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論文名稱(外文):Operational Efficiency of Coagulation Units in Varied Full-Scale Plants by Fluorescent Signal and Isothermal Adsorption Model by Alum Jar-Test.
外文關鍵詞:Jar TestExcitation Emission Fluorescence Matrix (EEFM)Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC)High performance size exclusion chromatography(HPSEC)Humic substancesFulvic acidmolecular weightRed shiftBlue shift
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本研究選取南部澄清湖(CCL)、拷潭(KT)及牡丹(MT)淨水廠,比較實廠不同氧化劑後加混凝單元對水中顆粒性及有機物參數移除效能之差異性,另選取CCL及MT實際原水於不同溫度下添加不同混凝劑量進行瓶杯試驗,瞭解有機物去除效能及評估有機碳量及螢光各種參數等溫吸附模式之可行性,並藉由有機物螢光激發發射光譜圖(Excitation emission fluorescent matrix, EEFM)+平行因子(Parallel factor analysis, PARACFAC)進行有機物主成份分析,並瞭解不同溫度下各組成份之激發及發射波長移動之差別。其中顆粒性參數包括濁度顆粒性平均粒徑及界達電位測定;在有機物部分, EEFM進行各種有機物性質指標轉化,表現有機物性質經氧化劑/混凝劑單元之變化,同時透過高效能層析儀配合DAD 偵檢器利用HPSEC(High performance size exclusion chromatography)分析管柱進行有機物分子量大小量測,再透過總有機碳測定儀進行水中非揮發性溶解性有機碳(non-purgable dissolved organic carbon, NPDOC)之定量。
結果顯示,CCL淨水廠前臭氧/混凝沉澱對濁度移除優於KT及MT淨水廠之前加氯/混凝沉澱;在膠體粒徑,CCL可有效降低平均粒徑,但KT及MT膠體平均粒徑反而升高。CCL對NPDOC移除效能較其它兩水廠為佳。三水廠螢光光譜部分,包括似黃酸(fulvic-like)及似腐植酸(humic-like)成份的減量及部分激發發射波鋒位置均有發生消失、強度消減或位置之移動,推測應與氧化劑與混凝劑的添加量相關。三水廠有機物主要分子量大小分別為43~76 kDa、47~110 kDa、69~110 kDa,經前氧化劑/混凝後,其波峰強度及積分面積均呈現大幅減少之現象。另實驗室以CCL及MT原水進行混凝等溫吸附實驗,濁度、顆粒粒徑、膠體表面電位絕對值,皆隨明礬劑量添加呈現減少,其中以35℃混凝移除效能最佳,最佳劑量落在2.5 mg-Al3+/L。關於NPDOC值去除最佳劑量,CCL 15℃及35℃為1.5 mg-Al3+/L,25℃則是1 mg-Al3+/L,MT三種溫度皆為2 mg-Al3+/L。鋁混凝去除NPDOC之吸附模式,僅有25oC模擬較佳,其餘溫度下之模擬不佳,可能與鋁與有機物亦可能形成錯合,非僅以吸附機制預測。CCL以Freundlich之預測(R=0.8028)較Langmuir吸附模型(R=0.6729)為優;MT於NPDOC及第五類有機物似腐植質皆是以Langmuir吸附模型為優;利用EEFM+PARAFAC平行因子法解析CCL及MT原水有機物螢光特徵成份,前者C1(240、328/430 nm)、C2(264、350/466 nm)及C3(224、290/385 nm),後者C1(234、308/406)、C2(254、340/454)及C3(276、370/490),CCL 經15℃ 之混凝後,三種成分皆有明顯紅移現象且移動範圍最大;MT三主成分在不同溫度混凝作用後,激發發射波長皆呈現藍移現象,移動範圍C1以15℃為最大,25及35℃範圍相似;C2及C3成份皆是25℃移動範圍最大,不同主成分激發/發射波長移動現象及螢光強度百分比變化應與腐植質中官能基與鋁離子作用的機制不同相關。

In this paper, three water plants including Cheng-Ching Lake (CCL), Kaotan (KT), and Mudan (MT) in southern Taiwan were compared in the efficiency of removing particles and organic matter by the treatment units which are pre-oxidized by adding different oxidant following to coagulation. In order to investigate the absorption model for removing particles and organic matter, and evaluate the feasibility of isothermal absorption model applied to some parameters like total organic carbon(TOC) and fluorescent intensity related with organic matter, the jar tests individually using CCL and MT source water were also completed at various temperature and coagulant dose. In addition, excitation emission fluorescent matrix (EEFM) combined with Parallel factor analysis (PARACFAC) was used to indicate the variation of major ingredients of organic matter in jar tests. In this research, particle’s parameters such as turbidity, average particle size and zeta potential were measured to indicate the variation of particle property. Regarding to the parameters related with the property of organic matter, EEFM obtained by fluorometer, molecular weight (MW) measured by High performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) combined with DAD detector, and non-purgable dissolved organic carbon (NPDOC) measured by total organic carbon meter (TOC) were used to indicate the variation of the property of organic matter in oxidation/coagulation units.
The results indicated that removing of turbidity for pre-ozonation/coagulation units of CCL is superior to that for pre-chlorination/coagulation units of MT and KT. Average particle size of colloid in units of CCL was reduced, but that in units of MT and KT was enhanced. CCL has better ability to remove NPDOC than MT and KT. The fluorescent spectrum variation related with humus including fulvc-like and humic-like in three water plants all appeared that the target peak might vanish or its intensity became weak or the shift of emission wavelength or excitation wavelength in spectrum, which might be attributed to the dose of oxidant and coagulant. Molecular weight cut-offs of organic matter detected in three water plants were distributed in 43~76 kDa, 47~110 kDa, 69~110 kDa and after oxidation/coagulation units, the peak intensity and area were greatly decreased. In addition, the jar tests for isothermal absorption model were done by individually using CCL and MT source water. The results showed that as the dose of coagulant increased , turbidity, average particle size and zeta potential absolute value decreased, and the efficiency of removing was the best at 35℃ and the optimal dose 2.5 mg-Al3+/L. The optimal dose of coagulant in removing NPDOC for CCL was 1.5 mg-Al3+/L at 15℃ and 35℃, and 1.0 mg-Al3+/L at 25℃; for MT, the optimal dose was 2 mg-Al3+/L at the above temperatures. The isothermal adsorption model of removing NPDOC by aluminum salt only fitted better at 25℃ and fitted worse at the other temperatures. The reason might be attributed to complexing of aluminum ion with organic matter, which did not follow the absorption mechanism. For jar tests of CCL source water , we found that Freundlich model (R=0.8028) applied to NPDOC removing fitted better than Langmuir model (R=0.6729) did, but for MT test, Langmuir model individually applied to NPDOC and humus-like peak intensity in EEFM had a better fit. In addition, EEFM combined with PARACFAC was used to extract the major characteristic ingredients from organic fluorescent groups in spectrum for CCL and MT source water, which appear at C1(240, 328/430 nm), C2(264,350/466 nm) and C3(224, 290/385 nm) for CCL source water , and C1(234, 308/406 nm)、C2(254, 340/454 nm) and C3(276, 370/490 nm) for MT source water. After jar tests of CCL source water, whole three components (C1, C2 and C3) in spectrum arose red shift at 15℃ and the shift was the greatest. For MT source water tests, whole three components in spectrum arose blue shift at various temperature, excitation wavelength and emission wavelength, and the shift for C1 was the greatest at 15℃ and was close at 25℃ and 35℃; the shift for C2 and C3 was the greatest at 25℃. This may be related with the different mechanisms happened in the reaction between functional group in humic matter and aluminium ion.

摘要 II
Abstract IV
致謝 VII
第一章 前言 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 有機物之性質 3
2-1-1 有機物之分類 3
2-1-2 有機物對淨水程序影響 4
2-1-3 光譜分析在有機物之應用 5
2-1-3-1 紫外光吸收 5
2-1-3-2 螢光激發發射光譜 (Excitation-emission fluorescent matrix, EEFM) 6
2-2 混凝機制及影響因子 9
2-2-1 鋁鹽之水化學 9
2-2-2 顆粒去穩定機制及有機物的混凝去除 10
2-2-3影響混凝效果之參數 14
2-2-4 混凝對有機物及濁度去除之效能 15
2-3吸附模式 17
2-3-1吸附型態 17
2-3-2 等溫吸附模式 19
第三章 研究架構、材料及分析方法 22
3-1 研究流程之規劃 22
3-2 淨水廠處理流程及規格 22
3-2-1 澄清湖(CCL)淨水廠 24
3-2-2 拷潭(KT)淨水廠 25
3-2-3 牡丹(MT)淨水廠 26
3-3 瓶杯試驗及實驗材料 26
3-3-1瓶杯試驗 26
3-3-2鋁離子之配置 27
3-4 實驗參數分析 27
3-4-1濁度 27
3-4-2粒徑分析及表面電位測定 27
3-4-3非揮發性溶解性有機碳(non-purgable dissolved organic carbon, NPDOC) 29
3-4-4紫外光-可見光吸收光譜 29
3-4-5螢光激發發射光譜 EEFM 30
3-4-6 分子量分析 31
3-4-7 螢光激發發射光譜三維資料於MATLAB之操作 31
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1 實廠原水前氧化後接混凝對顆粒特性及有機物之去除 33
4-1-1 濁度、顆粒粒徑及表面電位 33
4-1-2有機物參數 39
4-1-2-1 NPDOC與SUVA值 39
4-1-2-2 螢光激發發射全譜圖 44
4-1-3分子量變化 58
4-2 等溫混凝瓶杯試驗 60
4-2-1濁度、顆粒粒徑及表面電位 60
4-2-2 有機物參數 65
4-1-2-1 NPDOC與SUVA值 65
4-1-2-2 螢光激發發射全譜圖 68
4-2-3 等溫吸附模式 82
4-3 混凝劑量對有機物主成份特徵波峰位置之影響 86
第五章 結論 93
第六章 建議 94
參考文獻 95
作者簡介 105

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