QING
外文關鍵詞:Information Systems
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In this study, by physicians and staff needs continuous discussions and interviews , the current relevant medical records manual operation mode , change to change processes through medical information systems , and after the interview needs to provide the physician staff confirmed to be the prototype of the screen , in order to reduce system architecture and the number of changes to shorten the development time away. Information system just on the line early , in order to avoid the physician staff not suited processes and patterns change , or that the operation time is increased and unwilling to cooperate , is immediate and coordinated way through communication , real-time functional changes , practical solutions to the following issues for physicians staff.
1. Reduce paper work ( toward paperless goal ) and physicians ask patients to repeat the condition of the job.
2. The former physician rounds do not need to print out the basic patient information , medical advice and all kinds of examination and inspection reports, you can save a lot of paper and printer supplies costs .
3. The immediate query patient data and test results related reports , do not need to manually copy and Medicine Nursing and inspection reports and other information, save time and avoid false positives caused by illegible handwriting .
4. Instant online medical files and without the need to carry heavy paper pharmacopoeia of this document, in addition to increasing the efficiency of health care workers can avoid each nursing station to grab the computer case .
5. Instant online query latest pharmaceutical urge patients to open and take situation , without repeating rummage heavy paper records.
6. Instant online patient records and precautions need to master the hand- hospital patients with recent cases ( eg : physician diagnosis and medication , previous inspection reports and images, medical records and patient summaries of the latest previous discharge medication status ) .
The purpose of medical information systems development is to use computers to simplify manual tasks , reducing the frequency of repeat operations and enhance efficiency. The development of this system , in addition to enhance operational efficiency and service quality , the other to reduce the pressure on health care jobs , while improving health care manpower shortage phenomenon.
Keywords : Information Systems

目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 醫療資訊系統4
2.2 行動醫療資訊系統4
2.3 軟體開發模式5
2.4 統一塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)9
2.5 本章小結 14
第三章 醫師巡房資訊系統建置研究方法15
3.1 現行醫院醫師巡房所遇困境及資訊系統架構15
3.2 系統開發模式18
3.3 病患就醫住院流程圖19
3.4 醫師巡房紀錄作業21
3.5 醫師巡房系統分析及設計22
第四章 系統實作及成效32
4.1 系統各項實作驗證圖32
4.2 系統成效65
第五章 結論與未來展望67
5.1 結論67
5.2 未來展望68


表 3 1 醫師巡房前自行膳打電子檔16
表 3 2 醫療資料介接格式24
表 3 3 系統架構實際功能細項26
表 3 4 查房清單各功能細項27
表 4 1 醫師巡房系統使用後之問卷調查65


圖 2-1 雛型模式流程圖7
圖 2-2 系統開發週期、雛型版本、及需求之演進8
圖 3 1 醫療資訊系統架構圖17
圖 3 2 雛型模式流程圖18
圖 3 3 病患就醫作業流程圖19
圖 3 4 住院作業流程圖20
圖 3 5 醫師巡房實務流程圖21
圖 3 6 醫師巡房系統作業流程圖23
圖 3 7 醫師巡房資料流程圖23
圖 3 8 資料庫實體類別關聯圖24
圖 3 9 醫療格式轉換圖25
圖 4 1 系統登入作業32
圖 4 2 系統參數設定33
圖 4 3 系統閒置判定34
圖 4 4 系統環境35
圖 4 5 主功能選單35
圖 4 6 系統功能列36
圖 4 7 病房清單36
圖 4 8 病人清單37
圖 4 9 病人狀態37
圖 4 10 藥物查詢37
圖 4 11 查房系統畫面38
圖 4 12 病人基本住院資訊39
圖 4 13 住院診斷40
圖 4 14 DRG41
圖 4 15 住院醫囑42
圖 4 16 藥辨系統42
圖 4 17 檢驗報告43
圖 4 18 檢驗報告曲線圖44
圖 4 19 微生物報告44
圖 4 20 微生物報告內容45
圖 4 21 病理報告45
圖 4 22 病理報告內容46
圖 4 23 檢查報告47
圖 4 24 檢查報告內容47
圖 4 25 檢視影像48
圖 4 26 會診通知49
圖 4 27 病情摘要49
圖 4 28 會診目的50
圖 4 29 回覆內容50
圖 4 30 個人病史51
圖 4 31 家族病史52
圖 4 32 禁忌用藥52
圖 4 33 重大傷病53
圖 4 34 出院病摘54
圖 4 35 歷次處方55
圖 4 36 手術紀錄56
圖 4 37 生命徵象57
圖 4 38 護理紀錄58
圖 4 39 藥物治療59
圖 4 40 血糖值60
圖 4 41 醫師備註61
圖 4 42 手繪圖62
圖 4 43 手繪圖紀錄62
圖 4 44 手繪圖內容63
圖 4 45 交班留言64

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