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論文名稱(外文):Reduced Computation of Speech Coder Using a Voice Activity Detection Algorithm
外文關鍵詞:VAD algorithmReduction computational complexityG.723.1
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The explosive growth of Internet use and multimedia technology, multimedia communication is integrated into a personal information machine nowadays, and due to the latter’s limited computational capability, the need for a coder with low computational complexity to match different hardware platforms and integrate the services of media sources has arisen. For an Internet or wireless speech communicator, heavy computation uses more power and contributes to higher pricing of the communicator or reduced battery life. In order to achieve the real-time and continuity of speech communication, reduction of computational complexity for the speech coder is desirable for modern communication systems. In this thesis, we use a Voice Activity Detection (VAD) algorithm, which is merely used to classify the speech signal into two types of frames, active frames and inactive frames in our proposed method.
We analyzed the characteristic of the inactive speech signals in our experiments. The experimental results are obvious that the encoding parameters are uniform distributed for the inactive speech subframes. Therefore, if the current frame is an inactive speech frame, then the code excited signal of current frame is not encoded instead of random arrangement the encoding parameters for the codebook structure. The Overall simulation results indicate that the average perceptual evaluation of speech quality score is degraded slightly, by 0.023, and our proposed methods can reduce total computational complexity by about 30% relative to the original G.723.1 encoder computation load with perceptually negligible degradation.

摘 要
致 謝
目 錄
第1章 簡介
1.1 語音編碼技術背景
1.2 ITU-T制定語音編碼標準
1.3 論文研究目的
1.4 論文大綱
第2章 G.723.1語音編碼器
2.1 CELP編碼架構
2.2 ITU-T G.723.1語音編碼器
2.3 音框處理(Framer)
2.4 高通濾波器(High Pass Filter)
2.5 線性預估編碼分析(LPC Analysis)
2.6 線頻譜對量化(LSP Quantizer)
2.7 共振峰感官加權濾波器(FPWF)
2.8 開迴路基週預估(Pitch Estimator)
2.9 閉迴路適應性基週預估器(Pitch Predictor)
2.10 諧波雜訊濾波器(Harmonic Noise Shaping)
2.11 代數碼激發線性預估(ACELP)
2.12 語音活動檢測(VAD)
2.13 語音品質評估(PESQ)
第3章 非活動語音訊號編碼參數特性之分析
3.1 閉迴路適應性基週預估器編碼參數特性之分析
3.1.1 五階閉迴路適應性基週(pitch lag)特性之分析
3.1.2 五階閉迴路適應性基週增益(gain)特性之分析
3.2 ACELP 碼簿參數特性之分析
3.2.1 ACELP激發脈衝位置與極性之特性分析
3.2.2 ACELP激發脈衝增益(Gain)特性之分析
第4章 計算複雜度與語音品質的評估實驗
4.1 隨機閉迴路基週參數對音質的評估實驗
4.2 隨機ACELP碼激參數對音質的評估實驗
4.3 非活動語音訊號使用隨機編碼參數對音質之評估
第5章 結論
Computational Complexity Reduction of G.723.1 oder Using a voice activity detection Algorithm
Efficient Reduction Computational Complexity For Speech Coding


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