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論文名稱(外文):The effects of additive on the fabrication of polysulfone hollow fiber membrane
外文關鍵詞:polysulfonehollow fiber membranepolyethylene glycolpolyvinylpyrrolidone
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本研究係將聚碸溶解於 N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP),加熱溶解後的高分子溶液
經由乾濕式紡絲法製備中空纖維膜。藉由添加 PEG、PVP、NaOH 等添加劑與改
試驗器測定滲水量。在聚碸之 NMP 溶液系統中,實驗結果顯示,添加劑的改變
實驗結果顯示,使用 22 wt%聚碸高分子為最佳條件下製備的中空纖維膜,
滲水通量和拉伸應力為 154.6 LMH / Bar 和 2.62 MPa,添加 1 wt%聚乙烯吡咯烷
酮(Mw3500)為最佳條件下製備中空纖維膜滲透通量為 113.6 LMH / Bar,添加 1
wt%聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Mw30000)為最佳條件下製備中空纖維膜滲透通量為 54.9
LMH / Bar,添加 5 wt%聚乙二醇(Mw1000)為最佳條件下製備製備的中空纖維膜
滲透通量和拉伸應力為 225.4 LMH / Bar 和 2.41 MPa,添加 5 wt%聚乙二醇
(Mw8000) 為最佳條件下製備中空纖維膜滲透通量和拉伸應力為 346.4 LMH /
Bar 和 2.26 MPa,添加 5 wt%氫氧化鈉(0.48 wt%)為最佳條件下製備中空纖維膜
滲透通量和拉伸強度為 277.0 LMH/Ba 和 2.38MPa。
The dry/wet spinning method was employed to make, the hollow fiber
membranes with PSF/NMP/additives systems by altering adding PVP,PEG,NaOH
additives. The morphologies of the hollow fiber membranes were investigated by a
scanning electron microscope (SEM), tensile stress and elongation measured with a
materials testing machine,water permeation rate; Determined by a monotube UF
hollow fiber pure permeant flux tester. In this investigation, the permeation flux was
increase and the tensile strength was decreases with the addition of polyethylene
glycol(PEG),while the permeation flux and the tensile strength was decrease with
additive polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP)
Experimental results show that hollow fiber membrane prepared using 22 wt%
polysulfone without adding addtive, which permeation flux is 154.6 LMH / Bar and
tensile stress is 2.62 MPa. Adding 1 wt% polyvinylpyrrolidone(Mw3500) polysulfone
hollow fiber membrane, which permeation flux is 113.6 LMH / Bar.Adding 1 wt%
polyvinylpyrrolidone(Mw30000) polysulfone hollow fiber membrane, which
perm-eation flux is 54.9 LMH / Bar. Adding 5 wt% polyethylene glycol(Mw1000)
polysulfone hollow fiber membrane, which permeation flux is 225.4 LMH / Bar and
tensile stress is 2.41 MPa. Adding 5 wt%polyethylene glycol(Mw8000) polysulfone
hollow fiber membrane, which permeation flux is 346.4 LMH / Bar and tensile stress
2.26 MPa. Adding 5 wt% sodium hydroxide (0.49 wt%) polysulfone hollow fiber
membrane, which permeation flux is 277.0 LMH / Bar and tensile stress 2.38 MPa.
Keyword: polysulfone、hollow fiber membrane、polyethylene glycol、
摘要........................................................................................................................ I
第一章 緒論..........................................................................................................1
1.1 前言.........................................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的.................................................................................................2
1.3 文獻回顧.................................................................................................2
1.3.1 薄膜分類......................................................................................2
1.3.2 薄膜製備方式..............................................................................4
1.3.3 相轉移法......................................................................................6
1.3.4 浸入沉澱法..................................................................................8
1.3.5 中空纖維膜..................................................................................9
1.3.6 控制參數....................................................................................10
第二章 實驗設備與方法....................................................................................11
2.1 實驗藥品................................................................................................11
2.2 實驗設備與儀器....................................................................................12
2.3 實驗方法...............................................................................................13
2.3.1 聚碸高分子溶液之製備............................................................13
2.3.2 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮/聚碸高分子溶液之製備 ..............................13
2.3.3 聚乙二醇/聚碸高分子溶液之製備 ..........................................13
2.3.4 中空纖維膜之製備....................................................................14
2.4 中空纖維膜之微結構分析....................................................................15
2.5 中空纖維膜之拉伸強度測試................................................................15
2.6 中空纖維膜之滲水通量測試................................................................16
2.7 中空纖維膜之空孔面積率計算............................................................18
第三章 結果與討論............................................................................................20
3.1 改變聚碸濃度對於中空纖維膜之影響................................................20
3.1.1 改變聚碸高分子濃度對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.............20
3.1.2 改變聚碸高分子濃度對中空纖維膜結構及機械性質之探討.27
3.3 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Mw3500)對於中空纖維膜之影響 ..................36
3.3.1 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.............36
3.3.2 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮對中空纖維膜結構及機械性質之探討.43
3.4 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(Mw30000)對於中空纖維膜之影響 ................46
3.4.1 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.............46
3.4.2 添加聚乙烯吡咯烷酮對中空纖維膜結構及機械性質之探討.53
3.5 添加聚乙二醇(Mw1000)對於中空纖維膜之影響 ..............................56
3.5.1 添加聚乙二醇對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.........................56
3.5.2 添加聚乙二醇對中空纖維膜結構及機械性質之探討.............64
3.6 添加聚乙二醇(Mw8000)對於中空纖維膜之影響 ..............................68
3.6.1 添加聚乙二醇對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.........................68
3.6.2 添加聚乙二醇(Mw8000)對中空纖維膜結構及機械性質之探討
3.6.3 添加聚乙二醇後存放至甘油之滲水通量研究及探討.............94
3.7 添加氫氧化鈉對於中空纖維膜之影響..............................................103
3.7.1 添加氫氧化鈉對中空纖維膜滲水通量之影響.......................103
第四章 結論...................................................................................................... 111
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